--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
+ course={Research Intership},
+ righttextheader={Supervisors:},
+ righttext={M.J.~Plasmeijer\\P.W.M.~Koopman}]
+% Activities Describe which activities you have carried our, incl. how you have
+% documented or recorded your work.
+% Results What were the results and contributions? How did you document these?
+% Only give a very brief description of the outcome of the research. Where
+% possible give pointers to places where more can be found about this. E.g. if
+% you have produced or contributed to software, data sets, articles, technical
+% reports, or other forms of documentation, then give pointers to these, but
+% don't include all this in this final report.
+\section{Reflection \& Evaluation}
+%Don't just evaluate and reflect on your results, but also on what you've done
+%to get there.
+%What went well/not so well/(not) according to plan? What was harder/easier
+%than expected? (Either due to the subject matter, or your skills and
+%experience.) Are there particular activities that you found hard or easy, or
+%that you are not (or not yet) good at? If you were to start over on the
+%internship, what would you do differently?
+%Look ahead to your Master thesis, and to your future career: also given your
+%experiences in the research intership, what kind of research would you (not)
+%like to do for your Master thesis? Would you want to do your Master thesis
+%internally at the university or at an external organisation? What are topics,
+%skills, or activities that you want to work at during your Master thesis or
+%your future career? Are there topics or activities that you want to avoid in
+%the future? Or that you would to specialise in your future career?