updated with bibtex'
[des2015.git] / marsrover / document / marsrover.bib
2 @article{brooks_robust_1986,
3 title = {A robust layered control system for a mobile robot},
4 volume = {2},
5 url = {http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpls/abs_all.jsp?arnumber=1087032},
6 number = {1},
7 urldate = {2015-12-16},
8 journal = {Robotics and Automation, IEEE Journal of},
9 author = {Brooks, Rodney},
10 year = {1986},
11 pages = {14--23},
12 file = {01087032.pdf:/home/mart/.zotero/zotero/ofn8ivnf.default/zotero/storage/RRTSK9H5/01087032.pdf:application/pdf}
13 }
15 @misc{lejos_team_lejos_2015,
16 title = {{LeJOS} {EV}3 {API} {Documentation}},
17 url = {http://www.lejos.org/ev3/docs/},
18 urldate = {2015-12-16},
19 author = {LeJOS Team},
20 month = nov,
21 year = {2015}
22 }