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--- /dev/null
+\section{Grey Hat Cracking Should Be Legalized}
+\section{Web Scrapers and Robot Denial Files}
+\section{An Immune System for the Internet}
+The idea of benevolent viruses patching security holes is a outright terrible
+idea because of a set of reasons.
+Firstly this breaches the privacy of the user. Analogous, a burglar that breaks
+into a house to install better locks would be considered wrong as well. The
+system is property of the user and the internet has been an anarchistic place
+that had no rules and regulations. If the user chooses not to protect their
+system then that is their own loss. However, when the system also attacks other
+systems it should be fixed. This is not always the case and depending on the
+view on the internet of the user breaking into the system is worse then a
+possible attack on the system. This case is a living example of the security
+versus privacy duality. Unprotected users are unwanted invaded by, apparently
+benevolent, worms. Who can proof these worms are benevolent, who develops them,
+those questions become very relevant.
--- /dev/null
+\author{Mart Lubbers\\\small{s4109503}}
+\title{Assignment 2: Elaborating on three discussion topics\\
+ \small{Philosophy and Ethics of Computer and Information Sciences}}