{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ParallelListComp #-}
-module Language.Quote (cp) where
+module Language.Quote (dsl) where
import Data.Char
import Data.Functor.Identity
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax
import Language.Haskell.TH.Quote
import Text.Parsec
import Text.Parsec.String
import Text.Parsec.Expr as E
import Language.GenDSL
-cp :: QuasiQuoter
-cp = QuasiQuoter
+dsl :: QuasiQuoter
+dsl = QuasiQuoter
{ quoteExp = \s->location >>= parseExpr s
, quotePat = undefined
, quoteType = undefined
expr :: Parser Exp
expr = buildExpressionParser
- [ [bin "^." AssocRight]
- , [bin "*." AssocLeft, bin "/." AssocLeft]
- , [bin "+." AssocLeft, bin "-." AssocLeft]
- , [bin o AssocNone | o <- ["==.", "/=.", "<.", ">.", "<=.", ">=."]]
- , [bin "&." AssocRight]
- , [bin "|." AssocRight]
+ [ [bin "^" AssocRight]
+ , [bin "*" AssocLeft, bin "/" AssocLeft]
+ , [bin "+" AssocLeft, bin "-" AssocLeft]
+ , [bin o AssocNone | o <- ["==", "/=", "<", ">", "<=", ">="]]
+ , [bin "&&" AssocRight]
+ , [bin "||" AssocRight]
+ , [E.Infix (fmap ifx $ P.lexeme haskell $ char '`' *> identifier <* char '`') AssocRight]
] basic
bin :: String -> Assoc -> Operator String () Identity Exp
- bin str = E.Infix $ ifx str <$ sat operator (str==)
+ bin str = E.Infix $ ifx (str++".") <$ sat operator (str==)
(("Expected operator " ++ str ++ " but got ")++)
basic :: Parser Exp
= try (AppE . VarE <$> var <*> (TupE <$> parens (commaSep expr)))
<|> VarE <$> var
- <|> AppE (VarE (mkName "lit")) . LitE <$> lit
+ <|> mkCase <$ reserved "case" <*> expr <* reserved "of" <*> many1 ((,) <$> pat <* reservedOp "->" <*> expr)
+ <|> (\i t e->VarE (mkName "if'") `AppE` i `AppE` t `AppE` e) <$ reserved "if" <*> expr <* reserved "then" <*> expr <* reserved "else" <*> expr
<|> parens expr
- <|> mkCase <$ reserved "case" <*> expr <* reserved "of" <*> many1 match
- match = (,) <$> pat <* reservedOp "->" <*> expr
+ <|> mkLit . LitE <$> lit
+ <|> mkLit . ConE . mkName <$> sat identifier ("True"==) ("Expected True but got: "++)
+ <|> mkLit . ConE . mkName <$> sat identifier ("False"==) ("Expected False but got: "++)
sat :: Parser a -> (a -> Bool) -> (a -> String) -> Parser a
sat p f msg = try (p >>= \a->if f a then pure a else fail (msg a))
= CharL <$> P.charLiteral haskell
<|> IntegerL <$> P.natural haskell
+mkLit :: Exp -> Exp
+mkLit = AppE $ VarE $ mkName "lit"
con,var :: Parser Name
con = mkName <$> sat identifier (isUpper . head) ("Not a data constructor: "++)
var = mkName <$> sat identifier (isLower . head) ("Not a variable identifier: "++)
f5 :: (List' v, Expression v, Function (v (List Int)) v) => Main (v Int)
- = fun ( \sumf->(\l->[cp|case l of
+ = fun ( \sumf->(\l->[dsl|case l of
Nil -> 0
- Cons e rest -> e +. sumf(rest)
+ Cons e rest -> e + sumf(rest)
-- :- Main {unmain=sumf $ lit (1 :: Int) `cons` (lit 2 `cons` (lit 3 `cons` nil))}
- :- Main {unmain=sumf $ lit (1 :: Int) `cons` (lit 2 `cons` (lit 3 `cons` nil))}
+ :- Main {unmain=[dsl|sumf (1 `cons` (2 `cons` (3 `cons` nil)))|]}
f6 :: (TupleR' v, Expression v, Function (v (TupleR Int Char)) v) => Main (v Int)
- = fun ( \firstfun->(\l->[cp|case l of
+ = fun ( \firstfun->(\l->[dsl|case l of
TupleR {first=f} -> f
-- :- Main {unmain=sumf $ lit (1 :: Int) `cons` (lit 2 `cons` (lit 3 `cons` nil))}
f7 :: (Expression v, Function (v Int) v) => Main (v Int)
- = fun ( \ffac->(\l->[cp|case l of
+ = fun ( \ffac->(\l->[dsl|case l of
0 -> 1
- n -> n *. ffac (n -. 1)
+ n -> if True then 1 else n * ffac (n - 1)
:- Main {unmain=ffac (lit 10)}
f7' :: (DSL v, List' v, Function (v (List Int)) v) => Main (v Int)
= fun ( \fromto->(
- \(from, to)->if' (from >. to) nil (from `cons` fromto (from +. lit 1, to))
+ \(from, to)->[dsl|if from > to then nil else from `cons` fromto (from + 1, to)|]
) :- fun ( \mullist->(
- \l->[cp|case l of
- Cons e rest -> e *. mullist(rest)
+ \l->[dsl|case l of
+ Cons e rest -> e * mullist(rest)
Nil -> 1
) :- fun ( \fac->(