does not have to implement all the available classes. Moreover, classes can be
added at will without interfering with the existing views.
-\section{Bytecode compilation view}
+\section{Bytecode compilation}
The \glspl{mTask} are sent to the device in bytecode and are saved in the
-memory of the device. To compile the \gls{EDSL} code to bytecode a \gls{RWST}
-is used. The \gls{RWST} is a state transformer stacked on a \emph{Reader} monad
-and a \emph{Writer} monad. In this case the transformer part is not used.
-However, this can be done to add for example better runtime error handling.
+memory of the device. To compile the \gls{EDSL} code to bytecode, a view is
+added to the \gls{mTask}-system called \CI{ByteCode}. As shown in
+Listing~\ref{lst:bcview}, the \CI{ByteCode} view is a boxed \gls{RWST} that
+writes bytecode instructions (\CI{BC}) while carrying around a \CI{BCState}.
+The state is kept between devices and contains fresh variable names and a
+register of shares used.
+Types implementing the \gls{mTask} classes must have two free type variables.
+Therefore the \gls{RWST} is wrapped with a constructor and two phantom type
+variables are added. This means that the programmer has to unbox the
+\CI{ByteCode} object to be able to use return values for the monad. Tailor made
+access functions are used to achieve this with ease. The fresh variable stream
+in a compiler using an \gls{RWST} is often put in to the \emph{Reader} part of
+the monad. However, not all code is compiled immediately and later on the fresh
+variable stream can not contain variables that were used before. Therefore this
+information is put in the state which is kept between compilations.
+Not all types are suitable for usage in bytecode compiled programs. Every value
+used in the bytecode view must fit in the \CI{BCValue} type which restricts
+the content. Most notably, the type must be bytecode encodable. A \CI{BCValue}
+must be encodable and decodable without losing type or value information. At
+the moment a simple encoding scheme is used that uses a single byte prefixes to
+detect which type the value is. The devices know of these prefixes and act
+\begin{lstlisting}[language=Clean,label={lst:bcview},caption={Bytecode view}]
:: ByteCode a p = BC (RWS () [BC] BCState ())
:: BCValue = E.e: BCValue e & mTaskType, TC e
:: BCShare = {
instance serial ByteCode
-\section{Bytecode compilation view for \gls{mTask}}
-Compilation to bytecode
+\subsection{Helper functions}
+\subsection{Control Flow}
-aan de mTask DSL}
+\subsection{Shared Data Sources}