Merge branch 'master' of
[des2015.git] / dsl / runtime / specs / wander.tdsl
1 Acceleration 1000
2 Speed 150
3 Behaviour Wander
4 take control:
5 action:
6 left motor forward
7 right motor forward
8 wait forever
9 Behaviour StayInFieldL
10 take control: Light on left
11 action:
12 turn right 90
13 Behaviour StayInFieldR
14 take control: Light on right
15 action:
16 turn left 90
17 Behaviour StayInFieldB
18 take control: Distance dangerous at back
19 action:
20 wait 750 ms
21 Behaviour Measure
22 take control: Color is Green
23 action:
24 measure
25 Mission stayinfield using Wander Measure StayInFieldL StayInFieldR and stops when Color is Blue