import StdFunc
import StdOrdList
import StdList
+from Data.Func import $
+from Data.List import intercalate, maximum, permutations
+from Text import class Text(concat,join), instance Text String
import Sokoban
+:: AnnotatedSokoban :== [(Int, Int, SokobanTile)]
Start :: *World -> *World
Start w
# (io, w) = stdio w
= snd (fclose io w)
encode :: SokobanPuzzle -> String
-encode p = foldr ((+++) o (+++) "\n") "" ([
- "main",
- "VAR":encodeBoxes p maxX maxY])
+encode p = join "\n" [
+ "MODULE ob(ix, iy, movement)",
+ "VAR",
+ "\tx: 0 .. " <+ maxX <+ ";",
+ "\ty: 0 .. " <+ maxX <+ ";",
+ "INVAR " <+ encodeObjectPositions legalPos <+ ";",
+ "\tinit(x):=ix;",
+ "\tinit(y):=iy;\n",
+ "MODULE main",
+ "VAR",
+ "\tmovement: {left, up, right, down, finished};",
+ "\tagent: " <+ encodeAgent annot,
+ encodeBoxes boxes,
+ "\tdx := case",
+ "\t\tmovement = left : -1;",
+ "\t\tmovement = right: +1;",
+ "\t\tTRUE: 0;",
+ "\tesac;",
+ "\tdy := case",
+ "\t\tmovement = up : -1;",
+ "\t\tmovement = down: +1;",
+ "\t\tTRUE: 0;",
+ "\tesac;",
+ "INVAR (" <+ encodeGoalState (indexList boxes) targetPos <+
+ ") <-> movement = finished;",
+ "INVAR " <+ encodeAgentNotOnBox (indexList boxes) <+ ";",
+ "TRANS next(agent.x) = agent.x + dx;",
+ "TRANS next(agent.y) = agent.y + dy;",
+ encodeBlockMovement (indexList boxes),
+ "CTLSPEC ! EF (movement = finished)",
+ "CTLSPEC EF (b0.x=3)"
+ ]
+ targetPos = getTargets annot
+ boxes = getBoxes annot
+ legalPos = legalPositions annot
annot = annotate p
(maxX, maxY) = getMetrics annot
-:: AnnotatedSokoban :== [(Int, Int, SokobanTile)]
+legalPositions :: AnnotatedSokoban -> [(Int, Int)]
+legalPositions p = [(x, y)\\(x, y, t)<-p | case t of Wall=False; _=True]
annotate :: SokobanPuzzle -> AnnotatedSokoban
annotate (Sokoban p) = flatten [[(x, y, t)\\t<-r & x<-[0..]]\\r<-p & y<-[0..]]
+getTargets :: AnnotatedSokoban -> [(Int, Int)]
+getTargets p = [(x, y)\\(x, y, t)<-p |
+ case t of Target=True;TargetBox=True;TargetAgent=True;_=False]
getMetrics :: AnnotatedSokoban -> (Int, Int)
-getMetrics p = (maxList (map fst3 p),maxList (map snd3 p))
+getMetrics p = (maximum (map fst3 p),maximum (map snd3 p))
getBoxes :: AnnotatedSokoban -> [(Int, Int)]
-getBoxes p = [t\\t=:(_, _, Box)<-p] ++
- where
- getBox` _ [] = []
- getBox` x [b:bs] = let r = getBox` (x+1) bs in case b of
- Box = [x:r]
- TargetBox = [x:r]
- _ = r
+getBoxes p = [(x, y)\\(x, y, Box)<-p] ++ [(x, y)\\(x, y, TargetBox)<-p]
(<+) infixr 5 :: a b -> String | toString a & toString b
(<+) a b = toString a +++ toString b
-encodeBoxes :: SokobanPuzzle Int Int -> [String]
-encodeBoxes p mx my = [
- "\tbox" <+ i <+ "x: " <+ "0 .. " <+ mx <+ ";\n\tbox" <+
- i <+ "y: " <+ "0 .. " <+ my <+ ";"\\(bx, by)<-getBoxes p & i<-[0..]]
+encodeGoalState :: [Int] [(Int, Int)] -> String
+encodeGoalState boxes targets = join " |\n\t" $ map encodeOneGoal boxtargets
+ where
+ boxtargets = map (zip2 targets) (permutations boxes)
+ encodeOneGoal :: [((Int, Int), Int)] -> String
+ encodeOneGoal p = "(" <+ join " & " (encodeOneGoal` p) <+ ")"
+ encodeOneGoal` :: [((Int, Int), Int)] -> [String]
+ encodeOneGoal` [] = []
+ encodeOneGoal` [((x, y), b):xs] = [
+ "b" <+ b <+ ".x = " <+ x <+ " & " <+
+ "b" <+ b <+ ".y = " <+ y:encodeOneGoal` xs]
+encodeBlockMovement :: [Int] -> String
+encodeBlockMovement bs = join "\n" $ map ebm bs
+ where
+ ebm :: Int -> String
+ ebm i =
+ "TRANS next(b" <+ i <+ ".x) = case\n" <+
+ "\t\tnext(agent.x) != b" <+ i <+ ".x | " <+
+ "next(agent.y) != b" <+ i <+ ".y: b" <+ i <+ ".x;\n" <+
+ "\t\tTRUE: b" <+ i <+ ".x + dx;\n" <+
+ "\tesac;\n" <+
+ "TRANS next(b" <+ i <+ ".y) = case\n" <+
+ "\t\tnext(agent.x) != b" <+ i <+ ".x | " <+
+ "next(agent.y) != b" <+ i <+ ".y: b" <+ i <+ ".x;\n" <+
+ "\t\tTRUE: b" <+ i <+ ".y + dy;\n" <+
+ "\tesac;"
+encodeAgentNotOnBox :: [Int] -> String
+encodeAgentNotOnBox bs = join " &\n\t" [
+ "(b" <+ i <+ ".x != agent.x & b" <+ i <+ ".y != agent.y)"\\i<-bs]
+encodeObjectPositions :: [(Int, Int)] -> String
+encodeObjectPositions p = join " | " ["x="<+x<+" & "<+"y="<+y\\(x, y)<-p]
+encodeAgent :: AnnotatedSokoban -> String
+encodeAgent [x:xs] = case x of
+ (x, y, Agent) = "ob(" <+ x <+ "," <+ y <+ ", movement);"
+ (x, y, TargetAgent) = "ob(" <+ x <+ "," <+ y <+ ", movement);"
+ _ = encodeAgent xs
+encodeBoxes :: [(Int, Int)] -> String
+encodeBoxes p = join "\n"
+ ["\tb" <+ i <+ ": ob(" <+ bx <+ ", " <+ by <+ ", movement);"
+ \\(bx, by)<-p & i<-[0..]]