Merge pull request #20 from clean-cloogle/gitlab-move
[cloogle-irc.git] / GenIRC.icl
1 implementation module GenIRC
3 import StdEnv
4 import StdGeneric
6 import Data.Either
7 import Data.Func
8 import Data.Functor
9 import Data.Maybe
10 import Data.Tuple
11 import Text
13 import IRC
15 pOne [] = (Left "Expected an argument", [])
16 pOne [a:as] = (Right a, as)
18 generic gIRCParse a :: [String] -> (Either Error a, [String])
19 gIRCParse{|UNIT|} a = (Right UNIT, a)
20 gIRCParse{|String|} as = pOne as
21 gIRCParse{|Int|} as = appFst (fmap toInt) $ pOne as
22 gIRCParse{|EITHER|} lp rp as = case lp as of
23 (Right a, rest) = (Right $ LEFT a, rest)
24 (Left e1, _) = case rp as of
25 (Right a, rest) = (Right $ RIGHT a, rest)
26 (Left e2, _) = (Left $ e2, [])
27 gIRCParse{|OBJECT|} p as = appFst (fmap OBJECT) $ p as
28 gIRCParse{|CONS of d|} p []
29 = (Left $ concat ["Expected a cmd constructor: ", d.gcd_name], [])
30 gIRCParse{|CONS of d|} p [a:as]
31 | a <> d.gcd_name = (Left $ concat [
32 "Wrong constructor. expected: ", d.gcd_name, ", got: ", a], [])
33 = case p as of
34 (Right a, rest) = (Right $ CONS a, rest)
35 (Left e, _) = (Left e, [])
36 gIRCParse{|PAIR|} pl pr as = case pl as of
37 (Right a1, rest) = case pr rest of
38 (Right a2, rest) = (Right $ PAIR a1 a2, rest)
39 (Left e, _) = (Left e, [])
40 (Left e, _) = (Left e, [])
41 gIRCParse{|[]|} pl as = case pl as of
42 (Right e, rest) = case gIRCParse{|*->*|} pl rest of
43 (Right es, rest) = (Right [e:es], rest)
44 (Left e, _) = (Left e, [])
45 (Left e, _) = (Right [], as)
46 gIRCParse{|Maybe|} pm as
47 = appFst (either (const $ Right Nothing) $ Right o Just) $ pm as
48 gIRCParse{|CSepList|} as = appFst (fmap $ CSepList o split ",") $ pOne as
50 derive gIRCParse (,), IRCCommand
51 derive gIRCPrint (,), IRCCommand
53 generic gIRCPrint a :: a -> [String]
54 gIRCPrint{|UNIT|} _ = []
55 gIRCPrint{|String|} s = if (indexOf " " s == -1) [s] [":"+++s]
56 gIRCPrint{|Int|} i = [toString i]
57 gIRCPrint{|EITHER|} lp rp (LEFT i) = lp i
58 gIRCPrint{|EITHER|} lp rp (RIGHT i) = rp i
59 gIRCPrint{|OBJECT|} lp (OBJECT p) = lp p
60 gIRCPrint{|PAIR|} lp rp (PAIR l r) = lp l ++ rp r
61 gIRCPrint{|CONS of d|} pc (CONS c) = [d.gcd_name:pc c]
62 gIRCPrint{|[]|} pl x = flatten $ map pl x
63 gIRCPrint{|Maybe|} pl m = gIRCPrint{|*->*|} pl $ maybeToList m
64 gIRCPrint{|CSepList|} (CSepList as) = [join "," as]