--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+#define Clean(a)
+typedef struct clean_string *CleanString;
+/* a string in Clean is:
+ struct clean_string {
+ size_t clean_string_length;
+ char clean_string_characters[clean_string_length];
+ };
+ The string does not end with a '\0' !
+#ifndef _WIN64
+/* CleanStringLength(clean_string) returns the length of the clean_string in characters */
+#define CleanStringLength(clean_string) (*(unsigned long *)(clean_string))
+/* CleanStringCharacters(clean_string) returns a pointer to the characters of the clean_string */
+#define CleanStringCharacters(clean_string) ((char*)(1+(unsigned long *)(clean_string)))
+/* CleanStringSizeInts(string_length) return size of *CleanString in integers */
+#define CleanStringSizeInts(string_length) (1+(((unsigned long)(string_length)+(sizeof(unsigned long)-1))>>(1+(sizeof(unsigned long)>>2))))
+/* CleanStringVariable(clean_string,string_length) defines variable clean_string with length string_length,
+ before using the clean_string variable, cast to CleanString, except for the macros above */
+#define CleanStringVariable(clean_string,string_length) unsigned long clean_string[CleanStringSizeInts(string_length)]
+/* CleanStringSizeBytes(string_length) return size of *CleanString in bytes */
+#define CleanStringSizeBytes(string_length) ((sizeof(unsigned long)<<1)+(((unsigned long)(string_length)+(sizeof(unsigned long)-1)) & -(sizeof(unsigned long))))
+typedef long *CleanIntArray;
+/* CleanIntArraySize(clean_array) returns the size (number of elements) of the clean_int_array */
+#define CleanIntArraySize(clean_int_array) (((unsigned long *)(clean_int_array))[-2])
+/* CleanRealArraySize(clean_real_array) returns the size (number of elements) of the clean_real_array */
+#define CleanRealArraySize(clean_real_array) (((unsigned long *)(clean_real_array))[-2])
+/* CleanCharArraySize(clean_char_array) returns the size (number of elements) of the clean_char_array */
+#define CleanCharArraySize(clean_char_array) (((unsigned long *)(clean_char_array))[-1])
+/* CleanStringLength(clean_string) returns length of the clean_string in characters */
+#define CleanStringLength(clean_string) (*(unsigned __int64 *)(clean_string))
+/* CleanStringCharacters(clean_string) returns a pointer to the characters of the clean_string */
+#define CleanStringCharacters(clean_string) ((char*)(1+(unsigned __int64 *)(clean_string)))
+/* CleanStringSizeInts(string_length) return size of *CleanString in integers */
+#define CleanStringSizeInts(string_length) (1+(((unsigned __int64)(string_length)+7)>>3))
+/* CleanStringVariable(clean_string,string_length) defines variable clean_string with length string_length,
+ before using the clean_string variable, cast to CleanString, except for the macros above */
+#define CleanStringVariable(clean_string,string_length) unsigned __int64 clean_string[CleanStringSizeInts(string_length)]
+/* CleanStringSizeBytes(string_length) return size of *CleanString in bytes */
+#define CleanStringSizeBytes(string_length) (8+(((unsigned __int64)(string_length)+7) & -8))
+typedef __int64 *CleanIntArray;
+/* CleanIntArraySize(clean_array) returns the size (number of elements) of the clean_int_array */
+#define CleanIntArraySize(clean_int_array) (((unsigned __int64 *)(clean_int_array))[-2])
+/* CleanRealArraySize(clean_real_array) returns the size (number of elements) of the clean_real_array */
+#define CleanRealArraySize(clean_real_array) (((unsigned __int64 *)(clean_real_array))[-2])
+/* CleanCharArraySize(clean_char_array) returns the size (number of elements) of the clean_char_array */
+#define CleanCharArraySize(clean_char_array) (((unsigned __int64 *)(clean_char_array))[-1])
+typedef double *CleanRealArray;
+typedef unsigned char *CleanCharArray;
--- /dev/null
+CFLAGS=-Wall -pedantic
+all: readLine.o
+ $(RM) -v readLine.o
--- /dev/null
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <readline/readline.h>
+#include <readline/history.h>
+#include "Clean.h"
+static char *cs_answer = (char *)NULL;
+void cleanReadLine(CleanString prompt, int history, CleanString *result)
+ //Initialize
+ unsigned long promptlen = CleanStringLength(prompt);
+ char *cs_prompt = (char *)malloc(promptlen+1);
+ if(cs_prompt == NULL){
+ printf("malloc failed...\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ memcpy(cs_prompt, CleanStringCharacters(prompt), promptlen);
+ cs_prompt[promptlen] = '\0';
+ //Get the answer and add to history if not empty
+ if(cs_answer){
+ free(cs_answer);
+ cs_answer = (char *)NULL;
+ }
+ cs_answer = readline(cs_prompt);
+ free(cs_prompt);
+ if(cs_answer && *cs_answer && history){
+ add_history(cs_answer);
+ }
+ //Transfor answer into cstring
+ CleanStringVariable(answer, strlen(cs_answer));
+ *result = (CleanString) answer;
+ memcpy(CleanStringCharacters(answer), cs_answer, strlen(cs_answer));
+ CleanStringLength(answer) = strlen(cs_answer);
--- /dev/null
+CLMFLAGS=-nt -l /usr/lib/libreadline.so
+all: test
+%: %.icl
+ $(CLM) $(CLMFLAGS) $(basename $<) -o $@
+ $(RM) -v test Clean\ System\ Files/test.*
--- /dev/null
+Clean readline Version 0.1
+ReadLine is a Clean library that allows interactive console programs to use the
+GNU readline libraries. At the moment this is only tested on Linux.
+To setup the library you can simply run
+make -C Clean\ System\ Files
+To compile and test the test program you can run
+When you want to use the library in your program you should compile with the
+`-l /usr/lib/libreadline.so` linker flag
+- Test how the library reacts on non terminal stdin and EOF
+- Embed the readline library in the object files in such a way that no special
+ compiler flag is needed.
+- Control over history, right now entries are added automatically to the
+ history when the boolean flag is on. It would be nice to be able to add
+ custom entries.
+- Control over tabcompletion, right now it completes on filenames.
+- Check possibilities for Windows/Mac
+Mart Lubbers (mart at martlubbers.net)
--- /dev/null
+definition module ReadLine
+ Reads a line from stdin with the readline library
+ The value in the String argument will be used as a prompt
+ To enable history the Boolean variable has to be set to True
+readLine :: !String !Bool !*env -> (!String, !*env)
--- /dev/null
+implementation module ReadLine
+import StdEnv
+import code from "readLine.o"
+readLine :: !String !Bool !*env -> (!String, !*env)
+readLine s h e = code {
+ ccall cleanReadLine "SI:S:A"
+ }
--- /dev/null
+module test
+import StdEnv
+import ReadLine
+Start :: *World -> (String, *World)
+Start w
+# (f, w) = stdio w
+#! (s, w) = readLine "first prompt: " True w
+#! (s, w) = readLine "uparrow should word with history: " False w
+= (s, w)