2015-11-29 Mart Lubberstry for 3b
2015-11-26 Mart Lubbers2 solved
2015-11-24 Mart Lubbersupdate for a2e1
2015-11-23 Mart Lubbersstarted with a2
2015-11-10 Mart Lubbersstarted with a2
2015-10-30 Mart Lubbersfinal commit
2015-10-29 Mart Lubbersupdate
2015-10-27 Mart Lubbersupdate README typo
2015-10-26 Mart Lubbersremove typo
2015-10-26 Mart Lubbersupdate, now final
2015-10-26 Mart Lubbersfinal bijna
2015-10-26 Mart Lubbersupdate
2015-10-26 Mart Lubbersupdate requirements
2015-10-26 Mart Lubbersupdate with dynamic solution for problem 1
2015-10-26 Mart Lubberstypo readme
2015-10-26 Mart Lubbersinitial commit, transfer from own repo