export EDITOR=vim
export TERM=screen
export BROWSER=firefox
+export PAGER=less
export SUDO_ASKPASS=/usr/lib/ssh/ssh-askpass
export NOTMUCH_CONFIG=/home/mart/.mutt/notmuch-config
-export PATH=$PATH:~/projects/clean/bin
+export CLEAN_HOME=~/projects/clean
+export PATH=$PATH:$CLEAN_HOME/lib/exe:$CLEAN_HOME/bin:~/.local/bin
alias ls='ls --color=auto'
alias grep='grep --color=auto'
-path = ~/.calendars/
-color = dark blue
+path = ~/.vdirsyncer/calendar/
+color = white
-path = ~/.config/khal/khal.db
+path = ~/.vdirsyncer/khal.db
timeformat = %H:%M
-dateformat = %d-%m (%a)
-longdateformat = %Y-%m-%d (%a)
-datetimeformat = %m-%d %H:%M (%a)
-longdatetimeformat = %Y-%m-%d %H:%M (%a)
+dateformat = %d.%m.
+longdateformat = %d.%m.%Y
+datetimeformat = %d.%m. %H:%M
+longdatetimeformat = %d.%m.%Y %H:%M
+firstweekday = 0
default_command = calendar
-default_calendar = home
+default_calendar = dav
show_all_days = True
-#debug = 0
--- /dev/null
+path = ~/.vdirsyncer/addressbook/
+editor = vim
+merge_editor = vimdiff
+default_action = list
+show_nicknames = no
+# An example configuration for vdirsyncer.
+# Move it to ~/.vdirsyncer/config or ~/.config/vdirsyncer/config and edit it.
+# Run `vdirsyncer --help` for CLI usage.
+# Optional parameters are commented out.
+# This file doesn't document all available parameters, see
+# http://vdirsyncer.readthedocs.org/ for the rest of them.
-status_path = ~/.config/vdirsyncer/status/
-password_command = pass caldav_ygdrassil/mart
+# A folder where vdirsyncer can store some metadata about each pair.
+status_path = ~/.vdirsyncer/status/
+password_command = pass show caldav_ygdrassil/mart
+[pair contacts]
+a = contacts_local
+b = contacts_remote
+collections = ["from b"]
+[storage contacts_local]
+type = filesystem
+path = ~/.vdirsyncer/
+fileext = .vcf
+[storage contacts_remote]
+type = carddav
+url = http://localhost:8008/addressbooks/users/mart/addressbook/
+username = mart
[pair calendar]
a = calendar_local
b = calendar_remote
+collections = ["from b"]
[storage calendar_local]
type = filesystem
-path = ~/.calendars/
+path = ~/.vdirsyncer/
fileext = .ics
[storage calendar_remote]
type = caldav
-url = http://localhost:8008/calendars/users/mart/calendar
+url = http://localhost:8008/calendars/users/mart/calendar/
username = mart
tls on
tls_certcheck off
user mart@martlubbers.net
-passwordeval gpg -qd --use-agent ~/pw/mail.asc | grep -A4 "^mart@martlubbers.net" | grep -Po "(?<=pass: ).*"
+passwordeval pass mail/mart@martlubbers.net
from mart@martlubbers.net
" List characters to mark trailing whitespace etc
set listchars=nbsp:¬,tab:▸\ ,eol:↩,extends:»,precedes:«,trail:•
-set list
+set nolist
" Move through long lines as they were short multiple lines
map j gj
.mutt/offlineimap.py .mutt/offlineimaprc .mutt/notmuch-config
.config/i3/config .config/i3status/config
-.config/khal/khal.conf .config/vdirsyncer/config)
for f in ${hf[*]}
unlink "$HOME/$f" || true