From: Mart Lubbers Date: Mon, 7 Dec 2020 06:18:53 +0000 (+0100) Subject: quick and dirty X-Git-Url:;h=e789e8be05b9d2c65bee5d9a196e708e457f9d95;p=aoc20.git quick and dirty --- diff --git a/7/input b/7/input new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0e60a0a --- /dev/null +++ b/7/input @@ -0,0 +1,594 @@ +shiny purple contain 2 pale blue, 1 wavy fuchsia, 5 pale salmon. +bright gray contain 4 dotted coral. +clear chartreuse contain 3 dark magenta, 3 dull gray, 4 dark silver. +posh maroon contain 5 bright brown, 3 posh brown, 4 clear bronze. +wavy plum contain 2 dull turquoise, 2 dotted yellow, 2 drab silver, 5 wavy violet. +bright plum contain 5 clear silver, 5 striped coral. +light coral contain 3 striped bronze, 1 bright turquoise. +muted coral contain 1 dim blue. +clear tan contain 2 light turquoise, 2 faded fuchsia, 5 posh orange. +light maroon contain 4 dotted purple. +dull orange contain 4 dull gray. +vibrant gold contain 2 striped coral, 3 light beige. +light fuchsia contain 2 striped cyan, 1 light magenta, 2 dim plum. +bright teal contain 2 drab fuchsia, 5 light silver, 1 pale orange. +clear brown contain 3 dull yellow, 3 mirrored violet, 1 plaid tan. +posh brown contain 2 posh purple, 2 pale indigo, 1 wavy green. +dotted violet contain 1 shiny violet, 3 striped crimson. +dark tomato contain 4 pale indigo, 4 dull white, 5 shiny gray, 3 light blue. +drab red contain 1 dotted beige, 1 shiny white, 5 bright teal, 4 drab indigo. +dotted red contain 4 vibrant fuchsia, 5 clear chartreuse. +clear magenta contain 2 striped plum, 3 wavy silver. +vibrant turquoise contain 1 bright purple. +wavy beige contain 2 pale orange, 1 dull olive. +mirrored crimson contain 2 wavy gray, 1 bright gray, 3 posh green, 5 wavy magenta. +dark green contain 1 dotted teal, 5 light lime, 2 mirrored tan. +light salmon contain 1 dull violet, 2 muted chartreuse, 4 clear black, 3 dark plum. +mirrored indigo contain 4 clear beige, 5 posh purple, 5 pale tan. +dim turquoise contain 1 muted cyan. +striped tomato contain 5 shiny olive, 2 dark lime, 2 wavy lavender, 3 striped tan. +striped white contain 3 dark violet, 2 posh green, 2 plaid white. +drab lavender contain 2 light plum, 3 vibrant purple, 4 light turquoise. +muted olive contain 4 clear gold, 1 dim plum, 5 vibrant silver. +posh lime contain 4 vibrant gray, 1 striped magenta, 5 drab tomato, 2 mirrored tomato. +clear aqua contain 4 posh green, 2 dim teal, 1 faded teal, 3 bright aqua. +vibrant aqua contain 4 striped plum, 3 dull gray, 1 muted tomato. +wavy gold contain 1 dotted violet, 2 dim turquoise, 3 light orange. +pale aqua contain 3 muted lavender. +muted plum contain 1 dim silver. +dull olive contain 3 striped fuchsia, 1 vibrant aqua, 2 mirrored black, 1 shiny gray. +faded black contain 4 light purple. +posh fuchsia contain 4 striped black, 1 dark silver, 4 dim beige. +posh cyan contain 1 clear orange, 4 dull plum, 5 clear chartreuse, 5 pale silver. +light tomato contain 2 dotted orange, 2 dotted maroon, 2 dim silver. +clear orange contain 4 pale silver. +dim tan contain 3 posh orange. +striped indigo contain 4 dull plum, 1 clear magenta. +shiny lime contain 2 dull yellow. +light turquoise contain 3 striped lime, 1 striped plum, 5 dim salmon, 5 wavy maroon. +shiny aqua contain 5 dim cyan, 1 bright tomato. +shiny silver contain 3 drab lime, 4 drab green, 2 bright beige, 1 muted gray. +plaid aqua contain 1 dull plum, 5 posh orange, 1 dim indigo. +mirrored silver contain 2 dark white, 2 vibrant yellow, 5 plaid crimson, 1 vibrant orange. +dark black contain 4 wavy salmon. +dim tomato contain 1 clear brown, 2 dark violet. +wavy teal contain 4 pale coral, 4 vibrant lime. +pale brown contain 2 drab salmon, 2 light silver, 2 plaid orange, 1 dull plum. +wavy silver contain 5 clear teal. +striped plum contain 2 light blue, 4 dull gray, 2 wavy lavender. +shiny fuchsia contain 2 muted plum, 3 bright bronze, 5 striped tan. +muted turquoise contain 2 dark lime, 5 clear orange, 4 clear chartreuse. +posh black contain 2 posh tomato, 5 posh red. +muted cyan contain 1 drab bronze, 4 pale silver, 4 dotted brown. +dark violet contain 5 wavy gray, 5 dark white, 2 mirrored teal. +drab orange contain 3 vibrant purple, 2 clear indigo, 4 clear gold, 2 striped tomato. +light aqua contain 5 light plum, 5 clear gold. +plaid green contain 4 dim teal, 5 striped lavender, 1 mirrored yellow, 3 bright beige. +mirrored chartreuse contain 4 faded crimson, 3 dim salmon. +faded turquoise contain 1 dim tomato, 3 clear violet, 3 bright tan, 4 posh bronze. +pale crimson contain 1 drab tomato, 5 striped purple, 2 wavy brown, 3 dotted white. +posh aqua contain 5 mirrored plum. +striped fuchsia contain 1 mirrored yellow, 5 faded black. +clear green contain 4 drab teal, 1 shiny orange, 5 muted salmon, 4 dark magenta. +bright white contain 2 shiny green, 2 muted turquoise, 5 striped plum, 5 vibrant aqua. +dark bronze contain 4 shiny purple. +pale lime contain 4 dotted aqua, 5 wavy silver. +posh turquoise contain 2 muted beige, 5 light coral, 2 posh purple, 5 striped gold. +drab indigo contain 2 shiny magenta, 2 vibrant yellow. +striped violet contain 4 muted magenta, 5 bright green, 1 light lavender. +dull black contain 5 dull orange, 5 light magenta, 1 dull brown. +clear cyan contain 5 dull fuchsia. +dim lavender contain 4 clear teal, 5 striped magenta, 5 mirrored violet, 3 dotted magenta. +mirrored teal contain 1 vibrant yellow, 1 dim plum, 1 drab fuchsia, 1 shiny yellow. +dotted yellow contain 4 clear coral, 3 pale chartreuse. +light plum contain 5 light blue, 1 wavy brown. +faded crimson contain 2 posh aqua. +dull crimson contain 4 muted lavender, 1 dark lime, 3 clear indigo, 5 wavy teal. +pale olive contain 1 plaid beige, 2 dark cyan, 3 mirrored blue, 5 dull lime. +dull silver contain 1 faded purple. +faded blue contain 4 dull olive, 1 wavy maroon, 1 muted turquoise, 5 mirrored violet. +shiny beige contain 1 wavy brown, 5 muted magenta, 1 clear yellow, 3 muted salmon. +bright beige contain 4 posh cyan. +dim indigo contain 1 light plum, 1 drab olive. +wavy violet contain 3 light lavender, 3 pale salmon, 2 pale blue, 5 vibrant white. +faded red contain 1 clear yellow, 4 dotted maroon, 4 wavy aqua, 4 bright teal. +mirrored red contain 4 bright maroon. +drab maroon contain 2 dim beige, 5 drab tomato, 2 clear coral. +bright maroon contain 2 dull gray. +shiny lavender contain 1 dark orange. +mirrored beige contain 5 pale white, 1 posh plum. +muted black contain 3 light lavender, 1 striped tomato, 2 posh green. +vibrant coral contain 4 shiny red. +muted bronze contain 2 dotted turquoise. +drab blue contain 3 mirrored purple, 4 clear bronze. +shiny salmon contain 4 dim beige, 2 faded plum. +dull tomato contain 3 dark chartreuse, 5 muted chartreuse, 3 mirrored purple. +vibrant plum contain 1 faded lime, 3 mirrored gold, 4 mirrored aqua. +dark blue contain 3 dull salmon, 1 dim black, 1 wavy gray, 3 muted aqua. +posh beige contain 4 light lime, 5 pale crimson, 4 clear lavender, 2 dotted chartreuse. +dark indigo contain 5 wavy salmon. +drab turquoise contain 5 muted red. +drab silver contain 3 plaid white, 3 clear brown. +clear indigo contain 4 wavy gray, 5 dim plum. +dotted cyan contain 4 striped lime, 2 bright tomato. +faded gray contain 1 dim maroon, 4 muted brown, 2 clear plum, 1 plaid olive. +dotted turquoise contain 1 mirrored purple, 2 striped salmon. +pale tan contain 4 pale orange. +clear tomato contain 4 clear turquoise, 1 bright tan, 2 shiny coral, 3 posh crimson. +dark orange contain 4 vibrant yellow, 5 vibrant lavender. +striped cyan contain 3 vibrant yellow, 5 dull tomato, 4 dotted black, 5 striped plum. +drab black contain 3 muted salmon, 5 faded cyan. +mirrored green contain 2 dark brown, 2 shiny gold, 1 clear plum, 5 faded teal. +dotted orange contain 5 wavy brown. +vibrant magenta contain 5 muted tomato. +light indigo contain 4 light olive, 1 dull maroon. +dotted black contain 1 posh orange, 4 pale silver, 4 clear plum, 1 dotted white. +vibrant lime contain 5 light teal, 2 wavy lime. +faded yellow contain 1 faded black, 3 wavy fuchsia, 4 light olive, 3 wavy indigo. +dim chartreuse contain 2 bright gray. +mirrored lime contain 1 bright teal, 5 mirrored teal, 3 muted lavender. +muted brown contain 4 plaid aqua. +shiny red contain 1 clear orange. +drab magenta contain 2 light lavender, 4 shiny chartreuse, 3 wavy violet. +vibrant tomato contain 5 pale violet, 3 clear purple, 2 light red. +mirrored plum contain 1 dim white, 1 striped lavender. +dark beige contain 3 wavy gray. +dim plum contain 5 mirrored yellow, 4 posh cyan. +faded purple contain 3 posh purple, 5 dull bronze, 1 striped plum. +vibrant olive contain 1 muted chartreuse, 2 striped blue, 1 shiny maroon. +dull cyan contain 2 faded violet, 2 pale olive, 3 dull yellow, 3 drab olive. +wavy magenta contain 5 dull bronze, 1 vibrant cyan, 1 clear plum. +plaid lime contain 1 dull maroon, 1 pale teal, 3 pale orange, 1 shiny teal. +vibrant maroon contain 5 shiny gray, 3 pale salmon. +faded tomato contain 2 pale orange, 5 dim tomato, 5 plaid lavender, 5 pale salmon. +wavy lime contain 2 faded salmon, 3 muted olive, 2 dotted coral. +shiny gold contain 5 drab olive, 4 pale green. +mirrored black contain 1 faded fuchsia, 5 dull yellow. +posh olive contain 5 dull plum, 2 wavy aqua, 5 posh brown. +posh red contain 1 dim salmon, 4 bright gray. +pale purple contain 1 drab indigo, 3 mirrored silver. +dotted coral contain 4 dim indigo, 5 shiny yellow, 3 dim plum, 1 light silver. +dim beige contain 1 dim indigo. +dark coral contain 4 bright lime, 1 muted white, 2 shiny olive. +striped silver contain 3 light white. +drab bronze contain 4 striped tomato, 1 dim coral, 2 clear brown. +vibrant cyan contain 1 muted green, 4 vibrant silver, 4 dotted white, 4 muted magenta. +drab gray contain 3 dim indigo, 2 pale tomato, 1 dark fuchsia. +dull chartreuse contain 5 dark brown, 5 dull blue, 3 bright cyan, 2 plaid indigo. +dim crimson contain 3 wavy turquoise. +posh crimson contain 1 bright silver, 4 dark purple, 1 bright black, 5 dotted salmon. +plaid turquoise contain 1 striped gold. +shiny tomato contain 4 vibrant gold, 5 vibrant teal, 2 vibrant yellow, 1 faded silver. +mirrored white contain 3 plaid crimson. +vibrant tan contain 1 posh red, 1 muted purple, 4 clear teal. +dark lavender contain 3 dull yellow, 5 clear yellow, 5 clear plum, 2 posh orange. +dark purple contain 2 light magenta, 1 clear violet. +muted indigo contain 5 mirrored coral, 1 posh purple. +faded aqua contain 5 faded fuchsia, 2 dark bronze, 4 vibrant white. +dark silver contain no other. +bright black contain 4 dotted fuchsia, 1 light silver, 4 wavy white. +pale teal contain 4 plaid lavender, 3 dim red, 2 vibrant yellow, 2 clear bronze. +drab lime contain 3 dull teal. +shiny yellow contain 1 striped plum, 5 dull plum, 5 dark magenta, 1 vibrant silver. +dull salmon contain 2 dotted magenta, 2 vibrant fuchsia, 1 wavy beige. +muted gray contain 1 drab indigo, 2 vibrant brown. +clear turquoise contain 1 drab silver. +drab white contain 1 posh brown, 2 muted green, 2 vibrant yellow, 2 dotted white. +light silver contain 4 dark silver, 5 faded olive. +plaid coral contain 5 vibrant tomato, 5 striped tan. +light gray contain 4 dark blue, 5 dull violet, 3 striped lime, 3 wavy magenta. +striped maroon contain 2 light coral. +striped green contain 1 shiny teal. +mirrored cyan contain 2 vibrant white. +mirrored fuchsia contain 2 drab blue, 2 wavy beige. +clear yellow contain no other. +faded silver contain 1 muted magenta, 1 mirrored black, 5 light purple. +drab chartreuse contain 4 muted red, 2 plaid lavender. +muted beige contain 4 dark tomato, 2 wavy brown, 1 wavy beige. +pale maroon contain 3 muted tomato, 1 shiny maroon. +pale turquoise contain 4 muted beige, 2 pale beige. +clear olive contain 1 clear yellow, 2 clear chartreuse. +muted tan contain 5 dotted bronze, 1 light green, 2 pale orange, 1 plaid tan. +vibrant fuchsia contain 2 dull bronze, 4 plaid lavender, 3 clear bronze, 3 dull blue. +striped magenta contain 1 mirrored violet, 5 plaid aqua, 5 light plum. +dim gray contain 3 mirrored blue, 2 vibrant crimson, 1 dull gold. +muted purple contain 3 plaid salmon. +drab plum contain 4 dark tomato, 1 muted white, 2 plaid magenta, 5 mirrored blue. +muted white contain 3 light silver, 2 striped magenta, 4 shiny indigo. +shiny cyan contain 4 vibrant fuchsia, 1 striped cyan, 5 pale orange. +pale tomato contain 4 bright maroon, 4 faded chartreuse, 3 shiny black, 2 muted green. +wavy gray contain 4 vibrant silver. +wavy lavender contain 1 dull bronze, 5 dark silver, 5 light blue. +plaid chartreuse contain 4 dotted tan, 1 clear silver, 2 dotted purple, 3 drab green. +faded olive contain no other. +drab aqua contain 1 vibrant indigo, 1 mirrored maroon, 4 pale silver. +dotted chartreuse contain 1 dotted aqua, 3 dark red. +muted crimson contain 3 dull gold, 1 light cyan. +light orange contain 2 drab fuchsia, 2 faded black, 5 faded green. +drab teal contain 1 clear tan, 5 mirrored green. +light chartreuse contain 5 bright tomato, 4 clear coral. +mirrored blue contain 3 dark violet, 2 dim silver, 2 vibrant white, 2 bright gray. +wavy salmon contain 2 muted fuchsia, 5 vibrant lavender, 1 clear teal. +pale black contain 3 dull fuchsia, 5 light indigo, 2 muted aqua. +wavy white contain 1 wavy gray. +dotted indigo contain 3 clear bronze, 1 pale green, 1 faded fuchsia. +wavy tomato contain 2 light black, 2 pale tan. +clear gold contain 4 drab fuchsia. +vibrant green contain 4 clear gray, 4 vibrant lavender, 4 pale beige. +light crimson contain 4 light turquoise. +posh silver contain 4 pale silver. +dotted green contain 3 pale turquoise, 1 wavy coral. +clear coral contain 1 posh purple. +clear fuchsia contain 1 dull teal. +vibrant blue contain 5 faded olive, 1 dotted olive. +dull bronze contain no other. +plaid plum contain 5 light teal, 5 bright fuchsia, 4 dark cyan, 2 striped olive. +muted blue contain 2 bright green, 4 clear teal, 5 dotted blue, 3 shiny brown. +dotted salmon contain 3 dull olive, 3 vibrant gray, 5 mirrored purple. +pale red contain 1 posh bronze, 1 posh plum. +dotted beige contain 5 pale violet, 5 striped bronze. +dark magenta contain no other. +clear red contain 2 faded black, 3 striped lavender. +dim purple contain 2 shiny orange. +shiny teal contain 5 plaid magenta, 2 faded violet. +dull tan contain 5 dark lime, 1 vibrant silver, 4 faded brown, 3 bright brown. +bright yellow contain 2 light green, 4 muted magenta, 5 faded indigo, 3 bright beige. +clear plum contain 5 light purple. +pale beige contain 5 plaid tan, 5 striped plum, 3 muted brown. +vibrant beige contain 5 wavy violet, 5 faded maroon. +shiny plum contain 4 pale blue, 5 dull brown, 5 mirrored black. +plaid gold contain 3 muted magenta, 2 clear yellow, 3 light blue, 1 posh orange. +dull lavender contain 2 bright aqua, 2 plaid plum, 3 dark tomato. +dark salmon contain 3 plaid magenta, 4 bright turquoise. +posh indigo contain 4 vibrant lavender, 2 clear bronze. +dotted tan contain 5 dull gray, 4 wavy green, 4 vibrant bronze. +clear black contain 1 shiny crimson, 3 shiny beige, 4 dotted red. +vibrant indigo contain 2 clear beige, 2 dim salmon. +dark brown contain 3 dim silver. +dim white contain 1 clear gold. +drab fuchsia contain 5 dull bronze, 1 clear chartreuse. +shiny orange contain 5 plaid aqua. +striped gray contain 2 plaid orange. +bright blue contain 5 shiny crimson, 4 dim coral, 2 posh aqua, 2 bright orange. +striped brown contain 5 bright teal, 5 striped blue, 3 plaid brown, 3 drab violet. +dim magenta contain 1 dark white. +posh gray contain 2 mirrored silver, 4 light cyan, 1 posh lime. +mirrored bronze contain 3 plaid brown, 4 wavy lavender, 4 vibrant coral, 5 striped bronze. +light olive contain 3 pale indigo. +clear beige contain 4 striped plum, 1 striped fuchsia. +mirrored coral contain 5 posh maroon, 3 dim yellow. +wavy tan contain 4 dim yellow, 3 plaid beige. +vibrant brown contain 2 dull olive, 5 light blue, 3 light purple. +striped blue contain 3 clear gold, 2 dull gray. +wavy turquoise contain 2 vibrant aqua, 5 clear purple, 5 muted blue, 1 muted black. +plaid teal contain 2 striped magenta. +dim blue contain 3 wavy aqua, 3 plaid salmon. +pale chartreuse contain 1 faded coral. +dark tan contain 1 dim olive, 5 pale violet. +wavy olive contain 3 light tomato, 4 clear salmon. +drab beige contain 5 faded tomato, 3 dotted indigo, 1 posh purple. +vibrant salmon contain 5 bright green, 2 shiny violet, 1 dark fuchsia. +dull gold contain 4 pale maroon. +pale gold contain 4 dull salmon. +clear gray contain 1 clear chartreuse. +clear purple contain 3 clear coral, 3 drab lavender, 3 clear silver. +bright magenta contain 4 posh coral, 2 striped salmon, 5 bright fuchsia. +faded lavender contain 3 drab olive, 5 clear plum, 5 light purple, 1 plaid gold. +dark white contain 1 clear gold. +bright gold contain 2 dotted black, 1 dotted indigo. +dark gold contain 1 dotted fuchsia. +plaid black contain 2 dotted lavender, 1 dim indigo, 1 wavy aqua, 1 pale white. +muted silver contain 3 posh crimson. +bright red contain 3 shiny indigo, 1 clear yellow. +mirrored orange contain 1 dull black, 1 faded gold, 5 muted yellow. +bright chartreuse contain 2 drab gray, 4 dull green, 1 muted plum, 3 mirrored turquoise. +plaid tan contain 4 drab fuchsia. +mirrored tan contain 5 striped salmon, 5 drab crimson. +shiny turquoise contain 2 dark indigo, 1 dotted crimson, 1 pale tomato. +pale magenta contain 3 light yellow, 5 bright turquoise, 5 striped turquoise, 3 dull red. +muted maroon contain 2 plaid orange. +mirrored turquoise contain 3 drab gray. +clear white contain 5 muted turquoise. +striped red contain 2 muted turquoise, 1 wavy cyan, 1 faded chartreuse, 2 mirrored beige. +muted yellow contain 4 dim beige, 2 muted magenta, 3 mirrored aqua, 5 striped brown. +dotted brown contain 3 bright brown, 1 posh purple. +posh gold contain 5 dotted indigo, 4 dull chartreuse. +shiny magenta contain 5 light red, 1 dark lime. +plaid red contain 3 dim maroon, 5 posh magenta, 1 drab coral. +mirrored yellow contain 2 pale silver, 3 dim salmon, 4 bright teal, 2 pale green. +clear lavender contain 1 pale blue. +bright lime contain 2 clear orange. +wavy red contain 2 dull teal, 3 striped fuchsia, 1 dull turquoise. +striped tan contain 5 light black, 4 posh cyan. +light blue contain no other. +muted lavender contain 1 muted tomato, 3 dim tomato, 5 plaid brown, 3 muted olive. +vibrant purple contain 2 muted tomato, 4 vibrant silver, 3 drab olive, 5 dull gray. +plaid indigo contain 3 drab silver, 4 wavy brown, 5 dotted gray, 3 dim silver. +mirrored olive contain 3 dark tan. +wavy cyan contain 4 drab gold, 5 clear teal. +pale indigo contain 2 dull gray. +pale violet contain 4 dull orange. +dim orange contain 3 wavy orange. +pale plum contain 1 dim salmon, 1 posh cyan, 2 vibrant fuchsia. +bright turquoise contain 4 wavy fuchsia, 3 faded crimson, 2 striped lime. +dim cyan contain 4 striped plum, 1 shiny cyan, 3 dotted gold. +dim fuchsia contain 5 shiny cyan. +light tan contain 2 shiny blue, 3 clear beige. +faded green contain 1 bright teal, 3 faded fuchsia, 5 light white. +plaid violet contain 4 muted purple, 4 wavy white. +wavy chartreuse contain 2 vibrant aqua, 2 mirrored black, 2 striped coral, 3 mirrored lime. +dull white contain 3 light plum, 3 vibrant purple, 2 vibrant aqua, 1 bright teal. +dark teal contain 2 plaid aqua, 2 bright blue, 5 dotted coral. +plaid maroon contain 5 shiny green, 4 clear red. +dull purple contain 2 dotted brown, 3 muted tomato, 5 vibrant green, 4 pale plum. +striped aqua contain 1 dark tan, 2 dull turquoise, 4 muted magenta. +shiny chartreuse contain 2 muted bronze, 1 light white, 5 light turquoise. +faded white contain 3 muted red. +striped turquoise contain 2 posh lavender. +bright lavender contain 2 wavy fuchsia, 4 faded purple. +light teal contain 4 mirrored yellow, 3 dull orange, 3 drab green. +muted fuchsia contain 3 clear gold. +faded bronze contain 4 muted green. +striped teal contain 4 muted fuchsia, 3 bright aqua. +plaid gray contain 5 dark lavender, 2 bright crimson, 3 shiny salmon, 5 wavy cyan. +dark red contain 2 striped salmon. +striped purple contain 3 shiny crimson. +pale blue contain 1 drab tan, 3 dark chartreuse, 2 mirrored gold, 3 muted turquoise. +plaid bronze contain 5 dark olive, 5 pale blue, 1 posh red. +muted chartreuse contain 1 posh orange, 5 light purple, 3 drab olive. +muted teal contain 1 faded olive. +plaid cyan contain 4 clear brown, 4 shiny yellow. +dull brown contain 3 plaid tan, 5 muted brown, 4 dull white, 4 pale orange. +wavy orange contain 2 striped gold, 5 drab crimson, 5 muted chartreuse, 1 striped coral. +pale gray contain 3 vibrant gold. +clear crimson contain 1 wavy turquoise, 5 drab white, 3 wavy purple. +wavy brown contain 5 drab fuchsia, 1 dull plum. +dull gray contain 4 clear yellow, 3 vibrant silver. +mirrored aqua contain 2 plaid crimson, 5 plaid white. +vibrant bronze contain 1 shiny gray, 4 pale beige, 1 muted chartreuse, 3 striped cyan. +light magenta contain 3 striped crimson, 5 vibrant bronze, 3 faded gold. +posh green contain 2 faded chartreuse. +light beige contain 4 wavy lavender, 3 light white. +dotted tomato contain 1 plaid violet, 2 striped purple. +faded maroon contain 1 light plum. +posh orange contain 4 pale silver, 5 wavy lavender, 2 faded olive, 5 striped plum. +dull plum contain 3 muted tomato, 5 clear yellow. +plaid blue contain 2 dark indigo. +dotted gold contain 2 shiny plum, 4 clear indigo, 5 dull turquoise, 5 clear teal. +posh salmon contain 2 pale purple, 3 dim chartreuse. +clear bronze contain 3 muted tomato, 1 wavy brown, 4 dim indigo. +dim red contain 2 dim white, 3 vibrant crimson, 1 mirrored violet, 5 striped brown. +posh lavender contain 5 vibrant indigo, 3 plaid olive, 1 striped silver. +dark chartreuse contain 1 clear yellow. +light lavender contain 4 dotted gold, 2 wavy silver, 2 shiny gray, 3 dull yellow. +bright cyan contain 5 dark blue, 3 dim magenta, 5 dark white. +posh white contain 3 pale salmon, 1 wavy tomato. +dim yellow contain 1 dim tomato. +wavy green contain 2 dotted white, 5 posh orange, 5 clear gold, 4 shiny gold. +drab gold contain 1 shiny violet, 5 wavy lavender. +light brown contain 5 wavy purple. +plaid brown contain 2 pale plum. +drab purple contain 5 clear red, 5 drab plum, 2 dark violet, 1 dark lime. +light black contain 2 light plum. +light violet contain 4 posh orange, 5 mirrored cyan. +muted green contain 5 pale orange, 5 dark magenta, 1 drab fuchsia. +drab olive contain 2 dull gray. +shiny brown contain 1 striped teal, 4 light blue, 2 dim coral, 1 plaid brown. +drab tan contain 4 clear gold, 3 mirrored black. +bright fuchsia contain 3 faded blue, 5 striped plum, 4 dark lavender, 4 muted aqua. +shiny tan contain 3 plaid aqua. +striped bronze contain 1 mirrored aqua. +plaid orange contain 5 muted magenta, 4 clear teal. +dull maroon contain 5 vibrant purple, 5 mirrored aqua, 5 wavy red. +vibrant teal contain 1 muted tomato, 1 faded violet. +wavy yellow contain 5 wavy violet, 3 mirrored fuchsia, 1 bright violet. +dull coral contain 5 dark magenta, 3 clear indigo, 1 clear olive, 3 mirrored tomato. +dull aqua contain 1 pale coral, 5 muted green, 2 mirrored fuchsia, 1 vibrant tomato. +vibrant gray contain 4 drab chartreuse, 3 bright brown, 2 vibrant silver. +mirrored magenta contain 1 wavy lavender, 4 vibrant olive, 4 faded indigo, 2 posh green. +dotted crimson contain 4 dull brown, 1 drab fuchsia, 3 pale tomato, 2 dotted orange. +dull lime contain 5 plaid beige. +light green contain 5 posh red, 5 pale blue, 4 striped lavender. +dotted lavender contain 2 muted turquoise, 4 clear purple, 5 dim salmon, 4 clear yellow. +posh purple contain 2 dull white, 2 clear gray, 4 plaid gold. +clear silver contain 5 plaid olive. +striped olive contain 4 striped lavender, 3 muted purple. +plaid lavender contain 2 mirrored yellow, 2 drab crimson, 3 light blue, 3 drab tan. +bright crimson contain 4 drab olive. +shiny crimson contain 2 dim coral, 1 plaid white, 4 wavy brown. +dotted plum contain 4 drab fuchsia. +bright tan contain 5 dark lavender. +muted violet contain 2 drab white. +shiny black contain 4 wavy green, 1 dull white, 2 vibrant cyan. +dull teal contain 5 pale yellow. +dark aqua contain 3 striped tan. +shiny gray contain 2 pale orange, 2 faded olive, 3 dim salmon. +dotted gray contain 5 bright violet, 2 shiny cyan, 3 mirrored yellow. +muted orange contain 3 plaid salmon. +bright orange contain 2 shiny green, 4 dark violet, 5 clear gold, 2 clear yellow. +striped orange contain 1 drab silver, 2 vibrant silver. +posh tomato contain 2 light plum, 2 faded fuchsia, 4 mirrored cyan. +wavy coral contain 4 bright blue, 5 mirrored yellow, 4 drab aqua, 5 pale coral. +wavy maroon contain 4 plaid tan. +faded gold contain 1 shiny gray, 1 light turquoise. +faded salmon contain 5 clear violet, 5 faded black, 1 striped lime, 3 shiny olive. +dark plum contain 5 bright fuchsia, 5 faded green, 3 mirrored blue, 5 pale red. +plaid crimson contain 5 mirrored purple. +dotted lime contain 3 light silver. +bright indigo contain 1 dull coral, 4 faded brown, 3 muted fuchsia, 3 wavy maroon. +posh yellow contain 5 dark indigo, 3 light tan. +pale silver contain no other. +dim salmon contain 3 dull bronze, 3 clear yellow. +bright green contain 3 drab fuchsia. +bright bronze contain 1 clear blue, 1 mirrored white, 4 drab plum. +faded chartreuse contain 2 clear brown, 2 drab coral. +pale fuchsia contain 2 plaid silver. +dim aqua contain 1 striped silver, 3 mirrored tan, 4 dotted violet, 3 dotted black. +drab tomato contain 3 dim chartreuse, 2 mirrored violet. +wavy indigo contain 3 faded plum, 3 bright turquoise. +drab coral contain 2 plaid aqua, 2 dim plum, 3 light plum. +plaid fuchsia contain 1 dark silver, 4 clear gold, 3 dim white, 3 dotted white. +muted lime contain 3 pale silver. +vibrant red contain 4 drab plum, 3 pale yellow, 5 posh cyan, 5 light teal. +plaid purple contain 4 dim green. +dim bronze contain 5 dim salmon, 4 pale white, 5 vibrant cyan. +dotted maroon contain 1 mirrored teal, 3 dark lime, 2 pale yellow. +pale cyan contain 4 dull salmon, 4 bright bronze. +drab crimson contain 4 plaid aqua, 2 dotted coral, 3 muted green, 1 dull white. +faded lime contain 3 posh blue. +pale yellow contain 1 mirrored gold, 3 faded brown, 3 pale silver, 4 light black. +light bronze contain 2 dark purple, 1 faded maroon, 5 faded purple. +dotted white contain 3 vibrant silver, 2 faded olive. +dark maroon contain 2 dull silver, 3 dark blue, 3 drab turquoise, 4 vibrant olive. +dim brown contain 3 faded green, 3 muted tomato. +dull indigo contain 3 faded fuchsia. +plaid olive contain 4 mirrored gold, 4 dim indigo, 2 wavy gray. +wavy blue contain 4 bright purple, 4 vibrant gold, 4 light blue, 4 dotted indigo. +light gold contain 2 dim lime, 2 dim yellow. +shiny maroon contain 5 dull white, 4 shiny red, 2 clear bronze. +light white contain 2 dark magenta. +dark olive contain 5 plaid brown, 3 muted fuchsia, 1 bright orange, 3 dotted red. +drab violet contain 3 posh orange. +striped crimson contain 4 mirrored yellow, 5 light plum. +vibrant orange contain 4 pale silver, 2 plaid orange, 2 posh silver, 4 muted plum. +wavy crimson contain 1 faded olive, 4 vibrant yellow, 5 vibrant white, 3 dotted red. +pale bronze contain 1 mirrored maroon, 5 drab salmon. +dark gray contain 4 dim fuchsia. +light lime contain 5 dull plum, 2 dotted violet, 2 dull turquoise. +shiny blue contain 2 clear coral, 4 vibrant bronze. +dull magenta contain 2 mirrored aqua. +vibrant lavender contain 3 vibrant fuchsia, 3 light red, 2 vibrant cyan. +posh tan contain 5 drab blue, 2 bright magenta, 4 shiny chartreuse. +plaid salmon contain 2 dull violet. +posh bronze contain 2 muted plum, 5 faded fuchsia, 4 bright beige. +posh teal contain 4 drab indigo, 1 posh black, 1 dark crimson, 1 shiny lavender. +striped coral contain 4 dim lime, 3 light plum, 5 dull bronze. +faded plum contain 2 muted magenta, 3 shiny cyan. +striped lime contain 1 vibrant silver, 4 drab fuchsia. +vibrant chartreuse contain 5 dotted olive. +drab green contain 1 drab olive. +pale salmon contain 5 posh purple, 3 plaid tan, 2 vibrant white. +dotted teal contain 1 dull yellow, 2 mirrored tomato, 1 dotted blue, 1 dim olive. +dim black contain 3 posh purple, 5 dotted indigo, 1 faded fuchsia. +faded coral contain 1 dotted white, 4 shiny gray. +striped gold contain 1 posh tomato, 5 vibrant fuchsia, 3 dim chartreuse. +drab yellow contain 5 dark beige, 2 dull gray. +striped lavender contain 1 dark fuchsia, 5 striped magenta, 5 muted green. +faded brown contain 3 posh red, 2 plaid tan. +faded orange contain 3 muted white, 1 plaid beige, 2 clear gray, 2 wavy salmon. +shiny violet contain 3 posh cyan. +bright coral contain 3 plaid silver, 3 light gold. +dim silver contain 5 dim indigo, 3 wavy maroon, 3 mirrored yellow. +muted gold contain 1 vibrant cyan, 3 muted chartreuse, 2 faded olive. +bright silver contain 3 posh aqua. +dotted blue contain 1 striped tan, 5 mirrored teal, 2 dull coral. +dim lime contain 4 striped plum. +light red contain 2 shiny black, 2 posh brown, 2 dotted purple, 3 dim indigo. +plaid yellow contain 4 shiny blue, 1 wavy white, 3 muted beige, 5 posh purple. +dark fuchsia contain 2 bright lime, 4 pale silver. +vibrant black contain 5 dark violet. +bright purple contain 5 striped brown, 3 wavy maroon, 5 drab indigo, 2 bright brown. +pale lavender contain 1 shiny lime, 5 shiny green, 2 bright purple. +dark yellow contain 4 drab lime. +pale white contain 3 shiny beige, 3 mirrored purple, 2 dark silver. +dull green contain 5 clear olive, 2 pale green. +dark crimson contain 4 clear turquoise, 1 wavy aqua, 2 bright tan, 4 mirrored tan. +dim olive contain 2 dark lavender, 4 muted chartreuse, 2 posh purple. +dotted olive contain 2 dull bronze, 1 faded lavender. +light yellow contain 3 posh brown, 4 muted orange. +posh blue contain 4 clear olive, 1 clear teal, 1 pale silver, 4 shiny blue. +drab brown contain 5 light teal, 4 clear magenta, 5 clear olive, 2 striped silver. +clear lime contain 5 drab blue, 5 shiny cyan, 5 shiny red. +shiny coral contain 3 bright orange, 4 bright gray, 4 muted chartreuse, 4 dull salmon. +plaid beige contain 3 mirrored gold, 2 pale tomato. +clear maroon contain 1 striped magenta, 3 shiny violet, 1 wavy magenta. +faded beige contain 4 dotted crimson, 3 dull indigo, 2 mirrored orange, 2 dim white. +pale orange contain 2 clear orange, 3 vibrant aqua. +dull fuchsia contain 1 light plum, 5 dotted white, 4 dotted purple, 2 dim teal. +mirrored gray contain 3 faded white, 4 light olive, 5 muted turquoise. +faded cyan contain 4 shiny plum, 2 pale orange, 5 clear orange, 4 striped fuchsia. +vibrant yellow contain 3 shiny yellow, 2 striped magenta. +dotted fuchsia contain 5 shiny olive, 4 faded olive. +dim teal contain 1 shiny yellow, 3 light purple, 4 mirrored teal. +dull red contain 4 faded purple, 1 drab black. +striped beige contain 1 mirrored salmon, 5 faded purple, 5 clear beige. +mirrored maroon contain 1 dim plum, 3 pale chartreuse, 1 striped tan. +dim green contain 3 plaid olive. +plaid tomato contain 3 drab yellow, 4 vibrant magenta, 2 muted cyan, 1 muted black. +shiny green contain 1 dull tomato, 1 dotted orange. +clear violet contain 1 dark violet. +dull beige contain 1 light beige, 2 muted green, 5 plaid gold. +shiny bronze contain 1 bright violet. +wavy bronze contain 1 plaid lavender. +clear blue contain 2 dark lavender. +pale green contain 3 bright teal, 3 dim lime, 2 vibrant purple, 5 light plum. +posh violet contain 3 plaid beige. +dim maroon contain 5 plaid cyan. +faded tan contain 3 vibrant bronze, 1 drab tomato, 2 dim indigo, 1 bright bronze. +dark turquoise contain 2 pale salmon, 4 muted purple, 2 light olive. +vibrant white contain 1 posh silver, 2 clear olive, 2 bright brown, 3 muted turquoise. +striped salmon contain 2 dotted orange, 4 dotted maroon. +plaid silver contain 2 vibrant purple, 5 dark brown. +muted magenta contain no other. +light cyan contain 5 faded lavender. +bright aqua contain 5 plaid white, 1 striped coral, 4 muted chartreuse, 3 light turquoise. +muted red contain 5 dotted gold. +mirrored lavender contain 1 muted cyan. +drab salmon contain 3 light black, 5 posh lavender, 5 dull aqua, 2 mirrored white. +muted tomato contain no other. +bright salmon contain 5 dim coral, 1 wavy beige, 2 striped gray. +mirrored salmon contain 4 clear purple, 4 dim black. +bright tomato contain 3 dark chartreuse. +vibrant silver contain no other. +wavy purple contain 4 posh silver, 4 pale tan, 3 drab fuchsia, 5 shiny violet. +light purple contain 5 clear yellow, 3 dotted white, 3 pale silver, 1 striped blue. +mirrored tomato contain 3 shiny crimson, 1 muted chartreuse, 1 drab tan, 3 pale tomato. +faded fuchsia contain 1 posh orange, 4 clear chartreuse, 1 dull gray. +mirrored purple contain 4 faded fuchsia, 4 dark magenta, 5 wavy brown. +vibrant violet contain 5 dotted aqua. +vibrant crimson contain 1 dotted maroon, 2 posh silver, 3 clear teal, 3 dim silver. +dull yellow contain 1 clear chartreuse. +clear salmon contain 2 clear red. +shiny olive contain 3 dim indigo, 3 wavy maroon. +bright violet contain 4 dotted red, 1 mirrored green. +dull violet contain 3 bright lime, 4 striped plum, 5 drab crimson, 2 vibrant white. +shiny white contain 3 vibrant aqua, 3 dim teal, 3 dark orange. +dark lime contain 3 muted magenta. +clear teal contain 4 posh cyan, 2 pale silver, 5 plaid aqua, 1 dull yellow. +faded indigo contain 3 plaid crimson. +wavy aqua contain 5 striped black. +muted aqua contain 5 shiny green, 4 mirrored cyan, 2 light silver, 5 striped black. +dotted magenta contain 5 striped plum, 3 shiny red. +faded teal contain 4 dim silver, 3 faded green, 5 drab coral. +posh coral contain 3 plaid olive, 5 striped brown, 2 bright fuchsia, 1 bright tan. +faded magenta contain 3 striped cyan, 1 dim beige. +posh plum contain 4 clear plum, 2 clear teal. +faded violet contain 2 clear beige, 4 shiny red. +dotted bronze contain 4 dim brown. +mirrored gold contain 3 posh cyan, 2 dim silver. +muted salmon contain 1 bright maroon, 3 dark tomato. +dim gold contain 3 posh red, 5 vibrant silver, 4 drab tan. +bright olive contain 3 dim salmon, 5 pale coral, 4 bright tomato. +posh chartreuse contain 4 vibrant white, 2 dull indigo. +wavy fuchsia contain 3 shiny magenta, 4 wavy red, 4 faded gold, 4 posh red. +posh magenta contain 5 light turquoise, 1 dull blue. +dim violet contain 5 shiny gold, 4 plaid aqua, 5 dull violet, 1 clear violet. +plaid white contain 3 muted magenta, 3 plaid aqua, 2 faded black, 2 shiny gold. +dotted silver contain 5 mirrored brown, 5 bright yellow. +mirrored brown contain 4 dim plum. +dull blue contain 1 pale indigo, 2 shiny black, 3 faded lavender. +dim coral contain 2 plaid aqua, 1 dotted orange, 4 striped coral. +mirrored violet contain 2 pale green, 5 dark lavender, 1 faded olive. +dotted purple contain 3 pale indigo. +dull turquoise contain 4 striped magenta, 2 dull gray, 3 shiny indigo. +striped black contain 2 mirrored teal. +shiny indigo contain 3 shiny gray, 2 clear plum. +plaid magenta contain 3 light white. +wavy black contain 2 dull cyan, 3 pale orange, 4 clear magenta. +pale coral contain 1 bright tomato. +drab cyan contain 3 dark chartreuse, 2 dim black, 1 dotted gray. +dark cyan contain 4 bright turquoise, 5 faded cyan, 5 dim salmon. +bright brown contain 4 drab tan, 4 mirrored gold. +striped chartreuse contain 1 wavy silver. +striped yellow contain 3 dim beige, 5 dim coral. +dotted aqua contain 1 mirrored green, 5 shiny maroon. diff --git a/7/one.icl b/7/one.icl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d1b2fba --- /dev/null +++ b/7/one.icl @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +module one + +import StdEnv +import Data.Func +import qualified Data.Map +from Data.Map import :: Map(..), fromList, get, find, keys, foldrWithKey, findWithDefault +import Text + +read :: *File -> [Char] +read f + # (ok, l, f) = freadc f + | not ok = [] + = [l:read f] + +Start w + # (io, w) = stdio w + # bag = fromList (makeBag (read io)) + = (one ['shiny gold'] bag, two bag ['shiny gold']-1) + +one color bag = length $ filter id $ map (canContain bag color) $ filter ((<>)color) $ keys bag +two bag color = 1+sum[n*two bag c\\(n, c)<-findWithDefault [] color bag] + +makeBag :: [Char] -> [([Char], [(Int, [Char])])] +makeBag ls = [(b, mkItem c)\\[b,c]<-map (split [' contain ']) $ split ['.\n'] ls] +where + mkItem :: [Char] -> [(Int, [Char])] + mkItem s = [(toInt (toString x), join [' '] xs)\\[x:xs]<-map (split [' ']) (split [', '] s)] + +canContain bag color name = or [name == color:[canContain bag color child\\(n, child)<-findWithDefault [] name bag]]