| SanityError Pos String
| Error String
+instance zero Gamma where
+ zero = 'Map'.newMap
variableStream :: [String]
variableStream = map toString [1..]
-sem :: AST -> SemOutput
-sem a=:(AST fd) = case foldM (const $ hasNoDups fd) () fd
+sem :: AST -> Either [SemError] Constraints
+sem (AST fd) = case foldM (const $ hasNoDups fd) () fd
>>| foldM (const isNiceMain) () fd
>>| hasMain fd of
Left e = Left [e]
- _ = pure (a, 'Map'.newMap)
+ _ = case execRWST (constraints fd) zero variableStream of
+ Left e = Left [e]
+ Right (a, b) = Right b
+ constraints :: [FunDecl] -> Infer ()
+ constraints fds = mapM_ funconstraint fds >>| pure ()
+ funconstraint :: FunDecl -> Infer ()
+ funconstraint fd=:(FunDecl _ ident args mt vardecls stmts) = case mt of
+ Nothing = abort "Cannot infer functions yet"
+ Just t = inEnv (ident, (Forall [] t)) (
+ mapM_ vardeclconstraint vardecls >>| pure ())
+ vardeclconstraint :: VarDecl -> Infer ()
+ vardeclconstraint (VarDecl p mt ident expr) = infer expr
+ >>= \it->inEnv (ident, (Forall [] it)) (pure ())
hasNoDups :: [FunDecl] FunDecl -> Either SemError ()
hasNoDups fds (FunDecl p n _ _ _ _)
# mbs = map (\(FunDecl p` n` _ _ _ _)->if (n == n`) (Just p`) Nothing) fds
uni :: Type Type -> Infer ()
uni t1 t2 = tell [(t1, t2)]
-inEnv :: (String, Scheme) (Infer a) -> (Infer a)
-inEnv (x, sc) m = local scope m
- where
- scope e = 'Map'.put x sc ('Map'.del x e )
+inEnv :: (String, Scheme) (Infer a) -> Infer a
+inEnv (x, sc) m = local ('Map'.put x sc) m
fresh :: Infer Type
fresh = (gets id) >>= \vars-> (put $ tail vars) >>| (pure $ IdType $ head vars)
-class infer a :: a -> Infer Type
op2Type :: Op2 -> Infer Type
op2Type op
| elem op [BiPlus, BiMinus, BiTimes, BiDivide, BiMod]
Nothing = liftT $ Left $ UndeclaredVariableError zero ident
Just (Forall as t) = pure t //instantiate ???
+class infer a :: a -> Infer Type
instance infer Expr where
infer (VarExpr _ (VarDef ident fs)) = lookupEnv ident
infer (Op2Expr _ e1 op e2) = case op of
stdin <<< "//PARSER\n" <<< toString parseOut <<< "//PARSER\n")
= case sem parseOut of
(Left e) = snd $ fclose (stdin <<< join "\n" (map toString e)) w
- (Right (semOut, gamma))
- # stdin = if (not args.sem) stdin (stdin
- <<< "//SEM G\n" <<< toString gamma <<< "//SEM A\n"
- <<< "//SEM A\n" <<< toString semOut <<< "//SEM A\n")
+ (Right constraints)
+ # stdin = if (not args.sem) stdin (stdin
+ <<< "//SEM G\n" <<< printConstraints constraints <<< "//SEMA\n")
= snd $ fclose (stdin <<< "\n") w
+ printConstraints :: Constraints -> String
+ printConstraints [] = ""
+ printConstraints [(t1, t2):ts] = concat [
+ "(", toString t1, ",", toString t2, ")"] +++ printConstraints ts
printTokens :: [Token] -> String
printTokens ts = concat $ flatten $ map pt ts