camil's comment chp5
[msc-thesis1617.git] / thesis.bib
2017-06-29 Mart LubbersMerge remote-tracking branch 'refs/remotes/origin/master'
2017-06-29 Mart Lubbersprocess rinus' comments chp 1-4
2017-06-26 Mart LubbersFinal comments
2017-06-11 Mart Lubbersadd parametric lens reference and todo
2017-05-23 Mart Lubbersadd relevant research
2017-05-21 Mart Lubbersadd sections about the original mTask
2017-05-15 Mart Lubbersadd cites
2017-05-15 Mart Lubbersprocess notes in first sections
2017-04-08 Mart Lubberssmall update
2017-02-28 Mart Lubbersmoved intro to abstract, added refs, test listing
2017-02-24 Mart Lubbersstarted to write some things and populate the bibtex db
2017-02-02 Mart Lubbersinitial commit