## Work
-- _Assistant professor at the Radboud University --- from 2024-01_
+- Assistant professor at the Radboud University --- from 2024-01
- Scientific programmer at the TOP Software Technology --- from 2023-06 till 2023-12
- Researcher at the Radboud University --- from 2023-06 till 2023-08
- PhD candidate at the Radboud University --- from 2018-06 till 2023-05
- 2023-10-04 --- Orchestrating the Internet of Things with Task-Oriented Programming ([PhD defense](/en/thesis.html))
- 2023-07-14 --- Sustainable IoT Programming (lecture and practical) ([SusTrainable 2023](https://sustrainable.dei.uc.pt))
- 2022-09-02 --- Asynchronous Shared Data Sources ([IFL 2022](https://ifl22.github.io/))
-- 2022-09-02 --- First-Class Data Types in Shallow Embedded Domain-Specific Languages using Metaprogramming. ([IFL 2022](https://ifl22.github.io/)
+- 2022-09-02 --- First-Class Data Types in Shallow Embedded Domain-Specific Languages using Metaprogramming. ([IFL 2022](https://ifl22.github.io/))
- 2022-07-07 --- Green Computing for the IoT (lecture and practical) ([SusTrainable 2022](https://sustrainable.uniri.hr/))
- 2022-05-18 --- Deep Embedding with Class ([TFP 2022](https://trendsfp.github.io))
- 2022-05-18 --- Reducing the Power Consumption of IoT with Task-Oriented Programming ([TFP 2022](https://trendsfp.github.io))