update todo
[ker2014-2.git] / report / todo.txt
1 Opdracht 1
2 ==========
3 1.7: Uitleg verschil en overeenkomsten uitkomst AILog en Variable elimination
4 1.8: Dit moet nog helemaal
6 Opdracht 2
7 ==========
8 - The domain and the individual images
9 - The representation of observations, assumables and the causal theory between
10 them in AILog
11 - The style of reasoning employed (abductive, deductive) and what
12 considerations have played a role
13 - The queries used to infer information about individual images
14 - The results of the queries and reflections on their effectiveness and
15 intuitions behind them
16 - General reflections on your model, how appropriate it is for this domain,
17 how effective it is and how would need to proceed if one would like to
18 extend it to large datasets or realistic, real-time operation.
20 Extra
21 ==========
22 Opdracht 1
23 ----------
24 i) how much time did it take you to finish it?
25 ii) if you would have to change aspect of the assignment: what would they be
26 and why?
28 Opdracht 2
29 ----------
30 i) how much time did it take you to finish it?
31 ii) if you would have to change aspect of the assignment: what would they be