module cleanbf
import Data.Either
-import System.CommandLine
import Data.Error
+import Data.Tuple
+import StdEnv
+import System.CommandLine
import System.File
+import _SystemArray
from Data.Func import $
-import _SystemArray
-import StdEnv
TAPESIZE :== 1024
:: *BFState = {pc :: Int, tc :: Int, io :: *File, cs :: [Int], tape :: *{Int},
prog :: String}
bf st=:{prog,pc,tc,tape,cs}
| st.pc == size st.prog = Left st
= let (b, tape`) = uselect tape tc in Right $ case select prog pc of
- '<' = {st & pc=pc+1, tape=tape`, tc=tc-1}
- '>' = {st & pc=pc+1, tape=tape`, tc=tc+1}
+ '<' = {st & pc=pc+1, tc=tc-1}
+ '>' = {st & pc=pc+1, tc=tc+1}
'+' = {st & pc=pc+1, tape=update tape` tc (b+1)}
'-' = {st & pc=pc+1, tape=update tape` tc (b-1)}
'.' = {st & pc=pc+1, tape=tape`, <<< toChar b}
']' = {st & pc=hd cs, cs=tl cs}
_ = {st & pc=pc+1}
-f :: (.a -> (Either .a .a)) -> .(.a -> .a)
-f g = (either id (f g)) o g
-mkState :: !*File String -> *BFState
-mkState f s = {pc=0,tc=0,io=f,cs=[],tape={0\\_<-[0..TAPESIZE]},prog=s}
Start w
-# ([_:p], w) = getCommandLine w
-# (io, w) = stdio w
-| isEmpty p = snd (fclose (io <<< "Pleasy supply a filename\n") w)
+# ([_:p], (io, w)) = appSnd stdio $ getCommandLine w
+| isEmpty p = snd $ fclose (io <<< "Pleasy supply a filename\n") w
# (io, w) = case readFile (hd p) w of
(Error e, w) = (io <<< "File error: " <<< toString e <<< "\n", w)
- (Ok s, w) = let st` = f bf (mkState io s) in (st`.io, w)
-# (_, w) = fclose io w
-= w
+ (Ok s, w) = let st` = run bf $ mkState io s in (st`.io, w)
+ with
+ run g = (either id (run g)) o g
+ mkState f s = {pc=0,tc=0,io=f,cs=[],tape={0\\_<-[0..TAPESIZE]},prog=s}
+= snd $ fclose io w