\item Interpreter on client
\item Server in iTasks with integration
\item No taskserver generation, onetime programming
+ \item Explicit SDS publishing
\frametitle{Adding a View}
:: ByteCode a p = BC (RWS () [BC] BCState ())
+:: BC = BCNop | BCPush BCValue | ...
:: BCValue = E.e: BCValue e & mTaskType, TC e
:: BCShare = { sdsi :: Int, sdsval :: BCValue, sdsname :: String }
:: BCState = { freshl :: Int, freshs :: Int, sdss :: [BCShare] }
+ \frametitle{Implementation}
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Writing instruction
+ \item Carrying state
+ \item Hand-crafted helpers
+ \end{itemize}
+ \begin{lstlisting}
+op2 :: (ByteCode a p1) (ByteCode a p2) BC -> ByteCode b Expr
+op2 (BC x) (BC y) bc = BC (x >>| y >>| tell [bc])
+tell2 :: [BC] -> (ByteCode a p)
+tell2 x = BC (tell x)
+instance arith ByteCode where
+ lit x = tell2 [BCPush (BCValue x)]
+ (+.) x y = op2 x y BCDiv
+ ...
+ \end{lstlisting}
+ \frametitle{Control flow}
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Use labels
+ \item Label resolving
+ \pause{}
+ \item Thus no reuse
+ \end{itemize}
+ \pause{}
+ \begin{lstlisting}
+:: BC = ... | BCLab Int | ...
+freshlabel = get >>= \st=:{freshl}->put {st & freshl=freshl+1} >>| pure freshl
+instance If ByteCode Stmt Stmt Stmt where If b t e = BCIfStmt b t e
+BCIfStmt (BC b) (BC t) (BC e) = BC (
+ freshlabel >>= \else->freshlabel >>= \endif->
+ b >>| tell [BCJmpF else] >>|
+ t >>| tell [BCJmp endif, BCLab else] >>|
+ e >>| tell [BCLab endif]
+ )
+ \end{lstlisting}
\begin{block}{SDS scope and naming}
\item SDS is lost
\item State per device
\item Tasks are sent and gone
+ \item Save bandwidth
namedsds :: ((v t Upd) -> In (Named t String) (Main (v c s)))
-> (Main (v c s)) | ...
:: Named a b = Named infix 1 a b
+instance sdspub ByteCode where
+ pub (BC x) = BC (censor (\[BCSdsFetch s]->[BCSdsPublish s]) x)
+ \frametitle{Assignment}
+ \begin{lstlisting}
+instance sds ByteCode where
+ sds f = {main = BC (freshshare
+ >>= \sdsi->pure {BCShare|sdsname="",sdsi=sdsi,sdsval=BCValue 0}
+ >>= \sds->pure (f (tell2 [BCSdsFetch sds]))
+ >>= \(v In bdy)->modify (addSDS sds v)
+ >>| unBC (unMain bdy))
+ }
+instance assign ByteCode where
+ (=.) (BC v) (BC e) = BC (e >>| censor makeStore v)
+makeStore [BCSdsFetch i] = [BCSdsStore i]
+makeStore [BCDigitalRead i] = [BCDigitalWrite i]
+makeStore [...] = [...]
+ \end{lstlisting}
\frametitle{Task scheduling}
+ \frametitle{mTask implementation}
+ \frametitle{Devices}
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Standard C
+ \item Implement some classes in interface
+ \pause{}
+ \item How to handle termination
+ \end{itemize}