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[des2015.git] / mart / ev3 / ex1 / nl / ru / des / explanation.txt
1 This program is developed using Subsumption architecture in LeJos where we define some behaviors in different part of code and load all of them in an arbitrator.
2 Every behaviors have its own condition to apply, this condition is defined in TakeControl method in each of behaviors. For example: the condition in AvoidLowObjectBehavior is if the left/right sensor of the robot is pressed, then this behavior will become active and do the robot movement which is defined in Action method (turn left/right).
3 This robot is able to retrieve user input (button press). We use this for the calibration of the white color line, black color line, and for the distance calibration. In this way, the robot is able to define what is the value of black colour and white color, also the object distance treshold dinamically.
4 In addition, the program can print text as the output which will automatically fit in robot's LCD screen.
5 Furthermore, this robot can play the custom wav files while it is moving. It also makes a sound in some situations, for instance when the light sensor reaches the black line, etc.