Clean System Files
--- /dev/null
+CLMLIBS?=-IL Platform
+all: $(BINARIES)
+%: %.icl
+ $(RM) -r Clean\ System\ Files a.out $(BINARIES)
--- /dev/null
+definition module format
+from StdOverloaded import class ==
+from Data.Error import :: MaybeError, :: MaybeErrorString
+:: FormatString
+instance == FormatString
+parseFormat :: [Char] -> MaybeErrorString FormatString
--- /dev/null
+implementation module format
+import StdEnv
+import Data.Func
+import Data.Either
+import Data.Error
+import Data.Functor
+import Data.List
+import Data.Maybe
+import Data.GenEq
+import Control.Applicative
+import Control.Monad
+import Text => qualified join
+import Text.Parsers.Simple.ParserCombinators
+:: FormatString :== [Format]
+:: Format
+ = FMTLiteral String
+ | FMTApply FormatFun [Format]
+:: FormatFun
+ = FFTag
+derive gEq Format, FormatFun
+instance == FormatString where == x y = x === y
+format :: [(String, String)] FormatString -> MaybeErrorString String
+format tags f = concat <$> mapM fmt f
+ fmt :: Format -> MaybeErrorString String
+ fmt (FMTLiteral s) = pure s
+ fmt (FMTApply fun args) = case (fun, args) of
+ (FFTag, [tag,alt])
+ = flip fromMaybe o flip lookup tags <$> fmt tag <*> fmt alt
+ (FFTag, _) = Error "`tag` must have exactly two arguments"
+ _ = Error "Unimplemented function"
+parseFormat :: [Char] -> MaybeErrorString FormatString
+parseFormat s = either (Error o concat) Ok (parse (some pFormat) s)
+pFormat :: Parser Char Format
+ = FMTApply <$ pToken '$' <*> pFormatFun <* pToken '{' <*> pSepBy pFormat pComma <* pToken '}'
+ <|> FMTLiteral <$> toString <$> some (
+ pToken '\\' *> pSatisfy (\x->isMember x ['${},'])
+ <|> pSatisfy (\x->not (isMember x ['$[],'])))
+pFormatFun :: Parser Char FormatFun
+pFormatFun = FFTag <$ pList (map pToken ['tag'])
import Text.GenJSON
import Data.Tree
+import format
derive JSONEncode RTree, FileInfo, Tm, MaybeError
derive JSONDecode RTree, FileInfo, Tm, MaybeError
-:: MusicDB :== RTree MusicEntry
-:: MusicEntry =
- { fe_filepath :: !FilePath
- , fe_fileinfo :: !MaybeOSError FileInfo
- , fe_musicentry :: [!Tag!]
- }
+:: MusicDB =
+ { mdb_format :: [Format]
+ , mdb_tree :: RTree
:: Tag =
{ tag_key :: !String
, tag_value :: !String
-index :: MusicDB (RTree (FilePath, MaybeOSError FileInfo)) *World -> *(MusicDB, *World)
-index (RNode mn mcs) (RNode (fp, mfi) fcs) w = (RNode mn mcs, w)
dbfile = "db.json"
root = "/mnt/data/music"
-writeDB db w
- # (ok, f, w) = fopen dbfile FWriteData w
- | not ok = abort "Cannot open file\n"
- # (ok, w) = fclose (f <<< toJSON db) w
- | not ok = abort "Cannot close file\n"
- = w
+writeJSON :: a String *World -> (MaybeErrorString (), *World) | JSONEncode{|*|} a
+writeJSON obj fp w
+ # (ok, f, w) = fopen fp FWriteData w
+ | not ok = (Error ("Cannot open " +++ fp +++ " as file"), w)
+ # (ok, w) = fclose (f <<< toJSON obj) w
+ | not ok = (Error ("Cannot close " +++ fp), w)
+ = (Ok (), w)
Start w
# (mfi, w) = getFileInfo root w
# (Ok fi) = mfi
| not fi.directory = abort "Root is not a directory\n"
# (tree, w) = readDirectoryTree root Nothing w
- # (db, w) = index (RNode {fe_filepath=root,fe_fileinfo=mfi,fe_musicentry=[!!]} []) tree w
- = writeDB tree w
+ = writeJSON tree dbfile w