import StdString
import StdChar
import StdBool
+import _SystemArray
import Text.Parsers.Simple.Core
import Text.Parsers.Simple.Chars
from Data.Functor import <$>
from Data.Func import $
-from Text import class Text(indexOf,concat), instance Text String
+from Text import class Text(ltrim,indexOf,concat), instance Text String
import qualified Text
from StdMisc import undef
+import StdDebug
jon :== 'Text'.join
//Start = runParser parseMessage $ fromString ":frobnicator!~frobnicat@ AWAY test\r\n"
//Start = runParser parseMessage $ fromString ":frobnicator!~frobnicat@ AWAY :test with spaces\r\n"
//Start = runParser parseMessage $ fromString " NOTICE * :*** Found your hostname\r\n"
-Start = runParser parseMessage $ fromString " QUIT\r\n"
+//Start = runParser parseMessage $ fromString " QUIT :hoi hoi\r\n"
+Start = parseIRCMessage ":clooglebot! QUIT\r\n"
(<+) infixr 5 :: a b -> String | toString a & toString b
(<+) a b = toString a +++ toString b
-parseIRCMessage :: (String -> Either [Error] IRCMessage)
-parseIRCMessage = parse parseMessage o fromString
+parseIRCMessage :: String -> Either [Error] IRCMessage
+parseIRCMessage s = case runParser parsePrefix (fromString s) of
+ ([(prefix, rest):_], _) = case parse parseReply rest of
+ Left e = case parseCmd rest of
+ Left e2 = Left [e2:e]
+ Right cmd = Right {IRCMessage | irc_prefix=prefix, irc_command=Right cmd}
+ Right repl = Right {IRCMessage | irc_prefix=prefix, irc_command=Left repl}
+ (_, es) = Left ["couldn't parse prefix":es]
-parseMessage :: Parser Char IRCMessage
-parseMessage = optional (parseEither parseHost parseUser) <* spaceParser
- >>= \mprefix->parseCommand
- <* pToken '\r' <* pToken '\n'
- >>= \cmd->pure {IRCMessage | irc_prefix=mprefix, irc_command=cmd}
+parseCmd :: [Char] -> Either Error IRCCommand
+parseCmd cs
+| not (trace_tn $ toString cs) = undef
+= processParse $ argfun $ 'Text'.split " " $ toString cs
+ where
+ argfun :: [String] -> [String]
+ argfun [] = []
+ argfun [x:xs]
+ # x = 'Text'.trim x
+ | x.[0] == ':' = ['Text'.join " " [x:xs]]
+ | otherwise = [x:argfun xs]
+ command0 :: IRCCommand [String] -> Either Error IRCCommand
+ command0 c [] = Right c
+ command0 c x = Left $ toString c +++ " doesn't have arguments"
+ processParse :: [String] -> Either Error IRCCommand
+ processParse [] = Left "Empty list of arguments"
+ processParse [cmd:args] = case cmd of
+ //"ADMIN" = (Maybe String)
+ //"AWAY" = String
+ //"CONNECT" = String (Maybe (Int, Maybe String))
+ "DIE" = command0 DIE args
+ //"ERROR" = String
+ //"INFO" = (Maybe String)
+ //"INVITE" = String String
+ //"ISON" = [String]
+ //"JOIN" = [(String, Maybe String)]
+ //"KICK" = String String (Maybe String)
+ //"KILL" = String String
+ //"LINKS" = (Maybe (Maybe String, String))
+ //"LIST" = (Maybe ([String], Maybe String))
+ //"LUSERS" = (Maybe (String, Maybe String))
+ //"MODE" = String String (Maybe String) (Maybe String) (Maybe String)
+ //"MOTD" = (Maybe String)
+ //"NAMES" = [String]
+ //"NICK" = String (Maybe String)
+ "NJOIN" = command0 NJOIN args
+ //"NOTICE" = String String
+ //"OPER" = String String
+ //"PART" = [String]
+ //"PASS" = String
+ //"PING" = String (Maybe String)
+ //"PONG" = String (Maybe String)
+ //"PRIVMSG" = [String] String
+ "QUIT" = case args of
+ [_,_:_] = Left $ "QUIT has too many arguments"
+ x = Right $ QUIT $ listToMaybe x
+ "REHASH" = command0 REHASH args
+ "RESTART" = command0 REHASH args
+ "SERVER" = command0 REHASH args
+ //"SERVICE" = String String String String
+ //"SERVLIST" = (Maybe (String, Maybe String))
+ //"SQUERY" = String String
+ "SQUIRT" = command0 REHASH args
+ //"SQUIT" = String String
+ //"STATS" = (Maybe (String, Maybe String))
+ //"SUMMON" = String (Maybe (String, Maybe String))
+ //"TIME" = (Maybe String)
+ //"TOPIC" = String (Maybe String)
+ //"TRACE" = (Maybe String)
+ //"USER" = String String String
+ //"USERHOST" = [String]
+ //"USERS" = (Maybe String)
+ //"VERSION" = (Maybe String)
+ //"WALLOPS" = String
+ //"WHO" = (Maybe String)
+ //"WHOIS" = (Maybe String) [String]
+ //"WHOWAS" = (Maybe String) [String]
+ _ = Left $ "Unknown command: " +++ cmd
+parsePrefix :: Parser Char (Maybe (Either String IRCUser))
+parsePrefix = optional (parseEither parseHost parseUser) <* spaceParser
+parseReply :: Parser Char IRCNumReply
+parseReply = (toString <$> pSome pDigit)
+ >>= \rep->pMiddle
+ >>= \recipient->spaceParser >>| (toString <$> pSome (pNoneOf illegal))
+ >>= \msg->pure {IRCNumReply|irc_reply=fs rep,irc_recipient=recipient,irc_message=msg}
+ where
+ fs :: String -> IRCReplies
+ fs s = fromInt $ toInt s
spaceParser :: Parser Char [Char]
spaceParser = pMany $ pToken ' '
pSpecial = pOneOf ['-', '[', ']', '\\', '\`', '^', '{', '}']
parseHost :: Parser Char String
-parseHost = pToken ':' >>| parseName
- >>= \nm->pMany (pToken '.' >>| parseName)
- >>= \nms->pure (concat [nm:nms])
+parseHost = pToken ':' >>| (concat <$> pSepBy parseName (pToken '.'))
parseName :: Parser Char String
- parseName = toString <$> pSome (pAlpha <|> pDigit <|> pToken '.')
+ parseName = toString <$> pSome (pAlpha <|> pDigit <|> pOneOf ['-'])
+instance toString IRCNumReply where
+ toString m = toInt m.irc_reply <+ " " <+ m.irc_recipient <+ " " <+ formatMSG m.irc_message
instance toString IRCMessage where
- toString m = maybe "" (\s->either id ((<+) ":") s <+ " ") m.irc_prefix <+ m.irc_command
+ toString m = maybe "" (\s->either id ((<+) ":") s <+ " ") m.irc_prefix
+ <+ either toString toString m.irc_command
instance toString IRCUser where
toString m = m.irc_nick <+ maybe "" ((<+) "!") m.irc_user
illegal :: [Char]
illegal = ['\x00','\r','\n']
-pCommand :: String -> Parser Char [Char]
-pCommand s = pList (map pToken $ fromString s)
-pCommand0 :: String IRCCommand -> Parser Char IRCCommand
-pCommand0 s c = pCommand s >>| pure c
-pCommand1 :: String (Parser Char a) (a -> IRCCommand) -> Parser Char IRCCommand
-pCommand1 s p c = pCommand s >>| liftM c p
-pCommand2 :: String (Parser Char a) (Parser Char b) (a b -> IRCCommand) -> Parser Char IRCCommand
-pCommand2 s p q c = pCommand s >>| liftM2 c p q
-pCommand3 :: String (Parser Char a) (Parser Char b) (Parser Char c) (a b c -> IRCCommand) -> Parser Char IRCCommand
-pCommand3 s p q r c = pCommand s >>| liftM3 c p q r
-pCommand4 :: String (Parser Char a) (Parser Char b) (Parser Char c) (Parser Char d) (a b c d -> IRCCommand) -> Parser Char IRCCommand
-pCommand4 s p q r t c = pCommand s >>| liftM4 c p q r t
-pCommand5 :: String (Parser Char a) (Parser Char b) (Parser Char c) (Parser Char d) (Parser Char e) (a b c d e -> IRCCommand) -> Parser Char IRCCommand
-pCommand5 s p q r t u c = pCommand s >>| liftM5 c p q r t u
-pMode :: Parser Char String
-pMode = toString <$> pSome (pOneOf ['+','-','o','p','i','t','n','b','v','w','s'])
-parseCommand :: Parser Char IRCCommand
-parseCommand =
- pCommand1 "ADMIN" (optional pMiddle) ADMIN
- <|> pCommand1 "AWAY" pParam AWAY
- <|> pCommand2 "CONNECT" pParam (optional $ liftM2 tuple pInt (optional pParam)) CONNECT
- <|> pCommand0 "DIE" DIE
- <|> pCommand1 "ERROR" pParam ERROR
- <|> pCommand1 "INFO" (optional pParam) INFO
- <|> pCommand2 "INVITE" pMiddle pMiddle INVITE
- <|> pCommand1 "ISON" (pSome pMiddle) ISON
- <|> pCommand1 "JOIN" (pSepBy (liftM2 tuple pMiddle $ optional pMiddle) pComma) JOIN
- <|> pCommand3 "KICK" pMiddle pMiddle (optional pParam) KICK
- <|> pCommand2 "KILL" pMiddle pParam KILL
- <|> pCommand1 "LINKS" (optional $ liftM2 tuple (optional pMiddle) pMiddle) LINKS
- <|> pCommand1 "LIST" (optional $ liftM2 tuple (pSepBy pMiddle pComma) $ optional pMiddle) LIST
- <|> pCommand1 "LUSERS" (optional $ liftM2 tuple pMiddle $ optional pMiddle) LUSERS
- <|> pCommand5 "MODE" pMiddle pMode (optional pMiddle) (optional pMiddle) (optional pMiddle) MODE
- <|> pCommand1 "MOTD" (optional pMiddle) MOTD
- <|> pCommand1 "NAMES" (pSepBy pMiddle pComma) NAMES
- <|> pCommand2 "NOTICE" pParam pParam NOTICE
- //OPER String String
- //PART [String]
- //PASS String
- <|> pCommand2 "PING" pMiddle (optional pMiddle) PING
- <|> pCommand2 "PONG" pMiddle (optional pMiddle) PONG
- <|> pCommand2 "PRIVMSG" (pSepBy pMiddle pComma) pParam PRIVMSG
- <|> pCommand1 "QUIT" (optional pParam) QUIT
- //SERVICE String String String String
- //SERVLIST (Maybe (String, Maybe String))
- //SQUERY String String
- //SQUIT String String
- //STATS (Maybe (String, Maybe String))
- //SUMMON String (Maybe (String, Maybe String))
- //TIME (Maybe String)
- //TOPIC String (Maybe String)
- //TRACE (Maybe String)
- <|> pCommand3 "USER" pMiddle pMiddle (pMiddle >>| pParam) USER
- //USERHOST [String]
- //USERS (Maybe String)
- //VERSION (Maybe String)
- //WALLOPS String
- //WHO (Maybe String)
- //WHOIS (Maybe String) [String]
- //WHOWAS (Maybe String) [String]
instance toString IRCCommand where
toString r = jon " " (print r) +++ "\r\n"
import IRC
import TCPIP
-from Text import class Text(join), instance Text String
+from Text import class Text(split,join), instance Text String
import StdList
import StdBool
# (merr, chan, w) = send (map toString start) (fromJust chan) w
| isError merr = (Error $ fromError merr, w)
//Start processing function
-# (mer, chan, state, w) = process chan state bot w
+# (mer, chan, state, w) = process chan "" state bot w
| isError mer = (Error $ fromError mer, w)
// Send shutdown commands
# (merr, {rChannel,sChannel}, w) = send (map toString end) chan w
= (Ok state, closeChannel sChannel (closeRChannel rChannel w))
import StdDebug,StdMisc
-process :: TCP_DuplexChannel a (IRCMessage a *World -> (Maybe [IRCMessage], a, *World)) *World -> (MaybeErrorString (), TCP_DuplexChannel, a, *World)
-process chan state bot w
-# (merr_resp, chan, w) = recv chan w
-| isError merr_resp = (Error (fromError merr_resp), chan, state, w)
-# (Ok mresp) = merr_resp
-| isNothing mresp = process chan state bot w
-| not (trace_tn $ "Received: " +++ fromJust mresp) = undef
-= case parseIRCMessage (fromJust mresp) of
- (Left err) = (Error $ "IRC Parsing error: " +++ join "\n" err, chan, state, w)
- (Right msg)
- # (mircc, state, w) = bot msg state w
- | isNothing mircc = (Ok (), chan, state, w) // Bot asks to quit
- //Possible send the commands
- # (merr, chan, w) = send (map toString $ fromJust mircc) chan w
- | isError merr = (Error $ fromError merr, chan, state, w)
- //Recurse
- = process chan state bot w
+process :: TCP_DuplexChannel String a (IRCMessage a *World -> (Maybe [IRCMessage], a, *World)) *World -> (MaybeErrorString (), TCP_DuplexChannel, a, *World)
+process chan acc state bot w
+//See if we have a message
+= case split "\r\n" acc of
+ //We only have one message that is not complete
+ [m]
+ //Receive
+ # (merr_resp, chan, w) = recv chan w
+ | isError merr_resp = (Error (fromError merr_resp), chan, state, w)
+ # (Ok mresp) = merr_resp
+ | isNothing mresp = process chan acc state bot w
+ = process chan (m +++ fromJust mresp) state bot w
+ //We have a successfull split and therefore we process at least one message
+ [m:xs]
+ # acc = join "\r\n" xs
+ | not (trace_tn $ "Full message: '" +++ m +++ "'") = undef
+ = case parseIRCMessage $ m +++ "\r\n" of
+ (Left err) = (Error $ "IRC Parsing error: " +++ join "\n" err, chan, state, w)
+ (Right msg)
+ # (mircc, state, w) = bot msg state w
+ | isNothing mircc = (Ok (), chan, state, w) // Bot asks to quit
+ //Possible send the commands
+ # (merr, chan, w) = send (map toString $ fromJust mircc) chan w
+ | isError merr = (Error $ fromError merr, chan, state, w)
+ //Recurse
+ = process chan acc state bot w
send :: [String] TCP_DuplexChannel *World -> (MaybeErrorString (), TCP_DuplexChannel, *World)
send [] chan w = (Ok (), chan, w)