-This thesis introduces a way to connect small \gls{IoT} devices with high level
-\gls{TOP} implementations languages. It demonstrates how a new frontend for the
-class-based shallowly \gls{EDSL} called \gls{mTask} written in \gls{Clean} can
-be employed to compile \gls{IoT}-\glspl{Task} on the fly and send them to
-devices as interpretable bytecode. All of which adheres to the \gls{TOP}
-philosophy where common concepts such as \glspl{SDS} and \gls{Task}-combinators
-are available at ease.
+This thesis introduces a innovative way to connect small \gls{IoT} devices to
+high level \gls{TOP} implementations languages. It demonstrates how a novel
+frontend for the existing class-based shallowly \gls{EDSL} called \gls{mTask}
+by Koopman et al.\ --- written in \gls{Clean} --- can be employed to compile
+\gls{IoT}-\glspl{Task} on the fly and send them to devices as interpretable
+bytecode. All of which adheres to the \gls{TOP} philosophy where common
+concepts such as \glspl{SDS} and \gls{Task}-combinators are available at ease.
-I would like to thank everyone helping me writing this thesis. This includes but
-is not limited to Rinus and Pieter for the support, supervision and weekly
-sparring. Bas, for providing the needed \gls{iTasks} support. Arjan, for the
-sparring and coffee. George, Camil and others\todo{proofreaders}\ for
-proofreading and Camil for lifting \emph{Cloogle} to a robust search engine I
-used daily. Finally, I would like to thank my family, friends and wife for
-listening to my year of endless rambling on the subject.
+I would like to thank everyone who supported me during this thesis. This
+includes but is not limited to Rinus and Pieter for the supervision and weekly
+meetings. Bas, for providing \gls{iTasks} insight. Arjan, for sparring and
+coffee and George and Camil for proofreading the thesis. Finally, I would like
+to thank my family, friends and wife for listening to my year of endless
+rambling on the subject.