}(G')$ where $\mathcal{L}(G)$ is the set of all words present in the DAWG.
+The algorithm of building DAWGs is an iterative process that goes roughly in
+three steps. We start with the null graph that can be described by
+$G_0=(\{q_0\},\{q_0\},\{\}\{\})$ and does not contain any edges, one node and
+ \item
-Pseudocode for the algorithm can be found in Listing~\ref{pseudodawg}.
Incrementally node-lists are added to create a graph. For example in
{Subgraphs in Figure}~\ref{dawg1} visualizes the construction of the
DAWG from the entries: \texttt{aibc}, \texttt{aibc} and \texttt{ajbd}.
+Pseudocode for the algorithm can be found in Listing~\ref{pseudodawg}.
In SG0 the graph is only the null graph, described by
$G=(\{q_0\},\{q_0\},\{\}\{\})$ and does not contain any entries.