\subsubsection{Definitive functional requirements}
-Requirements F2 is the sole requirement that is dropped completely. All other
-definitive requirements are formed out of the original functional requirements.
-Together they make the following definitive requirements:
+Requirement F2 is the sole requirement that is dropped completely, this is
+because this seemed to lie out of the scope of the project. This is mainly
+because we chose to build an interactive intuitive user interface around the
+core of the pattern extraction program. All other requirements changed or kept
+the same. Below, all definitive requirements with on the first line the title
+and with a description underneath.
\item[F6:] Be able to crawl RSS feeds only.
-We explain the design of the frontend application through examples and use
-cases. In this way we can explain certain design choices visually and more
+\subsubsection{General description}
+The frontend is a web interface to the backend applications that allow the user
+to interact with the backend by for example adding crawlers. The frontend
+consists of a basic graphical user interface that is shown in
+Figure~\ref{frontendfront}. As the interface shows, there are three main
+components that the user can use. There is also an button for downloading the
+XML. The XML output is a quick shortcut to make the backend to generate XML.
+However the XML button is only for diagnostic purposes located there. In the
+standard workflow the XML button is not used. In the standard workflow the
+server periodically calls the XML output from the backend to process it.
+ \caption{The landing page of the frontend}
+ \label{frontendfront}
+ \includegraphics[scale=0.75,natheight=160,natwidth=657]{frontendfront.png}
+\subsubsection{Edit/Remove crawler}
+This component lets the user view the crawlers and remove the crawlers from the
+database. Removing the crawler is as simple as selecting it from the dropdown
+list and pressing the remove button. Editing the crawler is done in the same
+fashion but then pressing the edit button. The editing of the crawlers is
+basically the same as adding a new crawler other then that the previous pattern
+is already visible and can be adapted if for example the structure has changed.
+\subsubsection{Add new crawler}
+\subsubsection{Test crawler}
\subsubsection{Program description}