\title{Do you see what I see?}
\subtitle{\emph{Functional pearl} (2016)}
\begin{block}{Elaborate on the type system}
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \pause\item Racket programming language
+ \pause\item Implemented as macro
+ \pause\item No extra syntax or annotations
+ \pause\item Syntactical analyses
+ \end{itemize}
+ \end{block}
+ \begin{block}{Why?}
- \item Typed racket
- \item Implemented as macro
- \item No extra syntax or annotations
- \item Syntactical analyses
+ \item Pass typechecker? Correct program\ldots
+ \item Solve problems with arity
+ \item Look at text
% Proposal: if the paper presents a new idea, what, in a nutshell, is it?
+ \frametitle{Proposal (1)}
+ \begin{block}{Notation}
+ Implementation in Typed Racket\\
+ %macro language that compiles in racket BEFORE type checking
+ \texttt{$\llbracket$e$\rrbracket$}- Elaboration function on $e$\\
+ \end{block}
+ \pause%
+ \begin{block}{Curry example}
+ \begin{tabular}{rl}
+ \texttt{$\llbracket$ (curry ($\lambda$ (x y) x)) $\rrbracket$}
+ & \texttt{= (curry\_2 ($\lambda$ (x y) x))}\\
+ \pause%
+ \texttt{$\llbracket$ (curry ($\lambda$ (x y z) x)) $\rrbracket$}
+ & \texttt{= (curry\_3 ($\lambda$ (x y z) x))}\\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \end{block}
% Evidence: Support for claims - Theorems? Case studies? Simulations?