-\section{Modeling TCP}
In previous assignments our group has viewed the SUT as a stateful input-output
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+% Possible tools and which ones did we chose:
+% Search for model-based testing tools, select two MBT tools, and
+% argue why you selected these
+% tools. (See also the list of MBT tools below.)
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+% the test architecture.
+% Develop a test environment or test architecture which will be used
+% for model-based testing of your SUT. Give a sketch of the test
+% architecture, i.e., the positioning of the SUT, test tool(s),
+% adapter(s), logging tool(s), ..., and their connections and
+% interfaces; explain your choices. Try to reuse (parts of) the
+% test-execution automation environment that you developed during the
+% second assignment.
--- /dev/null
+% testcases, results and discussion on results:
+% Write your model in the input language of the selected MBT tools, generate
+% tests, and execute
+% them on your SUT. Explain your observations and analyse the test results.
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+% Comparison between tools and how fit the tools we choose were
+% Discuss and classify the MBT tools that you used, compare them, compare with
+% Manual testing, and reflect on the theory:
+% • What is implementation relation?
+% • Is there support for non-determinism, concurrency?
+% • Are the generated tests sound, exhaustive? Why do you think so?
+% • Which method of test test selection is used?
+% • What is the modeling notation, its expressiveness, and ease of use?
+% • Do the tools use on/off-line testing (on-the-fly/batch)?
+% • Do they support both: test input generation and output checking?
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+ Charlie Gerhardus\and
+ Pim Jager\and
+ Mart Lubbers
+\title{Model based testing of TCP}
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+ title = {A {Test} {Management} approach for structured testing},
+ booktitle = {Achieving {Software} {Product} {Quality}},
+ publisher = {UTN publishers},
+ author = {Pol, M. and van Veenendaal, Erik},
+ editor = {van Veenendaal, Erik and McMullen, Julie},
+ year = {1997},
+ title = {Certified {Tester}. {Foundation} {Level} {Syllabus}},
+ author = {Müller, Thomas},
+ editor = {Friedenberg, Debra},
+ year = {2011},
+ title = {{ISO}/{IEC} 9126. {Software} engineering – {Product} quality},
+ publisher = {ISO/IEC},
+ author = {{ISO/IEC}},
+ year = {2001}
+ title = {{ISO}/{IEC} 25010:2011. {Systems} and software engineering -- {Systems} and software {Quality} {Requirements} and {Evaluation} ({SQuaRE}) -- {System} and software quality models.},
+ publisher = {ISO/IEC},
+ author = {{ISO/IEC}},
+ year = {2011}
+ title = {Standard glossary of terms used in {Software} {Testing}},
+ editor = {van Veenendaal, Erik van},
+ year = {2012},
+ series = {Request for {Comments}},
+ title = {Transmission {Control} {Protocol}},
+ url = {http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc793.txt},
+ number = {793},
+ publisher = {IETF},
+ author = {Postel, J.},
+ month = sep,
+ year = {1981},
+ note = {Published: RFC 793 (INTERNET STANDARD)
+Updated by RFCs 1122, 3168, 6093, 6528},
+ title = {What is software testing? {And} why is it so hard?},
+ volume = {17},
+ shorttitle = {What is software testing?},
+ url = {http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpls/abs_all.jsp?arnumber=819971},
+ number = {1},
+ urldate = {2015-09-20},
+ journal = {Software, IEEE},
+ author = {Whittaker, James},
+ year = {2000},
+ pages = {70--79},
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+\section{Modeling TCP}
+\section{Test Architecture}
+%\nocite{*} %% weghalen bij daadwerkelijke cite