are the sequence operator and the \emph{if} statement. Both are shown in
Listing~\ref{lst:control}. The first class of \emph{If} statements describes
the regular \emph{if} statement. The expressions given can have any role. The
-functional dependency\todo{explain} on \CI{s} determines the return type of the
-statement. The sequence operator is very straightforward and just ties the two
-expressions together in sequence.
+functional dependency on \CI{s} determines the return type of the
+statement. The listing includes examples of implementations that illustrate
+this dependency.
+The sequence operator is very straightforward and just ties
+the two expressions together in sequence.
language=Clean,label={lst:control},caption={Control flow operators}]
class If v q r ~s where
If :: (v Bool p) (v t q) (v t r) -> v t s | ...
+instance If Code Stmt Stmt Stmt
+instance If Code e Stmt Stmt
+instance If Code Stmt e Stmt
+instance If Code x y Expr
class seq v where
(:.) infixr 0 :: (v t p) (v u q) -> v u Stmt | ...