/* assignment 1
* Charlie Gerhardus, s3050009
- * Mart Lubbers s4109503
+ * Mart Lubbers, s4109503
+/* awnsers to questions
+ *
+ * 2.3, [1, 2, 3] has the full generic representation PAIR 1 (PAIR 2 3)
+ * the >-< operator converts the second PAIR on the fly so the initial generic representation
+ * returned by fromList [1, 2, 3] = PAIR 1 [2, 3].
+ *
+ * 2.4, Its possible to define a class for a generic conversion function:
+ *
+ * class toGen a b :: a -> b
+ *
+ * For every type we want to convert we need to create a instance:
+ *
+ * instance toGen [a] (ListG a) where
+ * toGen x = fromList x
+ * instance toGen (Tree a) (TreeG a) where
+ * toGen x = fromTree x
+ * ....
+ *
+ * Which results in the same code as can be seen later in the assignment, the difference
+ * is that instead of a multitude of different functions (fromList, fromTree...) we end up
+ * with a lot of overloaded functions.
+ *
+ * 3.2, yes the results are identical. This can be verified by compile and running this module.
+ *
+ * 3.3, when we define a new datastructure and provide a function that converts it into a generic
+ * representation we can use our ordering operator on it right away. If we define more operators
+ * for our generic representation we dont have to provide a sepperate implementation of these operators for
+ * every datastructure we introduce.
+ *
+ * 3.4, since we are rewriting the whole datastructure before we can use the operator the programm can
+ * potentionally use more memory and result in more instructions that take care of the conversion.
+ *
+ */
module skeleton1
import StdEnv
+import StdFile
/**************** Prelude: *******************************/
// Example types
rose2 :: Rose Int
rose2 = Rose 2 [ Rose 1 [], Rose 2 [], Rose 8 [] ]
-/* our two comparison lists */
-cmp1 :: [Ordering]
-cmp1 = [[1..3] >< [1..2], [1..2] >< [1..5], (1,2) >< (1,2), (1,3) >-< (1,2), Red >< Yellow, Yellow >< Blue, tree1 >< tree1, tree1 >< tree2, tree2 >< tree1, rose1 >< rose1, rose1 >< rose2, rose2 >< rose1]
-cmp2 :: [Ordering]
-cmp2 = [[1..3] >-< [1..2], [1..2] >-< [1..5], (1,2) >-< (1,2), (1,3) >-< (1,2), Red >-< Yellow, Yellow >-< Blue, tree1 >-< tree1, tree1 >-< tree2, tree2 >-< tree1, rose1 >-< rose1, rose1 >-< rose2, rose2 >-< rose1]
+/* apply a ordering operator on two values */
+order :: (a a -> Ordering) (a, a) -> Ordering
+order f (x, y) = f x y
+/* order a list */
+orderList :: (a a -> Ordering) [ (a, a) ] -> [Ordering]
+orderList f [] = []
+orderList f [x:xs] = [ order f x : orderList f xs ]
+/* tests to perform */
+orderSetLists = [([1..3], [1..2]), ([1..2], [1..5]), ([1..2], [1..2])]
+orderSetTuples = [((1,3), (1,2)), ((1,2), (1,3)), ((1,2),(1,2))]
+orderSetColors = [(Yellow, Blue), (Blue, Yellow), (Red, Red)]
+orderSetRoses = [(rose2, rose1), (rose1, rose2), (rose1, rose1)]
+orderSetTrees = [(tree2, tree1), (tree1, tree2), (tree1, tree1)]
+/* perform orderings */
+test1 = orderList (><) orderSetLists
+ ++ orderList (><) orderSetTuples
+ ++ orderList (><) orderSetLists
+ ++ orderList (><) orderSetRoses
+ ++ orderList (><) orderSetTrees
+test2 = orderList (>-<) orderSetLists
+ ++ orderList (>-<) orderSetTuples
+ ++ orderList (>-<) orderSetLists
+ ++ orderList (>-<) orderSetRoses
+ ++ orderList (>-<) orderSetTrees
+/* ordering file output */
+instance <<< Ordering where
+ (<<<) file Equal = file <<< "Equal"
+ (<<<) file Bigger = file <<< "Bigger"
+ (<<<) file Smaller = file <<< "Smaller"
+/* ordering list file output */
+instance <<< [Ordering] where
+ (<<<) file [] = file
+ (<<<) file [x:xs] = file <<< x <<< " " <<< xs
+/* there is no file <<< Bool instance? */
+instance <<< Bool where
+ (<<<) file True = file <<< "True"
+ (<<<) file False = file <<< "False"
/* entry point */
-Start = ([cmp1, cmp2], cmp1 == cmp2)
+Start :: !*World -> *World
+Start world
+ # (file, world) = stdio world
+ # file = file <<< "Test results for ><:\n"
+ # file = file <<< "[" <<< test1 <<< "]\n\n"
+ # file = file <<< "Test results for >-<:\n"
+ # file = file <<< "[" <<< test2 <<< "]\n\n"
+ # file = file <<< "(test1 == test2) = " <<< (test1 == test2) <<< "\n\n"
+ # (ok, world) = fclose file world
+ | otherwise = world