add dynamics
[cloogle-irc.git] / cloogle.icl
1 module cloogle
3 import Cloogle
4 import GenPrint
5 import StdEnv
7 import Data.Functor
8 import Data.Maybe
9 import Data.Either
10 from Data.Func import $, mapSt
11 from Text import class Text(..), instance Text String, instance + String
13 import Text.JSON
15 import Text.URI
17 import Control.Applicative
18 import qualified Control.Monad as CM
19 import qualified Data.Map as DM
20 from Control.Monad import class Monad, instance Monad Maybe
21 from Text.Encodings.UrlEncoding import urlEncode
22 import Internet.HTTP
23 import Data.Error
24 import Data.List
25 import Data.Functor
26 import Data.Tuple
28 import TCPIP
29 import IRC
30 import IRCBot
32 TIMEOUT :== Just 10000
33 SERVER :== ""
35 doRequest :: HTTPRequest *World -> *(MaybeErrorString HTTPResponse, *World)
36 doRequest req w
37 # (ip,w) = lookupIPAddress server_name w
38 | isNothing ip
39 = (Error $ "DNS lookup for " + server_name + " failed.", w)
40 # (Just ip) = ip
41 # (rpt,chan,w) = connectTCP_MT TIMEOUT (ip, req.server_port) w
42 | rpt == TR_Expired
43 = (Error $ "Connection to " + toString ip + " timed out.", w)
44 | rpt == TR_NoSuccess
45 = (Error $ "Could not connect to " + server_name + ".", w)
46 # (Just {sChannel,rChannel}) = chan
47 # (rpt,i,sChannel,w) = send_MT TIMEOUT (toByteSeq req) sChannel w
48 | rpt <> TR_Success
49 = (Error $ "Could not send request to " + server_name + ".", w)
50 # (rpt,resp,rChannel,w) = receive_MT TIMEOUT rChannel w
51 | rpt <> TR_Success
52 = (Error $ "Did not receive a reply from " + server_name + ".", w)
53 # resp = 'CM'.join $ parseResponse <$> toString <$> resp
54 | isNothing resp
55 # w = closeChannel sChannel (closeRChannel rChannel w)
56 = (Error $ "Server did not respond with HTTP.", w)
57 # (resp,rChannel,w) = receiveRest (fromJust resp) rChannel w
58 # w = closeChannel sChannel (closeRChannel rChannel w)
59 = (resp,w)
60 where
61 server_name = req.server_name
62 receiveRest resp chan w
63 # cl = lookup "Content-Length" resp.HTTPResponse.rsp_headers
64 | isNothing cl
65 = (Ok resp, chan, w)
66 | size resp.rsp_data >= toInt (fromJust cl)
67 = (Ok resp, chan, w)
68 # (rpt,newresp,chan,w) = receive_MT TIMEOUT chan w
69 | rpt <> TR_Success
70 = (Error $ server_name + " hung up during transmission.", chan, w)
71 = receiveRest {resp & rsp_data=resp.rsp_data + toString (fromJust newresp)} chan w
73 import StdMisc
74 import StdDebug
76 doRequestL :: HTTPRequest Int *World -> *(MaybeErrorString HTTPResponse, *World)
77 doRequestL req 0 w = (Error "Maximal redirect number exceeded", w)
78 doRequestL req maxRedirects w
79 | not (trace_tn $ toString req) = undef
80 # (er, w) = doRequest req w
81 | isError er = (er, w)
82 # resp = fromOk er
83 | isMember resp.HTTPResponse.rsp_code [301, 302, 303, 307, 308]
84 = case lookup "Location" resp.HTTPResponse.rsp_headers of
85 Nothing = (Error $ "Redirect given but no Location header", w)
86 Just loc = case parseURI loc of
87 Nothing = (Error $ "Redirect URI couldn't be parsed", w)
88 Just uri = doRequestL {req
89 & server_name = maybe loc id uri.uriRegName
90 , server_port = maybe 80 id uri.uriPort
91 , req_path = uri.uriPath
92 , req_query = maybe "" ((+++) "?") uri.uriQuery
93 } (maxRedirects-1) w
94 = (er, w)
96 shorten :: String *World -> (String, *World)
97 shorten s w
98 # s = if (startsWith "http://" s) s (if (startsWith "https://" s) s ("http://" + s))
99 # data = "type=regular&url="+urlEncode s+"&token=a"
100 # (mer, w) = doRequest
101 { newHTTPRequest
102 & req_method = HTTP_POST
103 , req_path = "/"
104 , server_name = ""
105 , server_port = 80
106 , req_headers = 'DM'.fromList
107 [("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
108 ,("Content-Length", toString $ size data)
109 ,("Accept", "*/*")]
110 , req_data = data} w
111 | isError mer = ("request failed: " + fromError mer, w)
112 # resp = fromOk mer
113 = (resp.rsp_data, w)
115 cloogle :: String *World -> (String, *World)
116 cloogle data w
117 # (mer, w) = doRequestL
118 { newHTTPRequest
119 & req_path = "/api.php"
120 , req_query = "?str=" + urlEncode data
121 , req_headers = 'DM'.fromList [("User-Agent", "cloogle-irc")]
122 , server_name = ""
123 , server_port = 80} 10 w
124 | isError mer = ("request failed: " + fromError mer, w)
125 # resp = fromOk mer
126 = case fromJSON $ fromString resp.HTTPResponse.rsp_data of
127 Nothing = ("couldn't parse json", w)
128 Just clr = ("Results for " + data + " --" +
129 replaceSubString "+" "%20" (urlEncode data) + "\n" +
130 processResults clr, w)
131 where
132 processResults :: Response -> String
133 processResults resp
134 | resp.return > 127 = "Failed: return code: " + toString resp.return + ", " + resp.msg
135 = join "\n" $ map processResult $ take 3
137 processResult :: Result -> String
138 processResult (FunctionResult (br, {func}))
139 = "Function in " +++ br.library +++ ": " +++ br.modul +++ "\n" +++ func
140 processResult (TypeResult (br, {type}))
141 = "Type in " +++ br.library +++ ": " +++ br.modul +++ "\n" +++ limitResults type
142 processResult (ClassResult (br, {class_name,class_funs}))
143 = "Class in " +++ br.library +++ ": " +++ br.modul +++ "\n" +++ class_name +++ " with "
144 +++ toString (length class_funs) +++ " class functions"
145 processResult (ModuleResult (br, _))
146 = "Module in " +++ br.library +++ ": " +++ br.modul
148 limitResults :: String -> String
149 limitResults s
150 # lines = split "\n" s
151 | length lines > 4 = limitResults (join "\n" (take 3 lines) + "\n...")
152 = join "\n" (map maxWidth lines)
154 maxWidth :: String -> String
155 maxWidth s
156 | size s > 80 = subString 0 77 s + "..."
157 = s
160 Start :: *World -> (MaybeErrorString (), *World)
161 Start w = bot ("", 6667) startup shutdown () process w
162 where
163 toPrefix c = {irc_prefix=Nothing,irc_command=Right c}
164 startup = map toPrefix
165 [NICK "clooglebot" Nothing
166 ,USER "cloogle" "cloogle" "cloogle" "Cloogle bot"
167 ,JOIN (CSepList ["#cloogle", "#cleanlang"]) Nothing]
168 shutdown = map toPrefix [QUIT $ Just "Bye"]
170 process :: IRCMessage () *World -> (Maybe [IRCMessage], (), *World)
171 process im s w = case im.irc_command of
172 Left numr = (Just [], (), w)
173 Right cmd = case process` cmd w of
174 (Nothing, w) = (Nothing, (), w)
175 (Just cs, w) = (Just $ map toPrefix cs, (), w)
177 process` :: IRCCommand *World -> (Maybe [IRCCommand], *World)
178 process` (PRIVMSG t m) w
179 | m.[0] == '!'
180 # (msgs, w) = realProcess (split " " $ m % (1, size m)) w
181 = (Just $ map (PRIVMSG t) msgs, w)
182 = (Just [], w)
183 process` (PING t mt) w = (Just [PONG t mt], w)
184 process` _ w = (Just [], w)
186 realProcess :: [String] *World -> ([String], *World)
187 realProcess ["help",x:xs] w = ((case x of
188 "help" =
189 [ "Usage: !help [ARG]"
190 , "Show this help, or the specific help of the argument"]
191 "ping" =
192 [ "Usage: !ping [ARG [ARG ...]]"
193 , "Ping the bot, it will pong the arguments back"]
194 "shorten" =
195 [ "Usage: !shorten URL [URL [URL ...]]"
196 , "Shorten the given urls with the url shortener"]
197 "query" =
198 [ "Usage: !query QUERY"
199 , "Query QUERY in cloogle and return the results"]
200 "restart" =
201 [ "Usage: !restart"
202 , "Restart the bot"]
203 x = ["Unknown command: " +++ x]
204 ), w)
205 realProcess ["help"] w = (
206 ["Type !help cmd for command specific help"
207 ,"available commands: help, ping, shorten, query, restart"], w)
208 realProcess ["ping":xs] w = (["pong " +++ join " " xs], w)
209 realProcess ["shorten":xs] w = case xs of
210 [] = (["shorten requires at least one argument"], w)
211 xs = mapSt shorten xs w
212 realProcess ["query":xs] w = case xs of
213 [] = (["query requires one or more arguments"], w)
214 xs = appFst (split "\n") $ cloogle (join " " xs) w
215 realProcess ["restart"] w = abort "Restarted"
216 realProcess ["restart":_] w = (["restart takes no arguments"], w)
217 realProcess [c:_] w = ([join " " [
218 "Unknown cmd: ", c, ", type !help to get help"]], w)