Added outputs in development plan
[des2015.git] / marsrover / document / dev.tex
1 \section{Development Plan}
2 The development plan is written following the spiral software development model
3 in which all requirements are divided into small iterations. Each of the
4 iterations will have an implementation phase, a testing phase, an analysis
5 phase, and a design phase. Furthermore, each of the iterations will have goals
6 and results. The iterations are listed in \autoref{tab:devit}.
7 The deadline of the iterations are listed in \autoref{tab:deadli}.
9 \begin{table}[h!]
10 \centering
11 \begin{tabu} to \linewidth{lX}
12 \toprule
13 Iteration & Description\\
14 \midrule
15 1 & Create a basic DSL for MarsRover's missions to use available
16 sensors and actuators.\\
17 2 & Test the DSL and make it works in MarsRover.\\
18 3 & Create a functionality to use motors for the movement. The actions
19 are drive forward, drive backward, stop, turn left, and turn
20 right.\\
21 4 & Create a functionality to use right sensor, left sensor, and back
22 ultrasone sensor.\\
23 5 & Create a functionality to keep the MarsRover in the planet. This
24 will combine the use of the motors for the movement and the most
25 safety critical sensors.\\
26 6 & Implement a protocol for the communication between two bricks.\\
27 7 & Implement color sensor and create a functionality to find lakes by
28 color.\\
29 8 & Implement front ultrasone sensor and create a functionality to find
30 rocks.\\
31 9 & Implement functionality to avoid rocks.\\
32 10 & Implement measurement motor and create a functionality to measure
33 lakes and rocks.\\
34 11 & Implement left and right touch sensors. Also, create a
35 functionality to push rocks.\\
36 12 & Implement a functionality to be able to perform multiple missions
37 in sequence.\\
38 13 & Implement Gyro sensor and create a functionality to park MarsRover
39 in the corner.\\
40 14 & Implement a functionality to remember where the lakes are after
41 the MarsRover found them.\\
42 15 & Implement a functionality to play a sound for the viewer's
43 notification.\\
44 16 & Implement SLAM functionality and make the MarsRover be able to
45 navigate with the map.\\
46 \bottomrule
47 \end{tabu}
48 \caption{Spiral model iterations}\label{tab:devit}
49 \end{table}
50 \begin{table}[h!]
51 \centering
52 \begin{tabu} to \linewidth{llX}
53 \toprule
54 Deadline & Iterations & General Outputs\\
55 \midrule
56 9 Dec 2015 & Iteration 1--6 & MarsRover is able to wander and does not
57 fall of the planet.\\
58 16 Dec 2015 & Iteration 7--10 & MarsRover is able to find and measure lakes
59 and rocks. MarsRover is also able to avoid rocks.\\
60 23 Dec 2015 & Iteration 11--13 & MarsRover is able to push rocks and park in
61 a garage.\\
62 6 Jan 2016 & Iteration 14--16 & MarsRover is able to play sound and navigate
63 with the map.\\
64 \bottomrule
65 \end{tabu}
66 \caption{Deadlines}\label{tab:deadli}
67 \end{table}