final push
[des2015.git] / marsrover / document / evaluation.tex
1 \section{Development Plan \& Evaluation}
2 \subsection{Development Plan}
3 The development plan is written following the spiral software development model
4 in which all requirements are divided into small iterations. Each of the
5 iterations will have an implementation phase, a testing phase, an analysis
6 phase, and a design phase. Furthermore, each of the iterations will have goals
7 and results. The iterations and their deliverables are listed in
8 \autoref{tab:devit}. The schedule for finishing iterations are listed in
9 \autoref{tab:deadli}. On the 6th of January the must-have should be finished
10 and if they are we try to complete as many iterations as possible.
11 \begin{table}[H]
12 \centering
13 \begin{tabu} to \linewidth{llX}
14 \toprule
15 Deadline & Iterations\\
16 \midrule
17 9 Dec 2015 & 1--2\\
18 16 Dec 2015 & 3--5\\
19 23 Dec 2015 & 6--9\\
20 6 Jan 2015 & 10--11\\
21 13 Jan 2015 & Demo\\
22 \bottomrule
23 \end{tabu}
24 \caption{Deadlines}\label{tab:deadli}
25 \end{table}
26 \begin{table}[H]
27 \centering
28 \begin{tabu} to \linewidth{rlXX}
29 \toprule
30 It. & Req. & Description & Deliverables\\
31 \midrule
32 1 & NR1 & Create a DSL for MarsRover's missions to use available
33 sensors and actuators. & \texttt{TaskDSL.xtext}\\
34 2 & ER3 & Implement diagnostic functions that print on the \emph{LCD}.
35 & A \emph{LCD} class that prints to the \emph{LCD} screen.\\
36 3 & - & Implement functions in the code generation for basic motor the
37 motor actions: forward, backward, measure rock, measure lake and
38 wait. & Code
39 generation for motors\\
40 4 & - & Implement functions in the code generation for communicating
41 the sensors from the slave to the master. & Functions in the master
42 program to read the slave's sensors.\\
43 5 & - & Create functionality for sensor values and determine the
44 treshholds manually. & Code generation for sensors and threshhold
45 constants.\\
46 6 & CR1 & Create functionality to keep the MarsRover in the planet. &
47 A generatable behaviour to stay on the planet.\\
48 7 & MR3 & Create functionality for not bumping into rocks. & A
49 generatable behaviour to not bump into rocks.\\
50 8 & MR1 & Create functionality to find lakes. & A generatable mission
51 to find lakes.\\
52 9 & MR6 & Create functionality to perform missions in sequence. & A
53 generatable main program that performs missions.\\
54 10 & MR2, MR4& Create functionality to find rocks. & A generatable
55 mission to find rocks.\\
56 11 & MR5 & Create functionality to push rocks and detect when the
57 robots is pushing. & A generatable behaviour for pushing.\\
58 12 & MR7 & Create functionality to find the parking space. & A
59 generatable behaviour that can find the parking space.\\
60 13 & MR8, ER1 & Create functionality to map the environment and to
61 localize. & A generatable behaviour that can map while
62 performing.\\
63 14 & ER2 & Create functionality to play sounds. & Add a generatable
64 function for playing sounds.\\
65 15 & NR3, NR4 & Create functionality to calibrate the sensor
66 treshholds. & A generatable function to calibrate the sensors.\\
67 16 & NR5 & Create functionality that when the robot encounters bugs it
68 can restart itself. & Functionality in the main program to do so.\\
69 17 & - & Speed up the behaviour of the robot within safety limits.\\
70 \bottomrule
71 \end{tabu}
72 \caption{Spiral model iterations}\label{tab:devit}
73 \end{table}
75 \subsection{Evaluation}