2016-04-28 pimjagerFinished algorithm U
2016-04-28 pimjagerStart of algorithm U
2016-04-25 pimjagerinfer voor expressions afgemaakt
2016-04-23 Mart Lubbersmeer
2016-04-23 Mart LubbersliftT toegevoegd
2016-04-22 Mart LubbersMerge branch 'master' of
2016-04-22 Mart Lubberssanity checks
2016-04-22 pimjagerAdded op1Type function
2016-04-22 pimjagerAdded op2type function
2016-04-22 Mart LubbersHIGHER ORDER FUNCTIONS!!!!!1!11!!1one!1eleven
2016-04-22 pimjagerMerge branch 'generation'
2016-04-22 pimjagerontwerpbesluiten aagepast
2016-04-22 Mart Lubbershoi
2016-04-20 Mart Lubberssmall update, inference
2016-04-15 Mart Lubbersstarted with new typechecker
2016-04-15 Mart LubbersRWS done
2016-04-15 Mart Lubbersrwst done, rws to go
2016-04-14 Mart Lubberst push origni msatMerge branch 'master' of
2016-04-14 Mart Lubbersupdate gitignore
2016-04-14 pimjagerMerge branch 'master' of
2016-04-14 pimjagerPresentationf inished
2016-04-14 Mart Lubbersrwst
2016-04-14 pimjagerMerge branch 'master' of
2016-04-14 pimjagerPresentation
2016-04-14 Mart LubbersMerge branch 'master' of
2016-04-14 Mart Lubbershoi
2016-04-14 pimjagerMerge branch 'master' of
2016-04-14 pimjagerworking on presentation
2016-04-14 Mart Lubbershoi'
2016-04-14 pimjagerMerge branch 'master' of
2016-04-14 Mart Lubbershoi
2016-04-14 pimjagerPresentation
2016-04-14 Mart Lubbershi
2016-04-14 Mart Lubbers added argument mismatch
2016-04-14 Mart Lubberssmall update so that retyping works
2016-04-13 Mart Lubbersupdate
2016-04-13 Mart Lubbers-
2016-04-13 Mart Lubbersadded type to sem.icl =/=
2016-04-13 Mart LubbersMerge branch 'mastert push ' of
2016-04-13 Mart Lubbers.
2016-04-13 pimjagerMerge branch 'master' of
2016-04-13 pimjagerOntwerpbesluit toegevoegd dat functies pas na decla...
2016-04-13 Mart LubbersMerge branch 'master' of
2016-04-13 Mart Lubbers.
2016-04-13 pimjagerAdded examples from markus
2016-04-13 pimjagerChecking assignments
2016-04-13 Mart Lubbers update'
2016-04-13 pimjagerMerge branch 'master' of
2016-04-13 pimjagerFunction parameters
2016-04-13 Mart LubbersMerge branch 'master' of
2016-04-13 Mart Lubbersa
2016-04-13 pimjagerLalalala statements
2016-04-13 pimjagersmall cleanup
2016-04-13 pimjagerMerge branch 'master' of
2016-04-13 pimjagerWorking on statement checking
2016-04-13 Mart Lubberst push origin masterMerge branch 'master' of github...
2016-04-13 Mart Lubbersoops, eerste presentatie weggegooid
2016-04-13 pimjagerAdded function type inference
2016-04-13 pimjagerWorking on statements
2016-04-13 pimjagerMerge branch 'master' of
2016-04-13 pimjagerCheckIf statements
2016-04-13 Mart Lubbersadd printing for ast
2016-04-13 pimjagerAll expression can now be typed.
2016-04-13 Mart LubbersMerge branch 'master' of
2016-04-13 Mart Lubbersyay, binary ops
2016-04-13 pimjagerworking on tuping function application
2016-04-13 pimjagerUndeclared error en untested function typing
2016-04-13 pimjagerWOOPWOOP expressies typen, behalve func
2016-04-13 Mart Lubbersreplace ding in map'
2016-04-13 pimjagerWorking on lists
2016-04-13 pimjagerMerge branch 'master' of
2016-04-13 Mart Lubbersupdate help'
2016-04-13 pimjagerlala working on lists
2016-04-13 pimjagerMerge branch 'master' of
2016-04-13 Mart Lubbersprint gamma jowww
2016-04-13 pimjagerbla working on lists
2016-04-13 pimjagerpolymorf emptylist
2016-04-12 pimjagerAdded some expression typechecking
2016-04-12 pimjagerMerge branch 'EnvMonad'
2016-04-12 pimjagerMonadTransformers work
2016-04-12 pimjagerWorking Monad transformer except for Clean not finding...
2016-04-12 Mart Lubbersbetere gamma
2016-04-12 Mart Lubbersrevent
2016-04-12 pimjagerMeer falende monads
2016-04-12 pimjagerBroken monads
2016-04-12 pimjagerop2
2016-04-10 Mart Lubberssmall update
2016-04-10 Mart Lubbersadd type of vardecl expr to gamma
2016-04-08 Mart Lubbersadded some type checking stuff. vardecl now works for...
2016-04-07 Mart Lubberseither binds ftw
2016-04-07 pimjagerSem
2016-04-07 Mart LubbersMerge branch 'master' of
2016-04-07 Mart LubbersBAM
2016-04-07 pimjagerMerge branch 'master' of
2016-04-07 pimjagerOntwerpbesluitendocumentje toegevoegd
2016-04-07 pimjagergrammatica aangepast aan leipe nieuwe functietypes
2016-04-07 Mart Lubbersmergo
2016-04-07 Mart Lubbersstart with sem
2016-04-07 pimjagerParser aangepast naar leipe arrowtypes zonder arity
2016-04-07 Mart Lubberssem update'