isolated extracted parts from this project.
\section{Directed Acyclic Graphs}
-A graph is a mathematical structure described with the ordered pair: $G=(V,E)$.
-In this ordered pair $V$ is the set of nodes and $E$ is set of ordered pairs
-that we will call \textit{undirected edges}.
+A graph($G$) is a mathematical structure to describe relations between nodes
+with edges. A standard graph is defined as the ordered pair: $G=(V,E)$. In
+this ordered pair $V$ is the set of nodes and $E$ is set of undirected edges
+where every undirected edge is a tuple of two nodes.
+Figure~\ref{fig:graphexample} is specified as:
+ $$G=({n1, n2, n3}, {(n1, n2), (n2, n3), (n2, n3)})$$
+ \caption{Example Graph}
+ \label{fig:graphexample}
+ \centering
+ \digraph[]{graphexample}{
+ rankdir=LR
+ n1 -> n2 [dir="none"]
+ n2 -> n3 [dir="none"]
+ n2 -> n3 [dir="none"]
+ }
Directed graphs are special kinds of graphs. A directed graph is described as
the ordered pair: $G=(V,A)$. Where $A$ is a set of ordered pairs that we will
--- /dev/null
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+Warning--empty journal in Roelofs2008
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