m :: Env ([VarDecl], [FunDecl])
m = mapM semVarDecl vd >>= \vds ->
- mapM semFunDecl fd >>= \fds ->
- pure (vds, fds)
+ mapM semFunDecl fd >>= \fds1 ->
+ mapM semFunDecl fds1 >>= \fds2 ->
+ pure (vds, fds2)
semFunDecl :: FunDecl -> Env FunDecl
semFunDecl fd=:(FunDecl p f args mt vds stmts) =
- saveGamma >>= \gamma ->
(case mt of
- Nothing = let t = IdType f in putIdent f t >>| pure t
+ Nothing = genType args >>= \infft->putIdent f infft >>| pure infft
Just t = putIdent f t >>| pure t) >>= \ft ->
- matchFunctions args ft >>|
+ saveGamma >>= \gamma ->
+ matchFunctions args ft >>= \tres->
mapM semVarDecl vds >>= \newvds->
- mapM_ (checkStmt $ resultType ft) stmts >>|
- restoreGamma gamma >>|
- pure (FunDecl p f args mt newvds stmts)
-matchFunctions :: [String] Type -> Env Void
-matchFunctions [] (_ ->> _) = liftT $ Left $ Error "Niet genoeg argumentenerror"
-matchFunctions [] t = pure Void
+ mapM (checkStmt tres) stmts >>= \newstmts->
+ pure IntType >>= \returntype->
+ case mt of
+ Nothing = reconstructType args returntype
+ >>= \ftype->restoreGamma gamma
+ >>| putIdent f ftype >>| pure (
+ FunDecl p f args (Just ftype) newvds newstmts)
+ Just t = restoreGamma gamma
+ >>| pure (FunDecl p f args mt newvds newstmts)
+reconstructType :: [String] Type -> Env Type
+reconstructType [] t = pure t
+reconstructType [x:xs] t = gets (\(st, r)->'Map'.get x st)
+ >>= \mtype->case mtype of
+ Nothing = liftT $ Left $ Error "Not used ????"
+ Just type = reconstructType xs t >>= \resttype->pure (type ->> resttype)
+genType :: [String] -> Env Type
+genType [] = freshIdent >>= \fi->pure $ IdType fi
+genType [x:xs] = liftM2 (->>) (freshIdent >>= \fi->pure $ IdType fi)
+ (genType xs)
+matchFunctions :: [String] Type -> Env Type
+matchFunctions [] (_ ->> _) = liftT $ Left $ Error "Not enough arguments"
+matchFunctions _ (VoidType ->> _) = liftT $ Left $ Error "Cannot have a void type in the middle of the function definition"
matchFunctions [x:xs] (t1 ->> t2) =
modify (\(st, r)->('Map'.put x t1 st, r)) >>| matchFunctions xs t2
+matchFunctions [] t = pure t
+matchFunctions _ t = liftT $ Left $ Error "Too much argumnts"
semVarDecl :: VarDecl -> Env VarDecl
semVarDecl (VarDecl pos type ident ex) = unify type ex
"Expression cannot be a higher order function. Yet..."
unify VoidType e = liftT $ Left $ ParseError (extrPos e)
"Expression cannot be a Void type."
- unify (IdType _) e = liftT $ Left $ ParseError (extrPos e)
- "Expression cannot be an polymorf type."
+// unify (IdType _) e = liftT $ Left $ ParseError (extrPos e)
+// "Expression cannot be an polymorf type."
unify VarType e = typeExpr e
//we have to cheat to decorate the error, can be done nicer?
unify t e = StateT $ \s0 -> let res = runStateT m s0 in case res of
saveGamma = get
restoreGamma :: Gamma -> Env Void
-restoreGamma g = put g
+restoreGamma (oldstate, _) = gets snd >>= \newr->put (oldstate, newr)