implementation module Data.GenType.CParser
-import StdEnv
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad => qualified join
+import Control.Monad.Fail
+import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Trans
import Control.Monad.Writer
-import Control.Monad.Reader
-import Control.Monad.Fail
import Data.Either
import Data.Func
import Data.Functor
-import Data.Tuple
import Data.List
+import qualified Data.Map
+from Data.Map import :: Map(..)
+import Data.Maybe
+import Data.Tuple
+import StdEnv
+import Text
import Data.GenType
import Data.GenType.CType
indent c = liftT ask >>= \i->tell [createArray i '\t':c]
+includes = "#include <stdint.h>\n#include <stdbool.h>\n"
+parsefun t = "parse_" +++ safe (typeName t)
(<.>) infixr 6
(<.>) a b = a +++ "." +++ b
+result r op s = indent [r, " ", op, " ", s, ";\n"]
+assign r s = result r "=" s
* Generate a single parser for a type.
* This does not terminate for a recursive type
flatParser :: Type -> Either String ([String], [String])
flatParser t = tuple header <$> runReaderT (execWriterT (tell head >>| fpd t True "r" >>| tell tail)) 1
- includes = "#include <stdint.h>\n#include <stdbool.h>\n"
- header = [includes:parsefun [";\n"]]
- parsefun c = [prefix t, safe (typeName t), " parse_", safe (typeName t), "(uint8_t (*get)(void))":c]
- head = [includes:parsefun [" {\n\t", prefix t, safe (typeName t), " r;\n\n"]]
+ header = [includes:parsedef [";\n"]]
+ parsedef c = [prefix t, safe (typeName t), parsefun t, "(uint8_t (*get)(void))":c]
+ head = [includes:parsedef [" {\n\t", prefix t, safe (typeName t), " r;\n\n"]]
tail = ["\treturn r;\n}\n"]
parsename s = "parse_" +++ safe s
- result r op s = indent [r, " ", op, " ", s, ";\n"]
- assign r s = result r "=" s
fpd :: Type Bool String -> FPMonad
fpd (TyRef s) tl r = assign r (parsename s)
* generate parsers for the types grouped by strongly connected components
-parser :: [[Type]] -> Either String [String]
-parser _ = undef
+:: TPMonad :== WriterT [String] (StateT TPState (Either String)) ()
+:: TPState :== 'Data.Map'.Map String (String, Bool)
+parsers :: [[Type]] -> Either String [String]
+parsers ts = evalStateT (execWriterT (mapM_ parsergroup ts)) 'Data.Map'.newMap
+ parsergroup :: [Type] -> TPMonad
+ parsergroup ts
+ = liftT (modify ('Data.Map'.putList [(typeName ty, (prefix ty, True))\\ty<-ts]))
+ >>| mapM_ (\t->parser t >>| tell ["\n"]) ts
+ printTypeName :: String -> TPMonad
+ printTypeName tname
+ = liftT (gets (\s->maybe [safe tname, " "] (\(p, b)->[p, safe tname, if b " *" " "]) $ 'Data.Map'.get tname s))
+ >>= tell
+ parser :: Type -> TPMonad
+ parser t=:(TyRef s) = tell [parsefun t]
+ parser (TyBasic t)
+ = case t of
+ BTInt = tell ["\tr = (int64_t)get()<<54;\n"
+ , "\tr += (int64_t)get()<<48;\n"
+ , "\tr += (int64_t)get()<<40;\n"
+ , "\tr += (int64_t)get()<<32;\n"
+ , "\tr += (int64_t)get()<<24;\n"
+ , "\tr += (int64_t)get()<<16;\n"
+ , "\tr += (int64_t)get()<<8;\n"
+ , "\tr += (int64_t)get();\n"]
+ BTChar = tell ["\tr = (char)get();\n"]
+ BTReal = tell ["\tr = double;\n"]
+ BTBool = tell ["\tr = (bool)get();\n"]
+ t = fail $ "parser: there is no basic type for " +++ toString t
+ parser (TyArrow _ _) = fail $ "parser: function cannot be serialized"
+ parser (TyNewType ti ci a) = parser a
+ parser (TyArray _ _) = fail $ "parser: arrays are not supported since they require dynamic memory"
+ parser (TyRecord ti fs)
+ = fmtFields 1 ti.grd_type ["r" <.> fi.gfd_name\\(fi, _)<-fs]
+ //Enumeration
+ parser (TyObject ti fs)
+ | and [t =: [] \\ (_, t)<-fs]
+ = tell ["\tr = (" +++ consName ti +++ ") get();\n"]
+ //Single constructor, single field (box)
+ parser (TyObject ti [(ci, [ty])]) = tell ["\tr = "] >>| fmtField ci.gcd_type >>| tell [");\n"]
+ //Single constructor
+ parser t=:(TyObject ti [(ci, ts)])
+ = fmtFields 1 ci.gcd_type ["r.f" +++ toString i\\i<-indexList ts]
+ //Complex adt
+ parser (TyObject ti fs)
+ = tell ["\tr.cons = (" +++ consName ti +++ ") get();\n"]
+ >>| tell ["\tswitch(r.cons) {\n"]
+ >>| mapM_ fmtCons fs
+ >>| tell ["\t}\n"]
+ where
+ fmtCons :: (GenericConsDescriptor,[Type]) -> TPMonad
+ fmtCons (ci, ts) = tell ["\tcase ", safe ci.gcd_name, ":\n"]
+ >>| fmtFields 2 ci.gcd_type [cs i\\i<-[0..] & ty<-ts]
+ >>| tell ["\t\tbreak;\n"]
+ where
+ cs i = "" <.> safe ci.gcd_name +++ if (ts=:[_]) "" (".f" +++ toString i)
+ parser t = fail $ "parser: unsupported type " +++ toString t
+ fmtFields :: Int GenType [String] -> TPMonad
+ fmtFields i _ [] = pure ()
+ fmtFields i (GenTypeArrow l r) [x:xs]
+ = tell [createArray i '\t', x, " = "] >>| fmtField l >>| tell [");\n"] >>| fmtFields i r xs
+ fmtField :: GenType -> TPMonad
+ fmtField (GenTypeCons a) = tell ["parse_", safe a, "(get"]
+ fmtField (GenTypeVar a) = tell ["parse_", toString a, "(get"]
+ fmtField t=:(GenTypeApp _ _)
+ = let [x:xs] = ufold t in fmtField x >>| case ufold t of
+ [] = tell [")"]
+ xs = tell [", "] >>| sequence_ (intersperse (tell [", "]) (map (\s->fmtField s >>| tell [")"]) xs))
+ where
+ ufold (GenTypeApp l r) = [l:ufold r]
+ ufold t = [t]
+// fmtField x t=:(GenTypeArrow _ _)
+// = mapM (fmap (concat o snd) o listen o fmtField "") (collectArgs t [])
+// >>= \[r:as]->tell [r, " (*",x,")(",join ", " as, ")"]
+// where
+// collectArgs (GenTypeArrow l r) c = collectArgs r (c ++ [l])
+// collectArgs t c = [t:c]
+// | TyObject GenericTypeDefDescriptor [(GenericConsDescriptor, [Type])]
+// | TyRecord GenericRecordDescriptor [(GenericFieldDescriptor, Type)]
import Data.GenType.CType
import Data.GenType.CParser
-derive gType Either, T, R, Frac, Tr, Fix, Odd, Even, SR, List, Enum, NT, Blurp, EnumList, ER, CP
+derive gType Either, T, R, Frac, Tr, Fix, Odd, Even, SR, List, Enum, NT, Blurp, EnumList, ER, CP, RA, Nest
:: T a = T2 a Char
:: NT =: NT Int
f5 :: [([#Int], [#Int!], [!Int!], [!Int], [Int!])],
f6 :: ({!Int}, {R Bool}, {#Char}, {32#Int}),/*({!Int}, {#Char}, {R Bool})*/
f7 :: {!Int}}
-:: Tr m b= Tr (m Int b)
+:: Tr m b= Tr (m Int b) | TrBork
:: Frac a = (/.) infixl 7 a a | Flurp
:: Fix f = Fix (f (Fix f))
:: EnumList = ECons Enum EnumList | ENil
-:: ER = {nat :: T Int, bool :: Bool}
+:: ER = {nat :: Int, bool :: Bool}
+:: RA a = {a1 :: a, a2 :: Int}
:: CP = CLeft Int Bool | CRight Char Char
( flatTypedef $ gTypeToType $ unBox t
, typedefs $ map (map gTypeToType) $ map (filter (not o isBasic)) $ flattenGType $ unBox t
, flatParser $ gTypeToType $ unBox t
+ , parsers $ map (map gTypeToType) $ map (filter (not o isBasic)) $ flattenGType $ unBox t
//Start = typedefs //$ (\x->[[gTypeToType x]])
// $ flattenGType
// $ unBox t
+:: Nest m = Nest (m (m (m Int))) | NestBlurp
//t :: Box GType (?# Int)
//t :: Box GType (Maybe [Maybe (Either Bool String)])
//t :: Box GType ([SR], Enum, T Int, NT, Blurp Int)
//t :: Box GType [EnumList]
-t :: Box GType (Either (Int, Char) (?CP))
+t :: Box GType (Nest ?, Tr Either (?(Int, Enum)))
//t :: Box GType (Odd Int, (), [Either (R (T *World)) (Frac Real)], Tr Either Bool, Fix Maybe)
t = gType{|*|}