Lots of updates
[dotfiles.git] / install.sh
2015-10-27 Mart LubbersLots of updates
2015-09-18 Mart Lubbersfixed install.sh
2015-09-17 Mart LubbersBig updates, ie khal+vdirsyncer
2015-07-14 Mart LubbersMerge branch 'chromebook-arch' of github.com:dopefishh...
2015-07-14 Mart Lubbersinstall
2015-06-19 Mart Lubbersadded newsbeuter and externalized crypto in muttrc
2015-06-06 Mart Lubbersupdates, for vim gitignore, toprc etc
2015-05-26 Mart Lubbersupdate
2015-05-17 Mart Lubbersdisabled systemd-backlight, too slow, manual backlight...
2015-05-15 Mart Lubbersupdate for chromebook
2015-05-11 Mart Lubbersmoved notmuch config to .mutt and updated install.sh
2015-02-16 Mart Lubbersupdate now WITH install script
2014-11-26 Mart Lubbersinitial commit for my new arch installation
2014-11-26 Mart Lubbersupdate mpi dotfiles
2014-09-03 Mart Lubberssome updates, syntax file, xresources font i3 urxvt...
2014-07-17 Mart Lubbersadded .vim
2014-07-17 Mart Lubbersinstall script