Merge branch 'master' of
authorMart Lubbers <>
Fri, 21 Sep 2018 07:03:17 +0000 (09:03 +0200)
committerMart Lubbers <>
Fri, 21 Sep 2018 07:23:42 +0000 (09:23 +0200)
12 files changed:
filepicker/prj [new file with mode: 0644]
filepickerbas/test.icl [new file with mode: 0644]
metaeditor/.gitignore [new file with mode: 0644]
metaeditor/EditorExt.dcl [new file with mode: 0644]
metaeditor/EditorExt.icl [new file with mode: 0644]
metaeditor/MetaType.dcl [new file with mode: 0644]
metaeditor/MetaType.icl [new file with mode: 0644]
metaeditor/ed.icl [new file with mode: 0644]
runtasks/test.dcl [new file with mode: 0644]
runtasks/test.icl [new file with mode: 0644]
shared_selection/test.icl [new file with mode: 0644]

diff --git a/filepicker/prj b/filepicker/prj
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..ff38448
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+\e[?25l\e[J\e[J\e[J\e[J\e[J\e[J\e[34h\e[?25h\e[?1049h\e[?1h\e=\e[1;54r\e[23m\e[24m\e[0m\e[H\e[J\e[?25l\e[54;1H"Clean System Files" is a directory\e[2;1H\e[1m\e[34m~                                                                                                                                                                    \e[3;1H~                                                                                                                                                                    \e[4;1H~                                                                                                                                                                    \e[5;1H~                                                                                                                                                                    \e[6;1H~                                                                                                                                                                    \e[7;1H~                                                                                                                                                                    \e[8;1H~                                                                                                                                                                    \e[9;1H~                                                                                                                                                                    \e[10;1H~                                                                                                                                                                    \e[11;1H~                                                                                                                                                                    \e[12;1H~                                                                                                                                                                    \e[13;1H~                                                                                                                                                                    \e[14;1H~                                                                                                                                                                    \e[15;1H~                                                                                                                                                                    \e[16;1H~                                                                                                                                                                    \e[17;1H~                                                                                                                                                                    \e[18;1H~                                                                                                                                                                    \e[19;1H~                                                                                                                                                                    \e[20;1H~                                                                                                                                                                    \e[21;1H~                                                                                                                                                                    \e[22;1H~                                                                                                                                                                    \e[23;1H~                                                                                                                                                                    \e[24;1H~                                                                                                                                                                    \e[25;1H~                                                                                                                                                                    \e[26;1H~                                                                                                                                                                    \e[27;1H~                                                                                                                                                                    \e[28;1H~                                                                                                                                                                    \e[29;1H~                                                                                                                                                                    \e[30;1H~                                                                                                                                                                    \e[31;1H~                                                                                                                                                                    \e[32;1H~                                                                                                                                                                    \e[33;1H~                                                                                                                                                                    \e[34;1H~                                                                                                                                                                    \e[35;1H~                                                                                                                                                                    \e[36;1H~                                                                                                                                                                    \e[37;1H~                                                                                                                                                                    \e[38;1H~                                                                                                                                                                    \e[39;1H~                                                                                                                                                                    \e[40;1H~                                                                                                                                                                    \e[41;1H~                                                                                                                                                                    \e[42;1H~                                                                                                                                                                    \e[43;1H~                                                                                                                                                                    \e[44;1H~                                                                                                                                                                    \e[45;1H~                                                                                                                                                                    \e[46;1H~                                                                                                                                                                    \e[47;1H~                                                                                                                                                                    \e[48;1H~                                                                                                                                                                    \e[49;1H~                                                                                                                                                                    \e[50;1H~                                                                                                                                                                    \e[51;1H~                                                                                                                                                                    \e[52;1H~                                                                                                                                                                    \e[53;1H~                                                                                                                                                                    \e[1;1H\e[34h\e[?25h\e[?25l\e[0m\e[54;1H\e[1m-- VISUAL --\e[0m\e[54;13H\e[K\e[1;1H\e[34h\e[?25h\a\e[?25l\e[34h\e[?25h\e[?25l\e[34h\e[?25h\a\e[?25l\e[34h\e[?25h\e[?25l\e[34h\e[?25h\e[?25l\e[34h\e[?25h\e[?25l\e[54;1H\e[K\e[1;1H\e[34h\e[?25h\e[?25l\e[54;1HType  :qa!  and press <Enter> to abandon all changes and exit Vim\a\e[1;1H\e[34h\e[?25h\e[?25l\e[34h\e[?25h\e[?25l\e[34h\e[?25h\e[?25l\e[34h\e[?25h\a\a\e[54;1H\e[?1l\e>\e[?1049lVim: Error reading input, exiting...\r
+Vim: Finished.\r
+\e[54;1H\e[34h\e[?25h6 files to edit
index f308b33..a306d2c 100644 (file)
@@ -1,83 +1,8 @@
 module test
-from StdFunc import seq, seqList, :: St
-import StdFunctions
-import System.Directory
-import System.File
-import System.FilePath
-import Data.Tuple
-import Data.Func
-import Data.Bifunctor
-import iTasks
-import iTasks.Internal.Util
+import iTasks.Extensions.Files
-derive class iTask RTree, FileInfo, Tm
-Start w = startEngine
-       (viewSharedInformation () []
-               $ mapRead (map fst)
-               $ sdsFocus "/opt/clean/lib/StdLib" directoryShare
-       ) w
-instance toString OSError where toString (_, e) = e
-instance Bifunctor MaybeError
-       bifmap fa fb (Error a) = Error (fa a)
-       bifmap fa fb (Ok b) = Ok (fb b)
-       first fa fab = bifmap fa id fab
-       second fb fab = bifmap id fb fab
-selectFile :: FilePath -> Task FilePath
-selectFile root = get (sdsFocus root directoryShare)
-       >>= \cs->withShared (RNode root (map fst cs)) \tree->
-       editSelectionWithShared () False selectOption (mapRead numberTree tree)
-               (\tree->[i\\(i, (f, _))<-leafs tree])
-selectFile :: !FilePath !d !Bool [FilePath]-> Task [FilePath] | toPrompt d
-selectFile root prompt multi initial
-       = accWorld (createDirectoryTree root) @ numberTree
-       >>= \tree->editSelection prompt multi selectOption tree
-               [i\\(i, (f, _))<-leafs tree | elem f initial]
-       selectOption = SelectInTree
-               (\tree->[{foldTree fp2cn tree & label=root}])
-               (\tree sel->[f\\(i, (f, _))<-leafs tree | isMember i sel])
-       fp2cn (i, (fp, mfi)) cs =
-               { id = case mfi of
-                       Error e = ~i
-                       Ok {directory=True} = ~i
-                       _ = i
-               , label=dropDirectory fp
-               , icon=Nothing
-               , expanded=False
-               , children=cs
-               }
-       numberTree :: ((RTree a) -> RTree (Int, a))
-       numberTree = flip evalState zero o foldTree \a cs->
-               (\lvs i->RNode (i, a) lvs) <$> 'CM'.sequence cs <*> getState <* modify inc
-       = 
-directoryShare :: ROShared FilePath [(FilePath, MaybeOSError FileInfo)]
-directoryShare = SDSSource {SDSSource | name = "directoryShare", read = read, write=write}
-       read p iw
-               # (merr, iw) = liftIWorld (readDirectory p) iw
-               | isError merr = (liftError (first exception merr), iw)
-               # (Ok files) = merr
-               # (fis, iw) = liftIWorld (seqList (map getFileInfo files)) iw
-               = (Ok $ sortBy fst [(f, fi)\\f<-files & fi<-fis], iw)
-       write p w iw = (Ok (const (const False)), iw)
-//import iTasks
-//import iTasks.Extensions.Files
-//Start w = startEngine (
-//     selectFile "/opt/clean/lib" () False []
-//     >&> viewSharedInformation "Selection" []) w
+Start w = startEngine (
+       selectFileTreeLazy "select a file" False "/opt/clean"
+       -&&- selectFileTree False "select a file" False "/opt/clean"[]
+       >&> viewSharedInformation "selection" []) w
diff --git a/filepickerbas/test.icl b/filepickerbas/test.icl
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..c77ef2a
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+module test
+import iTasks
+import iTasks.Extensions.FileDialog
+Start w = startEngine (editFilePath "bork" (Action "Ok") (Just "/opt/clean")) w
diff --git a/metaeditor/.gitignore b/metaeditor/.gitignore
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..b28cd46
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/metaeditor/EditorExt.dcl b/metaeditor/EditorExt.dcl
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..af074d1
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+definition module EditorExt
+from iTasks.UI.Editor import :: Editor
+row :: String (Editor a) -> Editor a
+choose :: [(String, Editor a)] -> Editor (Int, a)
diff --git a/metaeditor/EditorExt.icl b/metaeditor/EditorExt.icl
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..4512ae0
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+implementation module EditorExt
+from Data.Func import $
+import Data.Tuple
+import qualified Data.Map as DM
+import StdTuple
+import Data.Maybe
+import iTasks
+import iTasks.UI.Editor.Common
+row :: String (Editor a) -> Editor a
+row l e = bijectEditorValue (tuple l) snd $
+       container2 label e <<@ directionAttr Horizontal
+import StdDebug, StdMisc
+// Choose combinators (Used for selecting constructors in ADTs)
+choose :: [(String, Editor a)] -> Editor (Int, a)
+choose [] = emptyEditor
+choose [(k,v)] = bijectEditorValue snd (tuple 0) $ row k v
+choose cs = {Editor|genUI=genUI,onEdit=onEdit,onRefresh=onRefresh}
+       numConses = length cs
+       conses = map fst cs
+       genUI dp (consindex, value) vst=:{VSt|taskId,mode,optional,selectedConsIndex}
+               # cured = snd (cs !! consindex)
+               = case mode of
+                       Enter
+                               # (consChooseUI,consChooseMask) = genConsChooseUI taskId dp optional conses Nothing
+                               = (Ok (UI UIVarCons 'DM'.newMap [consChooseUI],CompoundMask {fields=[consChooseMask],state=JSONNull}),{vst & selectedConsIndex = selectedConsIndex})
+                       Update
+                               = case cured.Editor.genUI dp value vst of
+                                       (Ok (consUI=:(UI _ attr items), consMask=:(CompoundMask {fields})),vst)
+                                               # (consChooseUI,consChooseMask) = genConsChooseUI taskId dp optional conses (Just vst.selectedConsIndex)
+                                               = (Ok (UI UIVarCons attr [consChooseUI:items],CompoundMask {fields=[consChooseMask:fields],state=JSONNull})
+                                                       ,{vst & selectedConsIndex = selectedConsIndex})
+                                       (Error e,vst) = (Error e,vst)
+                       View
+                               = case cured.Editor.genUI dp value vst of
+                                       (Ok (consUI=:(UI _ attr items), consMask=:(CompoundMask {fields})),vst)
+                                               # (consViewUI,consViewMask) = genConsViewUI conses vst.selectedConsIndex
+                                               = (Ok (UI UIVarCons attr [consViewUI:items],CompoundMask {fields=[consViewMask:fields],state=JSONNull})
+                                                       ,{vst & selectedConsIndex = selectedConsIndex})
+                                       (Error e,vst) = (Error e,vst)
+       genConsChooseUI taskId dp optional gtd_conses mbSelectedCons = (consChooseUI,consChooseMask)
+       where
+               consOptions = [JSONObject [("id",JSONInt i),("text",JSONString gdc)] \\ gdc <- gtd_conses & i <- [0..]]
+               consChooseUI = uia UIDropdown (choiceAttrs taskId (editorId dp) (maybeToList mbSelectedCons) consOptions)
+               consChooseMask = FieldMask {touched=False,valid=optional || isJust mbSelectedCons,state=maybe JSONNull JSONInt mbSelectedCons}
+       genConsViewUI gtd_conses selectedCons
+               = (uia UITextView (valueAttr (JSONString (gtd_conses !! selectedCons))), newFieldMask)
+       //Update is a constructor switch
+       onEdit dp ([],JSONArray [JSONInt consIdx]) (i, val) (CompoundMask {fields=[FieldMask {FieldMask|touched,valid,state}:masks]}) vst//=:{VSt|mode} 
+               | not (trace_tn ("cons switch from " +++ toString i +++ " to " +++ toString consIdx)) = undef
+               # cured = snd (cs !! consIdx)
+               | consIdx < 0 || consIdx >= numConses
+                       = (Error "Constructor selection out of bounds", (i, val),vst)
+               //Create a default value for the selected constructor
+               //This is a rather ugly trick: We create a special target path that consists only of negative values that is
+               //decoded by the the onEdit instance of EITHER to create a value that consists of the correct nesting of LEFT's and RIGHT's
+               //                                                                              //TODO hier zit de bug
+       # (_,val,vst)   = cured.Editor.onEdit dp (consCreatePath consIdx numConses,JSONNull) val newCompoundMask vst
+               //Create a UI for the new constructor 
+               = case cured.Editor.genUI dp val {vst & mode = Enter} of
+                       (Ok (UI _ attr items, CompoundMask {fields=masks}),vst)
+                               //Construct a UI change that does the following: 
+                               //1: If necessary remove the fields of the previously selected constructor
+                               # removals = case state of
+//                                     (JSONInt prevConsIdx) = repeatn (length (snd (cs !! prevConsIdx))) (1,RemoveChild)
+//                                     (JSONInt prevConsIdx) = repeatn (length items) (1,RemoveChild)
+                                       _                 = []
+                               //2: Inserts the fields of the newly created ui
+                               # inserts = [(i,InsertChild ui) \\ ui <- items & i <- [1..]]
+                               # change = ChangeUI [] (removals ++ inserts)
+                               //Create a new mask for the constructor selection
+                               # consChooseMask = FieldMask {touched=True,valid=True,state=JSONInt consIdx}
+                               = (Ok (change,CompoundMask {fields=[consChooseMask:masks],state=JSONNull}), (consIdx, val), vst)
+                       (Error e,vst) = (Error e, (i, val), vst)
+       //Other events targeted directly at the ADT 
+       onEdit dp ([],e) (i, val) (CompoundMask {fields=[consChooseMask=:(FieldMask {FieldMask|touched,valid,state}):masks]}) vst=:{VSt|optional}
+               | e =: JSONNull || e =: (JSONArray []) // A null or an empty array are accepted as a reset events
+                       //If necessary remove the fields of the previously selected constructor
+                       # change = case state of
+//                             (JSONInt prevConsIdx) = ChangeUI [] (repeatn 32 /*(gtd_conses !! prevConsIdx).gcd_arity */(1,RemoveChild))
+                               _                     = NoChange                
+                       # consChooseMask = FieldMask {touched=True,valid=optional,state=JSONNull}
+                       = (Ok (change,CompoundMask {fields=[consChooseMask:masks],state=JSONNull}),(i, val), vst)       
+               = (Error "Unknown constructor select event ",(i, val),vst)
+       //Update is targeted somewhere inside this value
+       onEdit dp (tp,e) (i, val) mask=:(CompoundMask {fields,state}) vst 
+               # cured = snd (cs !! i)
+               //Adjust for the added constructor switch UI
+               # consChooseMask = hd fields
+               = case cured.Editor.onEdit dp (tp,e) val (CompoundMask {fields=tl fields,state=JSONNull}) vst of
+                       (Ok (change,CompoundMask {fields}),val,vst)
+                               # change = case change of
+                                       (ChangeUI attrChanges itemChanges) = ChangeUI attrChanges [(i + 1,c) \\ (i,c) <- itemChanges]
+                                       _                                  = NoChange
+                               = (Ok (change,CompoundMask {fields=[consChooseMask:fields],state=JSONNull}),(i, val),vst)
+                       (Error e,val,vst) = (Error e, (i, val), vst)
+       consCreatePath i n
+       | i >= n     = []
+       | n == 1     = []
+       | i < (n /2) = [ -1: consCreatePath i (n/2) ]
+       | otherwise  = [ -2: consCreatePath (i - (n/2)) (n - (n/2)) ]
+       onRefresh dp (i, new) (j, old) mask=:(CompoundMask {fields}) vst=:{VSt|mode,taskId,optional,selectedConsIndex=curSelectedConsIndex}
+               # cured = snd (cs !! i)
+               | numConses == 1
+                       # (change,val,vst) = cured.Editor.onRefresh dp new old mask vst
+                       = (change,(j, val),vst)
+               | otherwise
+                       //Adjust for the added constructor view/choose UI
+                       # consChooseMask = hd fields
+                       //Don't recursively refresh if no constructor has been chosen
+                       | (not mode =: View) && consChooseMask =: (FieldMask {FieldMask|state=JSONNull})
+                               = (Ok (NoChange,mask),(i, old),vst)
+                       = case cured.Editor.onRefresh dp new old (CompoundMask {fields=tl fields,state=JSONNull}) {vst & selectedConsIndex = 0} of
+                               (Ok (change,CompoundMask {fields}),val,vst=:{VSt|selectedConsIndex}) 
+                                       //If the cons was changed we need to update the selector
+                                       # consIndex = ~selectedConsIndex - 1
+                                       # consChange = if (selectedConsIndex < 0)
+                                               [(0, ChangeChild (ChangeUI [SetAttribute "value" (JSONArray [JSONInt consIndex,JSONBool True])] []))]
+                                               []
+                                       //Adjust the changes
+                                       # change = case change of
+                                               NoChange                                                     = if (consChange =: []) NoChange (ChangeUI [] consChange)
+                                               (ChangeUI attrChanges itemChanges)   = ChangeUI attrChanges (consChange ++ [(i + 1,c) \\ (i,c) <- itemChanges])
+                                               (ReplaceUI ui=:(UI type attr items))
+                                                       //Add the constructor selection/view ui
+                                                       # (consUI,_) = if (mode =: View) 
+                                                                                               (genConsViewUI conses consIndex)
+                                                                                               (genConsChooseUI taskId dp optional conses (Just consIndex))
+                                                       = ReplaceUI (UI type attr [consUI:items])
+                                       | otherwise
+                                               = (Ok (change, CompoundMask {fields=[consChooseMask:fields],state=JSONNull}), (j, val),{vst & selectedConsIndex = curSelectedConsIndex})
+                               (Ok (change,mask),val,vst=:{VSt|selectedConsIndex}) 
+                                       = (Error "Corrupt mask in generic choose editor",(i, old), vst)
+                               (Error e,val,vst) = (Error e,(i, val),vst)
+       onRefresh dp (i, new) (j, old) mask vst
+               = (Error "Corrupt mask in generic choose editor",(j, old), vst)
diff --git a/metaeditor/MetaType.dcl b/metaeditor/MetaType.dcl
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..7f85458
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+definition module MetaType
+from StdOverloaded import class toString, class fromString
+from iTasks.UI.Editor import :: Editor
+from iTasks.UI.Definition import :: UIType
+from iTasks.WF.Definition import class iTask
+from iTasks.UI.Editor import :: Editor
+from iTasks.UI.Editor.Generic import generic gEditor
+from iTasks.Internal.Generic.Visualization import generic gText, :: TextFormat
+from iTasks.Internal.Generic.Defaults import generic gDefault
+from iTasks.WF.Definition import :: Task
+from Text.GenJSON import generic JSONEncode, generic JSONDecode, :: JSONNode
+from Data.GenEq import generic gEq
+from Data.Maybe import :: Maybe
+from Data.Either import :: Either
+derive class iTask MetaType
+derive gEq MetaInst
+derive gText MetaInst
+derive JSONEncode MetaInst
+derive JSONDecode MetaInst
+derive gEditor MetaInst
+derive gDefault MetaInst
+:: MetaType = MInt | MReal | MBool | MChar | MVoid | MPoint MetaType | MThis
+       | MRecord [(String, MetaType)] | MADT [(String, [MetaType])]
+//     | MTup2 (MetaType, MetaType)
+//     | MTup3 (MetaType, MetaType, MetaType)
+//     | MTup4 (MetaType, MetaType, MetaType, MetaType)
+:: MetaInst = IInt Int | IReal Real | IBool Bool | IChar Char | IVoid
+       | IPoint String | IRecord [MetaInst] | IADT Int [MetaInst]
+typeToInst :: MetaType -> MetaInst
+typeToEditor :: MetaType -> Editor MetaInst
+enterValueOfType :: MetaType -> Task MetaInst
+parse :: MetaType [Char] -> Either String (MetaInst, [Char])
+instance toString MetaType
+instance fromString MetaType
diff --git a/metaeditor/MetaType.icl b/metaeditor/MetaType.icl
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..4d891b9
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+implementation module MetaType
+from StdFunc import o, flip
+from Data.Func import $
+import StdOverloaded, StdString, StdList, StdMisc, StdTuple, StdBool
+import StdGeneric
+//import Control.Monad
+//import Control.Applicative
+import Data.Functor
+import Data.Tuple
+import Data.Either
+import Data.List
+import iTasks
+import iTasks.UI.Editor
+import iTasks.UI.Editor.Containers
+import iTasks.UI.Editor.Controls
+import iTasks.UI.Editor.Generic
+import iTasks.UI.Editor.Common
+import iTasks.UI.Editor.Modifiers
+import Text.GenJSON
+import Text
+import StdDebug
+derive class iTask MetaType
+derive gEq MetaInst
+derive gText MetaInst
+derive JSONEncode MetaInst
+derive JSONDecode MetaInst
+gDefault{|MetaInst|} = trace "Unable to derive a default value for MetaInst without the MetaType" IVoid
+gEditor{|MetaInst|} = trace "Unable to derive an editor for MetaInst without the MetaType" emptyEditor
+instance toString MetaType
+       toString MInt = "Int"
+       toString MReal = "Real"
+       toString MBool = "Bool"
+       toString MChar = "Char"
+       toString MVoid = "Void"
+       toString (MPoint p) = "(Pointer " +++ toString p +++ ")"
+       toString (MRecord m) = "{" +++ join "," [
+               k +++ "::" +++ toString v\\(k,v)<-m] +++ "}"
+       toString (MADT m) = join " | " [
+               k +++ " " +++ join " " (map toString v)\\(k,v)<-m]
+       toString MThis = "This"
+instance fromString MetaType
+       fromString x = MInt
+typeToInst :: MetaType -> MetaInst
+typeToInst m = typeToInst` m
+       typeToInst` :: MetaType -> MetaInst
+       typeToInst` MInt = IInt 0
+       typeToInst` MReal = IReal 0.0
+       typeToInst` MBool = IBool False
+       typeToInst` MChar = IChar ' '
+       typeToInst` MVoid = IVoid
+       typeToInst` MThis = typeToInst m
+       typeToInst` (MPoint _) = IPoint ""
+       typeToInst` (MRecord fs) = IRecord $ map (typeToInst` o snd) fs
+       typeToInst` (MADT []) = IADT -1 []
+       typeToInst` (MADT [(c, fs):_]) = IADT 0 $ map typeToInst` fs
+typeToEditor :: MetaType -> Editor MetaInst
+typeToEditor x = typeToEditor` x
+       typeToEditor` :: MetaType -> Editor MetaInst
+       typeToEditor` MInt  = bijectEditorValue (\(IInt i) ->i) IInt        integerField
+       typeToEditor` MReal = bijectEditorValue (\(IReal i)->i) IReal       decimalField
+       typeToEditor` MBool = bijectEditorValue (\(IBool i)->i) IBool       checkBox
+       typeToEditor` MChar = bijectEditorValue (\(IChar i)->i) IChar       gEditor{|*|}
+       typeToEditor` MVoid = bijectEditorValue (\_->())        (\_->IVoid) emptyEditor
+       typeToEditor` (MPoint _) = bijectEditorValue (\(IPoint i)->i) IPoint    gEditor{|*|}
+       typeToEditor` MThis = typeToEditor x
+       typeToEditor` (MRecord fs) =
+               bijectEditorValue (\(IRecord i)->i) IRecord
+                       $ containerL [row k (typeToEditor` v)\\(k, v)<-fs]
+       typeToEditor` (MADT []) = emptyEditor
+       typeToEditor` (MADT [(k, v)]) = bijectEditorValue (\(IADT 0 m)->m) (IADT 0)
+               $ row k (containerL (map typeToEditor` v) <<@ directionAttr Horizontal)
+       typeToEditor` (MADT kvs) = abort "blurp"/*bijectEditorValue (\(IADT i m)->(i, m)) (uncurry IADT)
+               $ choose [(k, containerL (map typeToEditor` v) <<@ directionAttr Horizontal)\\(k,v)<-kvs]*/
+       typeToEditor` x = abort $ "Nomatch: " +++ toString x
+enterValueOfType :: MetaType -> Task MetaInst
+enterValueOfType mt = enterValueOfType` mt
+       enterValueOfType` MInt = enterInformation () [] @ IInt
+       enterValueOfType` MReal = enterInformation () [] @ IReal
+       enterValueOfType` MBool = enterInformation () [] @ IBool
+       enterValueOfType` MChar = enterInformation () [] @ IChar
+       enterValueOfType` MVoid = return IVoid
+       enterValueOfType` MThis = enterValueOfType` mt
+       enterValueOfType` (MPoint _) = enterInformation () [] @ IPoint
+       enterValueOfType` (MRecord fs)
+               = allTasks [enterValueOfType` v <<@ Title k\\(k,v)<-fs]
+                       >>* [OnAction (Action "Continue") $ ifValue (\v->length v == length fs) $ return o IRecord]
+       enterValueOfType` (MADT kvs)
+               = enterChoice "Cons" [ChooseFromDropdown (fst o fst)] (zip2 kvs [0..])
+               >&> \sh->whileUnchanged sh \mc->case mc of
+                       Nothing = viewInformation () [] () @! IVoid
+                       Just ((k, vs), i)
+                               = allTasks (map enterValueOfType` vs) <<@ Title k @ IADT i
+row :: String (Editor a) -> Editor a
+row l e = bijectEditorValue (tuple l) snd $
+       container2 label e <<@ directionAttr Horizontal
+parse :: MetaType [Char] -> Either String (MetaInst, [Char])
+parse t cs = parse` t t cs
+       parse` t MVoid cs = Right (IVoid, cs)
+       parse` t MInt cs = case parseInt cs of
+               (i, []) = Right (IInt i, cs)
+               (i, [' ':cs]) = Right (IInt i, cs)
+               _ = Left "Integer must end with a space"
+       parse` t MReal cs = Right $ appFst IReal (parseReal cs)
+       parse` t MBool [c:cs]
+               | c == '0' || c == '1' = Right (IBool (c == '1'), cs)
+               = Left "Bool must be encoded as 0 or 1"
+       parse` t MChar [c:cs] = Right (IChar c, cs)
+       parse` t (MPoint _) ['\0':cs] = Right (IPoint "", cs)
+       parse` t p=:(MPoint _) [c:cs] = case parse p cs of
+               Left e = Left e
+               Right (IPoint ss, cs) = Right (IPoint (toString c +++ ss), cs)
+       parse` t MThis c = parse t c
+       parse` t (MRecord fs) cs = undef
+       parse` t (MADT cons) cs = case parse MInt cs of
+                       Right (IInt c, cs)
+                               | c < 0 || c > length cons = Left $ "Not a valid cons identifier: " +++ toString c
+                               = appFst (IADT c) <$> plist t (snd $ cons !! c) cs
+                       Left e = Left e
+       parse` t _ [] = Left "Empty input"
+       parse` t` t _ = Left $ "Undef: " +++ toString t` +++ " , " +++ toString t
+       plist t [] cs = Right ([], cs)
+       plist t [a:as] cs = case parse` t a cs of
+               Left e = Left e
+               Right (a, cs) = case plist t as cs of
+                       Left e = Left e
+                       Right (as, cs) = Right ([a:as], cs)
+       parseInt :: [Char] -> (Int, [Char])
+       parseInt [c:cs] = appFst ((*) -1) $ int cs
+       parseInt cs = int cs
+       int = appFst (toInt o toString) o span isDigit
+       parseReal :: [Char] -> (Real, [Char])
+       parseReal cs = (0.0, cs)
+print :: MetaInst -> String
+print i = trim $ print` i
+       print` IVoid = ""
+       print` (IInt i) = toString i +++ " "
+       print` (IReal i) = toString i +++ " " 
+       print` (IBool i) = if i "1" "0"
+       print` (IChar i) = toString i
+       print` (IPoint i) = i +++ "\0"
+       print` (IRecord fs) = concat $ map print fs
+       print` (IADT i cs) = concat [toString i," ":map print cs]
diff --git a/metaeditor/ed.icl b/metaeditor/ed.icl
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..a7835c2
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+module ed
+from Data.Func import $
+import iTasks
+import MetaType
+import Data.Maybe
+import Data.Functor
+import GenPrint
+derive gPrint MetaInst
+Start w = startEngine t w
+       t = enterInformation "Enter MetaType" []
+               >&> \sh->whileUnchanged sh \mt->case mt of
+                       Nothing = viewInformation () [] "No type entered"
+                       Just mt = enterValueOfType mt
+                               >&> viewSharedInformation "Value:" [ViewAs $ fmap lens] @! ""
+       lens :: (MetaInst -> String)
+       lens = printToString
diff --git a/runtasks/test.dcl b/runtasks/test.dcl
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..a102fe3
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+definition module test
+class c c
+       m1 :: c
+       m2 :: c
diff --git a/runtasks/test.icl b/runtasks/test.icl
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..e84c95e
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+implementation module test
+class c c
+       m1 :: c
+Start = 42
diff --git a/shared_selection/test.icl b/shared_selection/test.icl
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..4ac4faa
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+module test
+import Data.Func, StdFunctions, iTasks
+derive gDefault ChoiceNode
+Start w = flip startEngine w $
+       withShared 5 \sharedInt->
+       withShared [] \sharedSel->
+       editSharedSelectionWithShared "test" False
+               (SelectInTree
+                       (\l->[{defaultValue & id=i,label=toString i}\\i<-[0..l]])
+                       (\_ s->s)
+               ) sharedInt sharedSel
+       -|| updateSharedInformation "Number of items" [] sharedInt
+       -|| updateSharedInformation "Current selection" [] sharedSel
+       >&> viewSharedInformation "Current task value" [] o mapRead toSingleLineText