module cloogleirc import Cloogle import GenPrint import StdEnv import Data.Functor import Data.Maybe import Data.Either from Data.Func import $, mapSt from Text import class Text(..), instance Text String, instance + String import Internet.HTTP import Text.JSON import Text.URI import System.Time import Control.Applicative import qualified Control.Monad as CM import qualified Data.Map as DM from Control.Monad import class Monad, instance Monad Maybe, >>= from Text.Encodings.UrlEncoding import urlEncode import System.CommandLine import Internet.HTTP import Data.Error import Data.List import Data.Functor import Data.Tuple import TCPIP import IRC import IRCBot TIMEOUT :== Just 10000 SERVER :== "" shorten :: String *World -> (String, *World) shorten s w # s = if (startsWith "http://" s) s (if (startsWith "https://" s) s ("http://" + s)) # data = "type=regular&url="+urlEncode s+"&token=a" # (mer, w) = doHTTPRequest { newHTTPRequest & req_method = HTTP_POST , req_path = "/" , server_name = "" , server_port = 80 , req_headers = 'DM'.fromList [("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded") ,("Content-Length", toString $ size data) ,("Accept", "*/*")] , req_data = data} 10000 w | isError mer = ("request failed: " + fromError mer, w) # resp = fromOk mer = (resp.rsp_data, w) cloogle :: String *World -> (String, *World) cloogle data w # (mer, w) = doHTTPRequestL { newHTTPRequest & req_path = "/api.php" , req_query = "?str=" + urlEncode data , req_headers = 'DM'.fromList [("User-Agent", "cloogle-irc")] , server_name = "" , server_port = 80} 10000 10 w | isError mer = ("request failed: " + fromError mer, w) # resp = fromOk mer = case fromJSON $ fromString resp.HTTPResponse.rsp_data of Nothing = ("couldn't parse json", w) Just clr = ("Results for " + data + " --" + replaceSubString "+" "%20" (urlEncode data) + "\n" + processResults clr, w) where processResults :: Response -> String processResults resp | resp.return > 127 = "Failed: return code: " + toString resp.return + ", " + resp.msg = join "\n" $ map processResult $ take 3 processResult :: Result -> String processResult (FunctionResult (br, {func})) = "Function in " +++ br.library +++ ": " +++ br.modul +++ "\n" +++ func processResult (TypeResult (br, {type})) = "Type in " +++ br.library +++ ": " +++ br.modul +++ "\n" +++ limitResults type processResult (ClassResult (br, {class_name,class_funs})) = "Class in " +++ br.library +++ ": " +++ br.modul +++ "\n" +++ class_name +++ " with " +++ toString (length class_funs) +++ " class functions" processResult (ModuleResult (br, _)) = "Module in " +++ br.library +++ ": " +++ br.modul limitResults :: String -> String limitResults s # lines = split "\n" s | length lines > 4 = limitResults (join "\n" (take 3 lines) + "\n...") = join "\n" (map maxWidth lines) maxWidth :: String -> String maxWidth s | size s > 80 = subString 0 77 s + "..." = s :: BotSettings = { bs_nick :: String , bs_nickserv :: Maybe String , bs_autojoin :: [String] , bs_port :: Int , bs_server :: String , bs_strftime :: String } Start :: *World -> (Maybe String, *World) Start w # ([arg0:args], w) = getCommandLine w # (io, w) = stdio w # bs = parseCLI args | isError bs = (Just $ "\n" +++ fromError bs +++ "\n", snd $ fclose io w) # (Ok bs) = bs # (merr, io, w) = bot (bs.bs_server, bs.bs_port) (startup bs) shutdown io (process bs.bs_strftime) w = (merr, snd $ fclose io w) where parseCLI :: [String] -> MaybeErrorString BotSettings parseCLI [] = Ok { bs_nick = "clooglebot" , bs_nickserv = Nothing , bs_autojoin = [] , bs_port = 6667 , bs_server = "" , bs_strftime = "%s" } parseCLI [a:as] | a == "-f" || a == "--strftime" = arg1 "--strftime" as \a c->{c & bs_strftime=a} | a == "-n" || a == "--nick" = arg1 "--nick" as \a c->{c & bs_nick=a} | a == "-ns" || a == "--nickserv" = arg1 "--nickserv" as \a c->{c & bs_nickserv=Just a} | a == "-a" || a == "--autojoin" = arg1 "--autojoin" as \a c->{c & bs_autojoin=c.bs_autojoin ++ [a]} | a == "-p" || a == "--port" = arg1 "--port" as \a c->{c & bs_port=toInt a} | a == "-s" || a == "--server" = arg1 "--server" as \a c->{c & bs_server=a} | a == "-h" || a == "--help" = Error $ join "\n" $ [ "Usage: cloogle [OPTS]" , "Options:" , "\t--strftime/-f FORMAT strftime format used in the output. default: %s\n" , "\t--nick/-n NICKNAME Use the given nickname instead of clooglebot" , "\t--nickserv/-ns PW Identify via the given password with NickServ" , "\t--port/-p PORT Use the given port instead of port 6667" , "\t--server/-s SERVER Use the given server instead of" , "\t--autojoin/-a CHANNEL Add CHANNEL to the autojoin list. This command " , "\t can be called multiple times. Beware that #" , "\t has to be escaped in most shells" ] = Error $ "Unknown option: " +++ a arg1 name [] _ = Error $ name +++ " requires an argument" arg1 name [a:as] f = parseCLI as >>= Ok o f a nickserv pw = PRIVMSG (CSepList ["NickServ"]) $ "IDENTIFY " +++ pw toPrefix c = {irc_prefix=Nothing,irc_command=Right c} startup bs = map toPrefix $ [ NICK bs.bs_nick Nothing , USER "cloogle" "cloogle" "cloogle" "Cloogle bot" ]++ maybe [] (pure o nickserv) bs.bs_nickserv ++ if (isEmpty bs.bs_autojoin) [] [JOIN (CSepList bs.bs_autojoin) Nothing] shutdown = map toPrefix [QUIT $ Just "Bye"] process :: String IRCMessage *File *World -> *(Maybe [IRCMessage], *File, *World) process strf im io w # (io, w) = log strf " (r): " im (io, w) = case im.irc_command of Left numr = (Just [], io, w) Right cmd = case process` im.irc_prefix cmd w of (Nothing, w) = (Nothing, io, w) (Just cs, w) # msgs = map toPrefix cs # (io, w) = foldr (log strf " (s): ") (io, w) msgs = (Just msgs, io, w) log :: String String IRCMessage (*File, *World) -> (*File, *World) log strf pref m (io, w) # (t, w) = localTime w = (io <<< strfTime strf t <<< pref <<< toString m, w) process` :: (Maybe (Either IRCUser String)) IRCCommand *World -> (Maybe [IRCCommand], *World) process` (Just (Left user)) (PRIVMSG t m) w | m == "!restart" = (Nothing, w) | m.[0] == '!' # (msgs, w) = realProcess (split " " $ m % (1, size m)) w = (Just $ map reply msgs, w) = (Just [], w) where reply = case (\(CSepList [t:_]) -> t.[0]) t of '#' -> PRIVMSG t _ -> NOTICE user.irc_nick process` _ (PING t mt) w = (Just [PONG t mt], w) process` _ _ w = (Just [], w) realProcess :: [String] *World -> ([String], *World) realProcess ["help",x:xs] w = ((case x of "help" = [ "Usage: !help [ARG]" , "Show this help, or the specific help of the argument"] "ping" = [ "Usage: !ping [ARG [ARG ...]]" , "Ping the bot, it will pong the arguments back"] "shorten" = [ "Usage: !shorten URL [URL [URL ...]]" , "Shorten the given urls with the url shortener"] "query" = [ "Usage: !query QUERY" , "Query QUERY in cloogle and return the results"] "restart" = [ "Usage: !restart" , "Restart the bot"] x = ["Unknown command: " +++ x] ), w) realProcess ["help"] w = ( ["Type !help cmd for command specific help" ,"available commands: help, ping, shorten, query, restart"], w) realProcess ["ping":xs] w = (["pong " +++ join " " xs], w) realProcess ["shorten":xs] w = case xs of [] = (["shorten requires at least one argument"], w) xs = mapSt shorten xs w realProcess ["query":xs] w = case xs of [] = (["query requires one or more arguments"], w) xs = appFst (split "\n") $ cloogle (join " " xs) w realProcess ["restart":_] w = (["restart takes no arguments"], w) realProcess [c:_] w = ([join " " [ "Unknown cmd: ", c, ", type !help to get help"]], w)