[paefcais1617.git] / assignment2 / a.tex
1 %&a
2 \begin{document}
3 \maketitleru[authorstext={Author:},
4 course={Philosophy and Ethics of Computer and Information Sciences}]
5 \section{Grey Hat Cracking Should Be Legalized}\label{sec:grey}
6 In the digital world the notion of property is significantly different than the
7 notion of property in the real world. Property in the digital world can be
8 interchanged, duplicated and changed without physical intervening. This means
9 that property and ownership is much more a matter of trust and regulations than
10 anything of material kind. By this definition the notion of \emph{going
11 equipped} in the digital world is vastly different than in the physical world.
12 One can go \emph{non-equipped} but having the tools within reach and the other
13 way around. There is hardly a concept of distance in the digital world.
15 Grey hat hacking means black hat hacking with good intents. Grey hat hacking is
16 not hacking for the sake of cracking but for the sake of improving the security
17 and notifying the owner of the system. Often this is compared to breaking into
18 a house and informing the owners on how to improve their door locks. However,
19 with the aforementioned notion of property, this is not an analogous issue.
20 Grey hat hacking, as is digital property is built around trust. Moreover, while
21 the actions of a black and grey hat hacker look the same, a grey hat hacker
22 will not misuse the system by for example planting back doors. To notice the
23 difference between black and grey hat one has to know and master the
24 techniques.
26 All of this means that there is an extremely thin line between grey and black
27 hat hacking. Some might even argue that there is no difference. Allowing or
28 even encouraging grey hat hacking leads to the classical slippery slope
29 problem. The confusion arises from the fact that opinions might differ. Imagine
30 a case where medical data has been compromised but the hacker did not look at
31 the data. The stakeholders in the privacy of the data such as patients and
32 doctors might view the deed as black hat. On the other hand, the hacker himself
33 might view the case a grey hat because he informed the administrators and did
34 not touch the data. Especially while the current view on hacking ever so much
35 is changing it very quickly becomes a slippery slope.
37 The best solution at this point in time is in my opinion to tolerate, not
38 actively chasing them, grey hat hackers and keep testing the boundaries using
39 the court of law. In this way true grey hat hackers will possibly be bothered
40 and not punished and true black hat hackers will be punished true the court of
41 law. Society will change and with it the view on hacking. Police forces will
42 have to acquire trained IT professionals to keep up the pace with the black hat
43 hackers.
45 \section{Web Scrapers and Robot Denial Files}
46 The current state of practise for \verb|robots.txt| files is that they are
47 read, parsed and acted upon. However, accessing data that is explicitly denied
48 by the \verb|robots.txt| file is not illegal in the current state of the
49 internet. When information is placed on the web it is known that it is visible
50 for everyone. When you do not want your information to be visible you can place
51 it behind portals in such a way that only authorized visitors can see the
52 content, and thus not robots. Regulating the content access and forcing the
53 regulations requires a fundamental change in the way we view the internet. The
54 internet can not be the anarchistic place anymore and requires laws and control
55 over the content.
57 The current state of the internet does not require such an extension to the
58 \verb|robots.txt| protocol. When you want information not to be seen by other
59 you should not put it online. And if you do want to put it online you can hide
60 behind a digital wall. Therefore I think the change would be bad and would not
61 improve the internet as it is. When for example stores think they are scraped
62 in a bad way (such as taxes, postage etc.) they can just improve their scraping
63 interface. Web store aggregators just want to sell as much as possible and
64 probably want to assist in improving the websites by using dedicated
65 \emph{API}s for example.
67 Changing the internet to facilitate this behaviour has too many bad
68 consequences. All traffic must be monitored to see whether it concerns a robot
69 or a normal user. The openness and freeness of the internet will come to an end
70 and is therefore not desirable.
72 \section{An Immune System for the Internet}
73 This case is very much similar to the first case discussed in
74 Section~\ref{sec:grey}. However, the nature of this discussion point is even
75 more extreme. Patching systems through breaking in can be seen as grey hat
76 hacking. The methods used are bedraggled but the consequences are positive.
77 However, this matter is different from the previous ones in the sense that it
78 proposes to allow such behaviour. This case proposes to encourage breaching
79 systems to patch them.
81 From a purely consequentialists point of view there is nothing wrong with it.
82 The victims machine will be patched and no harm is done besides walking into an
83 already open door. However, from a deontological point of view this is wrong
84 because you have to resort to inherently bad techniques such as breaching into
85 systems and changing systems unauthorized.
87 The same problem as the similar discussion point arises which is the thin line
88 between good and bad. The opinions on what is a well-patched system might
89 change and there might even be a schism in the population on certain patches.
90 Take for example the \emph{phone-home} patch that was introduced in
91 \emph{Windows 7} that adds the similar \emph{phone-home} functionality to the
92 system that is present in the successor \emph{Windows 10}. This functionality
93 allows the system to call back to the servers of \emph{Microsoft} to send
94 information such as statistics. Some user might deliberately ignore this patch
95 because it infringes on their privacy. \emph{Microsoft} on the other hand will
96 probably state that it is necessary to guarantee a good user experience and
97 possibly even to guarantee safety. Obviously this example is arcane and
98 artificial but similar problems may arise.
100 Therefore the solution to this problem is to disallow placing ``good'' malware
101 on systems. Following the same principles as the previous case it might be
102 legal to notify the users in some way of their unpatched systems. But again,
103 this is a very thin line and has to be tested continuously via the court of
104 law.
105 \end{document}