\subsection{Formal definition}
For every truck $t_i$ for $i\in T$ where $T=\{1,\ldots,6\}$ in combination with
every nuzzle $n$, prittle $p$, skipple $s$, crottle $c$ and dupple $d$ we
\subsection{Formal definition}
For every component $c_{i}$ for $i\in PC\cup RC$ where $PC=\{1,\ldots,3\}$ and
$RC=\{4,\ldots,11\}$ we define a width, a height, an $x$ and a $y$ variables
\subsection{Formal definition}
For every job $j_{i}$ for $i\in J$ where $J=\{1,\ldots,12\}$ we define variable
$j_{i}s$ for starting time. All jobs that have a shared resource we group as
twice in $a_1; a_2; a_3; a_4; a_5; a_6; a_7$.
\subsection{Formal definition}
For every variable $a_i$ for $i\in I$ where $I=\{1,\ldots,7\}$ we define
variables for all iterations $n$ for $n\in N$ where $N=\{1,\ldots,K\}$ for a