definition module ast
-from Data.Either import :: Either
from StdOverloaded import class toString
:: Function = Function [Char] [[Char]] Expression
:: Expression
= Lit Value
| Var [Char]
instance toString Expression where
toString (Lit v) = toString v
toString (Var s) = toString s
- toString (App l r) = "(" +++ toString l +++ " " +++ toString r +++ ")"
- toString (Lambda a e) = "(\\" +++ toString a +++ "." +++ toString e +++ ")"
- toString (Builtin v as) = "'" +++ toString v +++ "'" +++ join " " (map toString as)
+ toString (App l r) = concat ["(", toString l, " ", toString r, ")"]
+ toString (Lambda a e) = concat ["(\\", toString a, ".", toString e, ")"]
+ toString (Builtin v as) = concat ["'", toString v, "'", join " " (map toString as)]
+ toString (Let i a b r) = concat [toString i, " ", join " " (map toString a), " = ", toString b, "\n", toString r]
toString _ = abort "toString Expression not implemented"
instance toString Value where
toString (Int i) = toString i
toString (Bool b) = toString b
- toString (Func a as _) = "Function arity " +++ toString a +++ " curried " +++ join "," (map toString as)
+ toString (Func a as _) = concat ["Function arity ", toString a, " curried ", join "," (map toString as)]
instance toString Type where
toString (TVar a) = toString a
toString TInt = "Int"
toString TBool = "Bool"
- toString (TFun a b) = "(" +++ toString a +++ ") ->" +++ toString b
+ toString (TFun a b) = concat ["(", toString a, ") ->", toString b]
import StdEnv
import Data.Either
import Data.Functor
-import Data.Func
-import Text
import Control.Monad => qualified join
import System.GetOpt
import System.CommandLine
= ([c:cs], f)
:: Mode = MHelp | MLex | MParse | MType | MInterpret | MGen
-:: Result
- = Lex [Token]
- | Parse String
- | Type Expression
- | Interpret Value
- | Gen [String]
-options :: [OptDescr (Mode->Mode)]
-options =
+opts :: [OptDescr (Mode -> Mode)]
+opts =
[ Option ['?'] ["help"] (NoArg (const MHelp)) "Display this message"
, Option ['l'] ["lex"] (NoArg (const MLex)) "Up to and including lexing"
, Option ['p'] ["parse"] (NoArg (const MParse)) "Up to and including parse"
, Option ['g'] ["gen"] (NoArg (const MGen)) "Up to and including generation"
-Start :: *World -> Either [String] Result
+Start :: *World -> Either [String] [String]
Start w
# ([argv0:args], w) = getCommandLine w
- # (mode, positionals, errs) = getOpt Permute options args
+ # (mode, positionals, errs) = getOpt Permute opts args
# mode = foldl (o) id mode MInterpret
| not (errs =: []) = Left [e +++ "\n"\\e<-errs]
| not (positionals =: []) = Left ["Positional arguments not allowed"]
# (io, w) = stdio w
# (cs, io) = chars io
+ # (_, w) = fclose io w
= case mode of
- MHelp = Left [usageInfo ("Usage: " +++ argv0 +++ " [options]\n") options]
- MLex = Lex <$> lex cs
- MParse = Parse <$> join "\n" <$> map toString <$> (lex cs >>= parse)
- MType = Type <$> (lex cs >>= parse >>= check)
- MInterpret = Interpret <$> (lex cs >>= parse >>= check >>= int)
- MGen = Gen <$> (lex cs >>= parse >>= check >>= gen)
+ MHelp = Left [usageInfo ("Usage: " +++ argv0 +++ " [opts]\n") opts]
+ MLex = map (\x->toString x +++ "\n") <$> lex cs
+ MParse = map (\x->toString x +++ "\n") <$> (lex cs >>= parse)
+ MType = (\x->[toString x]) <$> (lex cs >>= parse >>= check)
+ MInterpret = (\x->[toString x]) <$> (lex cs >>= parse >>= check >>= int)
+ MGen = lex cs >>= parse >>= check >>= gen
definition module parse
+from StdOverloaded import class toString
from Data.Either import :: Either
from ast import :: Function
:: Token
+instance toString Token
lex :: [Char] -> Either [String] [Token]
parse :: [Token] -> Either [String] [Function]
import Data.Functor
import Data.Func
import Data.List
-import Data.Tuple
+import Text.GenPrint
import StdEnv
import ast
:: Token = TTEq | TTSemiColon | TTLambda | TTDot | TTBrackOpen | TTBrackClose | TTBool Bool | TTInt Int | TTOp [Char] | TTIdent [Char]
derive gEq Token
+instance toString Token where toString t = printToString t
+derive gPrint Token
lex :: [Char] -> Either [String] [Token]
lex [] = pure []
lex [';':ts] = TTSemiColon <:> lex ts
pFunction :: Parser ([Char], [[Char]], [Token])
- = tuple3
+ = (\x y z->(x, y, z))
<$> (pFunId <|> pId)
<*> many pId
<* pToken TTEq