| Var [Char]
| App Expression Expression
| Lambda [Char] Expression
- | Let [Char] Expression Expression
+ | Let [([Char], Expression)] Expression
:: Value
= Int Int
toString (Var s) = toString s
toString (App l r) = concat ["(", toString l, " ", toString r, ")"]
toString (Lambda a e) = concat ["(\\", toString a, ".", toString e, ")"]
- toString (Let i b r) = concat [toString i, " = ", toString b, "\n", toString r]
+ toString (Let ns r) = concat
+ [ "let\n"
+ , concat [concat ["\t", toString n, " = ", toString v, "\n"]\\(n, v)<-ns]
+ , " in\n", toString r]
toString _ = abort "toString Expression not implemented"
instance toString Value where
= case partition (\a->a=:(Function ['start'] _ _)) fs of
([], _) = Left ["No start function defined"]
([Function _ [] e], fs)
- # e = foldr (\(Function i a e)->Let i (foldr ((o) o Lambda) id a e)) e fs
+ # e = foldr (\(Function i a e)->Let [(i, (foldr ((o) o Lambda) id a e))]) e fs
= (\x->(e, x)) <$> runInfer (infer preamble e)
([Function _ _ _], _) = Left ["Start cannot have arguments"]
// = infer env e1
// >>= \(s1, t1)->infer ('Data.Map'.put x (generalize (apply s1 env) t1) env) e2
// >>= \(s2, t2)->pure (s1 oo s2, t2)
-infer env (Let x e1 e2)
+infer env (Let [(x, e1)] e2)
= fresh
>>= \tv-> infer ('Data.Map'.put x (Forall [] tv) env) e1
>>= \(s1, t1)->infer ('Data.Map'.put x (generalize (apply s1 env) t1) env) e2
import Data.Functor
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List
+import Data.Tuple
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.State
:: EvalState :== [([Char], Value)]
int :: Expression -> Either [String] Value
-int e = evalStateT (eval e) preamble
-preamble =
+int e = evalStateT (eval e)
[(['_if'], Func \i->pure (Func \t->pure (Func \e->eval i >>= \(Bool b)->if b (eval t) (eval e))))
,(['_eq'], binop \(Int i) (Int j)->Bool (i==j))
,(['_sub'], binop \(Int i) (Int j)->Int (i-j))
binop op = Func \l->pure (Func \r->op <$> eval l <*> eval r)
sub :: [Char] Expression Expression -> Expression
-sub ident subst (Let v b rest) = Let v (sub ident subst b) (if (v == ident) rest (sub ident subst rest))
+sub ident subst (Let ns rest)
+ | not (isMember ident (map fst ns))
+ = Let (fmap (sub ident subst) <$> ns) (sub ident subst rest)
sub ident subst (Var v)
| ident == v = subst
sub ident subst (App e1 e2) = App (sub ident subst e1) (sub ident subst e2)
sub _ _ x = x
eval :: Expression -> Eval Value
-eval (Let ident body rest) = eval body >>= \v->modify (\vs->[(ident, v):vs]) >>| eval rest
+eval (Let ns rest) = sequence [eval v >>= \v->modify (\vs->[(n, v):vs])\\(n, v)<-ns] >>| eval rest
eval (Lit v) = pure v
eval (Var v) = gets (lookup v) >>= maybe (liftT (Left [toString v +++ " not found"])) pure
eval (App e1 e2) = eval e1 >>= \(Func v)->v e2
+ ifxl 6 = code add;
if = code if;
fac i = if (i == 0) 1 (i * fac (i - 1));
-start = fac 5;
+start = fac 15;