:: *StartType :== (LexerOutput, ParserOutput, *World)
-parseArgs :: *World -> (Opts, *World)
-parseArgs w
-# ([p:args], w) = getCommandLine w
-= (pa args {program=p, lex=False, parse=False, fp=Nothing, help=False}, w)
- pa :: [String] -> (Opts -> Opts)
- pa [] = id
- pa ["--help":r] = \o.pa r {o & help=True}
- pa ["--lex":r] = \o.pa r {o & lex=True, parse=False}
- pa ["--parse":r] = \o.pa r {o & lex=False, parse=True}
- pa [x:r] = \o.pa r {o & fp=Just x}
-//Start :: *World -> (LexerOutput, ParserOutput, *World)
-//Start w
-//# (args, w) = getCommandLine w
-//# (toparse, out) = readEntireFile out
-//= (lexer toparse, parse (lexer toparse), w)
Start :: *World -> *StartType
Start w
# (args, w) = parseArgs w
-| args.help = help args.program w
+| args.help
+ # (out, w) = stdio w
+ # out = out <<< "\nUsage: " <<< args.program <<< " [opts] [FILENAME]\n"
+ <<< "\t--help Show this help\n"
+ <<< "\t--lex Lex only, is mutually exclusive with --parse\n"
+ <<< "\t--parse Lex & Parse only\n\n"
+ <<< "\tFILENAME File to parse, when unspecified stdin is parsed\n"
+ # (_, w) = fclose out w
+ = (Left "", Left "", w)
# (stdin, w) = stdio w
# (contents, stdin, w) = readFileOrStdin stdin args.fp w
| args.lex = case contents of
(Left e) = (Left e, Left "", w)
(Right cs) = let lexOut = lexer cs in (lexOut, parser lexOut, w)
+parseArgs :: *World -> (Opts, *World)
+parseArgs w
+# ([p:args], w) = getCommandLine w
+= (pa args {program=p, lex=False, parse=False, fp=Nothing, help=False}, w)
+ pa :: [String] -> (Opts -> Opts)
+ pa [] = id
+ pa ["--help":r] = \o.pa r {o & help=True}
+ pa ["--lex":r] = \o.pa r {o & lex=True, parse=False}
+ pa ["--parse":r] = \o.pa r {o & lex=False, parse=True}
+ pa [x:r] = \o.pa r {o & fp=Just x}
readFileOrStdin :: *File (Maybe String) *World -> *(Either String [Char], *File, *World)
readFileOrStdin stdin Nothing w
# (cs, stdin) = readEntireFile stdin
# (b, fin, w) = fopen fp FReadText w
| not b = (Left "Unable to open file", stdin, w)
# (cs, fin) = readEntireFile fin
-# (_, w) = fclose fin w
+# (b, w) = fclose fin w
+| not b = (Left "Unable to close file", stdin, w)
= (Right cs, stdin, w)
readEntireFile :: *File -> *([Char], *File)
| not b = ([], f)
# (cs, f) = readEntireFile f
= ([c:cs], f)
-help :: String *World -> *StartType
-help p w
-# (out, w) = stdio w
-# out = out <<< "\nUsage: " <<< p <<< " [opts] [FILENAME]\n"
- <<< "\t--help Show this help\n"
- <<< "\t--lex Lex only, is mutually exclusive with --parse\n"
- <<< "\t--parse Lex & Parse only\n\n"
- <<< "\tFILENAME File to parse, when unspecified stdin is parsed\n"
-# (_, w) = fclose out w
-= (Left "", Left "", w)