acoustic model types but also machine learned feature sets. I would like to
explore how HMM based techniques perform on extreme heavy metal styles to see
how well it can detect growling and how classifier might be adapted to perform
+better. Initially the classifier will be a binary classifier that classifies
+growling and non-growling. Later on classes might be added such as and musical
Singing voice detection is often used as a preprocessing step for song lyrics
forced alignment. If the time permits I would like to explore forced alignment
need to be changed to improve performance since growling is very different from
regular singing and speaking.
-The data for this will be coming from my personal collection audio CDs.
+The data for this will be coming from my personal collection audio CDs. For the
+singing voice detection the data of one band can be used and even a test set
+can be held out since the band made over 15 full studio albums each with a
+running time between 30 and 60 minutes. The segmentation for the trainingsdata
+can be done by hand. Later, for the lyrics alignment, the labels for the
+segments can be found online on song lyric websites. Validation of the
+alignment is a bit tricky however since there is no golden standard but my own.
+This results in the following rough outline divided on a month by month basis
+shown in Table~\ref{tbl:outline}.
+Possible pitfalls can arise in preparing the data since that requires
+segmentation. It is expected to take around twice the playing time but that
+might be an overestimation.
+ \centering
+ \begin{tabular}{cll}
+ \toprule
+ Month & Description\\
+ \midrule
+ March
+ & Preparing the data\\
+ & Preparing an experiment platform\\
+ & Literature research\\
+ April
+ & Running the experiments\\
+ & Fiddle with parameters\\
+ & Explore the possibilities for forced alignment\\
+ May
+ & Write up the thesis\\
+ & Possibly do forced alignment\\
+ June
+ & Finish up thesis\\
+ & Wrap up\\
+ \bottomrule
+ \end{tabular}
+ \caption{Outline}\label{tbl:outline}