# documents
\chapter{Tagless final embedding}
Dit kan ook een section zijn in de volgende chapter, maar toch lijkt het mij nuttig.
-\chapter{Class based deed embedding}
+\chapter{Class based deep embedding}
\chapter{The \gls{MTASK} language}
\newacronym{IOT}{IoT}{internet of things}
\newacronym{DSL}{DSL}{domain specific language}
\newacronym{EDSL}{eDSL}{embedded \acrshort{DSL}}
-\newacronym{TOP}{TOP}{task oriented programming}
+\newacronym{TOP}{TOP}{task-oriented programming}
% Glossaries
TOPLAS paper met Glasgow.
\chapter{Modelling naval scenaries using \acrshort{TOP} and \acrshort{IOT}}
-Arjan's werk NLARMS?
+Arjan's werk {NLARMS}?
\Gls{TOP} is \ldots
+\gls{ITASK} uses generic programming\index{generic programming}
\Glspl{DSL} are \ldots
\section{Thesis Outline}
+\todo{reference correct chapters}
Chapters 0 and 0 are based on the paper \emph{A Task-Based \acrshort{DSL} for Microcomputers}~\cite{koopman_task-based_2018}.
Chapters 0 and 0 are based on the Master's thesis and paper \emph{\glst{TOP} and the \glst{IOT}}~\cite{lubbers_task_2017,lubbers_task_2018}.
$clean_ext .= ' %R.ist %R.xdy';
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% Internationalisation
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+ pdfkeywords={task oriented programming, functional programming, domain specific languages, internet of things},
-This thesis research has been carried out under the research data management policy of the Institute for Computing and Information Science of Radboud University, The Netherlands\footnote{\href{https://www.ru.nl/icis/research-data-management/}{ru.nl/icis/research-data-management/}, last accessed \formatdate{20}{1}{2020}.}.
+This thesis research has been carried out under the research data management policy of the Institute for Computing and Information Science of Radboud University, the Netherlands\footnote{\href{https://www.ru.nl/icis/research-data-management/}{ru.nl/icis/research-data-management/}, last accessed \formatdate{20}{1}{2020}.}.
The following research datasets have been produced during this PhD research:
+\todo{reference correct chapters}
\item Chapter 0: Koopman, dr.\ P.\ (Radboud University); Lubbers, M.\ (Radboud University); Plasmeijer, prof.~dr.~ir.\ R.\ (Radboud University) (2020): Source code for the mTask language. DANS.\ \href{https://doi.org/10.17026/dans-xx4-8zs9}{10.17026/dans-xx4-8zs9}
\item Chapter 0: Lubbers, M.\ (Radboud University); Koopman, dr.\ P.\ (Radboud University); Plasmeijer, prof.~dr.~ir.\ R.\ (Radboud University) (2020): Source code for a simplified mTask language integrated with the iTask system. DANS.\ \href{https://doi.org/10.17026/dans-xv6-fvxd}{10.17026/dans-xv6-fvxd}
+\def\mytitle{Big Things for Tiny Computers}
+\def\mysubtitle{Task Oriented Programming for the Internet of Things}
+\def\myauthor{Mart Lubbers}
% Just for the blind text, can go when it's finished
% Document info
-\title{Some title}
-\author{Some author}
+\title{\mytitle{} --- \mysubtitle{}}
+\author{Mart Lubbers}
-\stopthumb% chktex 9
% Bibliography
-\end{document} % chktex 10
- \LARGE{\textsc{Task Oriented Programming and the Internet of Things}}
+ \LARGE{\textsc{\mytitle}}
- \large{\textsc{Subtitle}}
+ \large{\textsc{\mysubtitle}}
- Mart Lubbers\\
+ \myauthor\\
geboren op 27 mei 1992 te Oldenzaal, Nederland