many small updates
[dotfiles.git] / x /
12 days ago Mart Lubbersmany small updates master
2024-07-03 Mart LubbersMerge branch 'master' of
2024-07-01 Mart Lubbersmany many updates
2023-06-01 Mart Lubbersmany small updates
2022-09-08 Mart Lubberslatest greatest additions
2021-11-12 Mart Lubbersmany updates
2021-08-16 Mart Lubbersmailcap, xinit
2021-06-11 Mart Lubbersfix slow starting gtk applications be restructuring...
2021-05-10 Mart Lubbersmusic playpause script
2021-03-22 Mart Lubbersdock and undock scripts
2020-12-02 Mart LubbersMerge branch 'master' of
2020-11-30 Mart LubbersMerge branch 'master' of
2020-09-22 Mart LubbersMerge branch 'master' of
2020-09-22 Mart Lubbersupdates
2020-08-27 Mart Lubbersremove xcompose lame signs
2020-06-16 Mart LubbersMerge branch 'master' of
2020-06-16 Mart Lubbersslstatus, new texlive
2020-04-28 Mart LubbersMerge branch 'master' of
2020-04-17 Mart Lubberstodoman conf, tmux passmenu, texlive 2020
2020-02-17 Mart Lubbersadd presentation modes
2020-02-07 Mart Lubbersadd merge hdmi en update muttrc
2019-11-19 Mart LubbersMerge branch 'master' of
2019-10-03 Mart Lubbersscr
2019-08-05 Mart LubbersMerge branch 'master' of
2019-06-05 Mart LubbersMerge branch 'master' of
2019-06-05 Mart Lubbersvarious updates
2019-04-05 Mart LubbersMerge branch 'master' of
2019-04-04 Mart Lubberslocker not on desktop, svn cleanup
2018-12-17 Mart Lubbersmany updates
2018-11-21 Mart Lubbersfix bar for desktop
2018-11-21 Mart LubbersMerge branch 'master' of
2018-11-16 Mart Lubbersimprove bar with ip addr and battery status
2018-11-15 Mart Lubbersbar
2018-11-15 Mart Lubbersimprove bar
2018-11-11 Mart Lubbersclean, autolock, updated pkg, laptop
2018-10-29 Mart LubbersMerge branch 'master' of
2018-10-16 Mart Lubberscleanup unused stuff and use passmenu from debian
2018-10-16 Mart LubbersUpdate readme and remove non-used dotfiles
2018-10-09 Mart LubbersMerge branch 'master' of
2018-10-09 Mart Lubbersupdates
2018-10-09 Mart Lubbersupdates
2018-09-09 Mart Lubbersxinitrc with wpa_gui, volumecontrol in bar fixed
2018-08-30 Mart Lubbersupdate pkgs, dirs, add trayer for system tray, adapt...
2018-08-21 Mart Lubbersscripts
2018-07-13 Mart LubbersMerge branch 'master' of
2018-07-13 Mart Lubbersadd bar, fix xinitrc, add vdirsyncer to imap and update...
2018-06-29 Mart Lubbersupdates to bar, dwm and compose
2018-06-28 Mart Lubbersfree space in bar
2018-06-26 Mart LubbersSwitch to dwm
2018-05-09 Mart Lubberslatex is not x dependent
2018-05-09 Mart LubbersDiverse improvement
2018-04-17 Mart LubbersMerge branch 'master' of
2018-04-17 Mart Lubbersstuff
2018-04-15 Mart Lubbersstarted with tmux and st
2018-01-12 Mart LubbersMerge branch 'master' of
2017-12-03 Mart Lubbersremove proxy, add transparency, add compton
2017-09-25 Mart LubbersVolume migration to pulsaudio
2017-09-25 Mart Lubberstlmgr is now separate in itex repo
2017-08-16 Mart Lubbersupdate path for zotero, generalize i3status, add urls...
2017-06-21 Mart Lubbersupdate pdflatexi
2017-06-21 Mart Lubbersadd interactive latex scripts
2017-06-17 Mart LubbersMerge branch 'master' of
2017-06-17 Mart Lubbersupdate plugins add vimtex
2017-06-11 Mart Lubbersfix mutt for archlinux, add tlmgr update
2017-06-07 Mart LubbersMerge branch 'master' of
2017-06-07 Mart Lubberscloogle https
2017-06-04 Mart Lubbersreenable sidebar merge
2017-06-04 Mart Lubbersupdate spelling,, scr, new mailserver etc etc
2017-05-22 Mart Lubbersadd dunst and various updates
2017-05-12 Mart LubbersMerge branch 'master' of
2017-05-12 Mart Lubbersadd cloogle client
2017-04-12 Mart LubbersMerge branch 'master' of
2017-04-12 Mart Lubbersupdate bashrc
2017-04-12 Mart LubbersMerge branch 'master' of
2017-04-12 Mart Lubbersupdate submodules, several small changes
2016-11-13 Mart Lubbersupdate XCompose so that it also loads system language...
2016-11-11 Mart Lubbersupdate vimperator and i3
2016-11-08 Mart Lubbersxcompose
2016-11-08 Mart LubbersAdd greek letters to compose
2016-10-27 Mart Lubbersupdate latest submodules
2016-10-21 Mart Lubbersvarious updates for new installation
2016-10-11 Mart LubbersMerge branch 'master' of
2016-10-11 Mart Lubberscom
2016-09-21 Mart Lubbersupdate
2016-09-21 Mart Lubbersi3 fixes
2016-09-21 Mart Lubbersupdate i3 and lockscreen
2016-09-12 Mart Lubberspush
2016-09-08 Mart Lubberslaptop stuff
2016-08-20 Mart LubbersMerge branch 'master' into laptop
2016-08-20 Mart LubbersMerge branch 'laptop' of
2016-08-20 Mart Lubbersminimized some stuff
2016-08-18 Mart Lubbersemail updates, calendar uni added, mailcap update,...
2016-07-20 Mart Lubbersmerge
2016-07-20 Mart Lubbersadded directories, todoman and mpd
2016-07-19 Mart Lubbersupdates
2016-06-28 Mart Lubbersbetter screenshots and spl
2016-06-20 Mart Lubbersupdate scr script
2016-06-20 Mart Lubbersupdate screenshot and i3
2016-06-03 Mart Lubbersupdate network script with ntp and i3 switch to alsa
2016-05-31 Mart Lubbersupdate url matching, add vim-spl plugin, update lock...