{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ParallelListComp #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
module Language.GenDSL where
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax
import Language.Haskell.TH
import Data.Char
+import qualified Data.Set as DS
import Control.Monad
+import Debug.Trace
import Printer
import Compiler
import Interpreter
className,constructorName,selectorName,predicateName :: Name -> Name
-className = mkName . (++"'") . stringName
-constructorName = mkName . map toLower . stringName
-selectorName = mkName . map toLower . (++"'") . stringName
+className = mkName . (++"DSL") . stringName
+constructorName = mkName . (\(c:cs)->toLower c:cs) . stringName
+selectorName = mkName . ("get"++) . stringName
predicateName = mkName . ("is"++) . stringName
+setterName = mkName . ("set"++) . stringName
stringName :: Name -> String
stringName (Name occ _) = occString occ
adtFieldName :: Name -> Integer -> Name
adtFieldName consName idx = mkName $ map toLower (stringName consName) ++ "f" ++ show idx
-getConsName :: Con -> Q (Name, [(Name, TypeQ)])
-getConsName (NormalC consName fs)
- | head (stringName consName) == ':' = fail "Infix constructors are not supported"
- | otherwise = pure (consName, [(adtFieldName consName i, pure t)|(_, t)<-fs | i<-[0..]])
-getConsName (RecC consName fs) = pure (consName, [(n, pure t) | (n, _, t)<-fs])
-getConsName c = fail $ "Unsupported constructor type: " ++ show c
ifx :: String -> ExpQ -> ExpQ -> ExpQ
ifx op a b = infixE (Just a) (varE $ mkName op) (Just b)
class GenDSL a where genDSL :: a -> DecsQ
instance GenDSL a => GenDSL [a] where genDSL = fmap concat . mapM genDSL
+instance GenDSL Dec where
+ genDSL (DataD _ typeName tyVars _ constructors _)
+ = mapM getConsName constructors >>= mkDSL typeName . concat
+ where
+ getConsName :: Con -> Q [(Name, [(Name, Type)], Type)]
+ getConsName (RecGadtC consNames fs ty)
+ = pure [(consName, [(n, t) | (n, _, t)<-fs], ty) | consName<-consNames]
+ --Invent names for non record types
+ getConsName (GadtC consNames fs ty)
+ | all (not . (':'==) . head . stringName) consNames
+ = concat <$> mapM getConsName [RecGadtC [consName] [(adtFieldName consName i, b, t) | (b, t)<-fs | i<-[0..]] ty | consName <- consNames]
+ getConsName (NormalC consName fs) = getConsName $ RecC consName [(adtFieldName consName i, b, t) | (b, t)<-fs | i<-[0..]]
+ getConsName (RecC consName fs) = getConsName $ RecGadtC [consName] fs
+ $ foldl AppT (ConT typeName) $ map getName tyVars
+ where getName (PlainTV name) = VarT name
+ getName (KindedTV name _) = VarT name
+ getConsName (ForallC _ [] ty) = getConsName ty
+ getConsName c = fail $ "Unsupported constructor type: " ++ show c
+ genDSL (NewtypeD cxt name tvs mk con ds) = genDSL (DataD cxt name tvs mk [con] ds)
+ genDSL t = fail $ "mkConsClass only supports simple datatypes and not on: " ++ show t
instance GenDSL Name where
- genDSL typename = reify typename >>= \info->case info of
- TyConI (DataD _ _ tyvars _ constructors _)
- -> mapM getConsName constructors >>= mkDSL typename tyvars
- t
- -> fail $ "mkConsClass only supports simple datatypes and not: " ++ show t
-mkDSL :: Name -> [TyVarBndr] -> [(Name, [(Name, TypeQ)])] -> DecsQ
-mkDSL typeName typeVars constructors = sequence [ mkClass, mkPrinter, mkCompiler, mkInterpreter ]
+ genDSL typeName = reify typeName >>= \info->case info of
+ TyConI dec -> genDSL dec
+ DataConI _ _ parent -> genDSL parent
+ t -> fail $ "mkConsClass only works on types and not on: " ++ show t
+uncurry3 f (x, y, z) = f x y z
+posSelector :: Type -> Type -> Bool
+posSelector field res = vars field DS.empty `DS.isSubsetOf` vars res DS.empty
- (consNames, fields) = unzip constructors
+ vars :: Type -> DS.Set String -> DS.Set String
+ vars (AppT l r) = vars l . vars r
+ vars (VarT n) = DS.insert (stringName n)
+ vars (InfixT l _ r) = vars l . vars r
+ vars (UInfixT l _ r) = vars l . vars r
+ vars (ParensT t) = vars t
+ vars (ImplicitParamT _ t) = vars t
+ vars _ = id
+mkDSL :: Name -> [(Name, [(Name, Type)], Type)] -> DecsQ
+mkDSL typeName constructors = sequence [ mkClass, mkPrinter, mkCompiler, mkInterpreter ]
+ where
+ (consNames, fields, types) = unzip3 constructors
+ selectors = [(n, [f | f@(_, ft)<-fs, posSelector ft ty], ty) | (n, fs, ty)<-constructors]
+ (_, sfields, stypes) = unzip3 selectors
mkClass :: DecQ
mkClass = classD (pure []) (className typeName) [PlainTV (mkName "v")] []
- ( map (uncurry mkConstructor) constructors
- ++ concatMap (map mkSelector) fields
- ++ map mkPredicate consNames
+ ( map (uncurry3 mkConstructor) constructors
+ ++ concat (zipWith (\ct fs->map (uncurry $ mkSelector ct) fs) types sfields)
+ ++ zipWith mkPredicate types consNames
v = varT $ mkName "v"
- arrow x y = [t|$x-> $y|]
- mkConstructor :: Name -> [(Name, TypeQ)] -> DecQ
- mkConstructor n fs = sigD (constructorName n) $ foldr arrow resultT $ map (appT v . snd) fs
+ mkConstructor :: Name -> [(Name, Type)] -> Type -> DecQ
+ mkConstructor n fs res = sigD (constructorName n)
+ $ foldr (\x y->[t|$x -> $y|]) [t|$v $(pure res)|]
+ $ map (appT v . pure .snd) fs
- mkSelector :: (Name, TypeQ) -> DecQ
- mkSelector (n, t) = sigD (selectorName n) [t|$resultT -> $v $t|]
- mkPredicate :: Name -> DecQ
- mkPredicate n = sigD (predicateName n) [t|$resultT -> $v Bool|]
+ mkSelector :: Type -> Name -> Type -> DecQ
+ mkSelector res n t = sigD (selectorName n) [t|$v $(pure res) -> $v $(pure t)|]
- resultT :: TypeQ
- resultT = appT v $ foldl appT (conT typeName) $ map (varT . getName) $ typeVars
- where getName (PlainTV name) = name
- getName (KindedTV name _) = name
+ mkPredicate :: Type -> Name -> DecQ
+ mkPredicate res n = sigD (predicateName n) [t|$v $(pure res) -> $v Bool|]
mkPrinter :: DecQ
mkPrinter = instanceD (pure []) [t|$(conT $ className typeName) Printer|]
- $ map (uncurry mkConstructor) constructors
- ++ concatMap (map (mkSelector . fst)) fields
+ $ zipWith mkConstructor consNames fields
+ ++ concatMap (map (mkSelector . fst)) sfields
++ map mkPredicate consNames
pl s = [|printLit $(lift s)|]
- mkConstructor :: Name -> [(Name, TypeQ)] -> DecQ
+ mkConstructor :: Name -> [(Name, Type)] -> DecQ
mkConstructor consName fs = do
fresh <- sequence [newName "f" | _<- fs]
fun (constructorName consName) (map varP fresh) (pcons `appE` pargs fresh)
mkCompiler :: DecQ
mkCompiler = instanceD (pure []) [t|$(conT $ className typeName) Compiler|]
- $ zipWith (uncurry . mkConstructor) [0..] constructors
- ++ concatMap (zipWith mkSelector [0..] . map fst) fields
+ $ zipWith3 mkConstructor [0..] consNames fields
+ ++ concatMap (zipWith mkSelector [0..]. map fst) sfields
++ zipWith mkPredicate [0..] consNames
- mkConstructor :: Integer -> Name -> [(Name, TypeQ)] -> DecQ
+ mkConstructor :: Integer -> Name -> [(Name, Type)] -> DecQ
mkConstructor consNum consName fs = do
fresh <- sequence [newName "f" | _<-fs]
fun (constructorName consName) (map varP fresh)
mkInterpreter :: DecQ
mkInterpreter = instanceD (pure []) [t|$(conT $ className typeName) Interpreter|]
- $ map (uncurry mkConstructor) constructors
- ++ concatMap (\(cn, fs)->zipWith (mkSelector cn (length fs)) [0..] (map fst fs)) constructors
- ++ map (uncurry mkPredicate) constructors
+ $ zipWith mkConstructor consNames fields
+ ++ concatMap (\(cn, fs, _)->zipWith (mkSelector cn (length fs)) [0..] (map fst fs)) selectors
+ ++ zipWith mkPredicate consNames fields
- mkConstructor :: Name -> [(Name, TypeQ)] -> DecQ
+ mkConstructor :: Name -> [(Name, Type)] -> DecQ
mkConstructor consName fs = do
fresh <- sequence [newName "f" | _<-fs]
fun (constructorName consName) (map varP fresh)
wilds = if length consNames == 1 then [] else
[match wildP (normalB [|fail "Exhausted case"|]) []]
- mkPredicate :: Name -> [(Name, TypeQ)] -> DecQ
+ mkPredicate :: Name -> [(Name, Type)] -> DecQ
mkPredicate n fs = fun (predicateName n) []
$ if length consNames == 1 then [|\_->true|] else
[|\x->x >>= \p->case p of $(conP n [wildP | _<-fs]) -> true; _ -> false|]
e0 :: Expression v => v Int
e0 = lit 2 -. lit 8
-e1 :: (Expression v, Tuple' v) => v (Tuple Char Int)
+e1 :: (Expression v, TupleDSL v) => v (Tuple Char Int)
e1 = tuple (lit 'c') (lit 42)
-e1' :: (Expression v, Tuple' v) => v Char
+e1' :: (Expression v, TupleDSL v) => v Char
e1' = tuplef0' e1
-e1'' :: (Expression v, Tuple' v) => v Int
+e1'' :: (Expression v, TupleDSL v) => v Int
e1'' = tuplef1' e1
-e2 :: (Expression v, TupleR' v) => v (TupleR Char Bool)
+e2 :: (Expression v, TupleRDSL v) => v (TupleR Char Bool)
e2 = tupler (lit 'c') (lit True)
-e3 :: (Expression v, Tuple' v, TupleR' v) => v (TupleR Char (Tuple Int Bool))
+e3 :: (Expression v, TupleDSL v, TupleRDSL v) => v (TupleR Char (Tuple Int Bool))
e3 = tupler (lit 'c') (tuple (lit 42) (lit True))
f0 :: (Expression v, Function () v) => Main (v Int)
:- Main {unmain=sub (lit 2, lit 8)}
-f3 :: (Expression v, Tuple' v, Function (v Int) v) => Main (v (Tuple Int Int))
+f3 :: (Expression v, TupleDSL v, Function (v Int) v) => Main (v (Tuple Int Int))
= fun ( \idfun->(\x->x)
:- Main {unmain=tuple (idfun (lit 42)) (idfun (lit 4)) }
:- Main {unmain=fac (lit 10)}
-f5 :: (List' v, Expression v, Function (v (List Int)) v) => Main (v Int)
+f5 :: (ListDSL v, Expression v, Function (v (List Int)) v) => Main (v Int)
= fun ( \sumf->(\l->[dsl|case l of
Nil -> 0
:- Main {unmain=[dsl|sumf (1 `cons` (2 `cons` (3 `cons` nil)))|]}
-f6 :: (TupleR' v, Expression v, Function (v (TupleR Int Char)) v) => Main (v Int)
+f6 :: (TupleRDSL v, Expression v, Function (v (TupleR Int Char)) v) => Main (v Int)
= fun ( \firstfun->(\l->[dsl|case l of
TupleR {first=f} -> f
:- Main {unmain=ffac (lit 10)}
-f7' :: (DSL v, List' v, Function (v (List Int)) v) => Main (v Int)
+f7' :: (DSL v, ListDSL v, Function (v (List Int)) v) => Main (v Int)
= fun ( \fromto->(
\(from, to)->[dsl|if from > to then nil else from `cons` fromto (from + 1, to)|]