add requestL
[cloogle-irc.git] / cloogle.icl
1 module cloogle
3 import GenPrint
4 import IRC
5 import StdEnv
7 import Data.Functor
8 import Data.Maybe
9 from Data.Func import $
10 from Text import class Text(..), instance Text String, instance + String
12 import Text.URI
14 import Control.Applicative
15 import qualified Control.Monad as CM
16 import qualified Data.Map as DM
17 from Control.Monad import class Monad, instance Monad Maybe
18 from Text.Encodings.UrlEncoding import urlEncode
19 import Internet.HTTP
20 import Data.Error
21 import Data.List
22 import Data.Functor
23 import Data.Tuple
25 import TCPIP
27 commands :: [String]
28 commands = map toString
29 [NICK "clooglebot"
30 ,USER "cloogle" 0 "Cloogle bot"
31 ,JOIN [("#cloogle", Nothing)]
32 ]
34 TIMEOUT :== Just 10000
35 SERVER :== ""
37 KEY :== "PRIVMSG #cloogle :!"
39 doRequest :: HTTPRequest *World -> *(MaybeErrorString HTTPResponse, *World)
40 doRequest req w
41 # (ip,w) = lookupIPAddress server_name w
42 | isNothing ip
43 = (Error $ "DNS lookup for " + server_name + " failed.", w)
44 # (Just ip) = ip
45 # (rpt,chan,w) = connectTCP_MT TIMEOUT (ip, req.server_port) w
46 | rpt == TR_Expired
47 = (Error $ "Connection to " + toString ip + " timed out.", w)
48 | rpt == TR_NoSuccess
49 = (Error $ "Could not connect to " + server_name + ".", w)
50 # (Just {sChannel,rChannel}) = chan
51 # (rpt,i,sChannel,w) = send_MT TIMEOUT (toByteSeq req) sChannel w
52 | rpt <> TR_Success
53 = (Error $ "Could not send request to " + server_name + ".", w)
54 # (rpt,resp,rChannel,w) = receive_MT TIMEOUT rChannel w
55 | rpt <> TR_Success
56 = (Error $ "Did not receive a reply from " + server_name + ".", w)
57 # resp = 'CM'.join $ parseResponse <$> toString <$> resp
58 | isNothing resp
59 # w = closeChannel sChannel (closeRChannel rChannel w)
60 = (Error $ "Server did not respond with HTTP.", w)
61 # (resp,rChannel,w) = receiveRest (fromJust resp) rChannel w
62 # w = closeChannel sChannel (closeRChannel rChannel w)
63 = (resp,w)
64 where
65 server_name = req.server_name
66 receiveRest resp chan w
67 # cl = lookup "Content-Length" resp.HTTPResponse.rsp_headers
68 | isNothing cl
69 = (Ok resp, chan, w)
70 | size resp.rsp_data >= toInt (fromJust cl)
71 = (Ok resp, chan, w)
72 # (rpt,newresp,chan,w) = receive_MT TIMEOUT chan w
73 | rpt <> TR_Success
74 = (Error $ server_name + " hung up during transmission.", chan, w)
75 = receiveRest {resp & rsp_data=resp.rsp_data + toString (fromJust newresp)} chan w
77 import StdMisc
78 import StdDebug
80 doRequestL :: HTTPRequest Int *World -> *(MaybeErrorString HTTPResponse, *World)
81 doRequestL req 0 w = (Error "Maximal redirect numbe exceeded", w)
82 doRequestL req maxRedirects w
83 | not (trace_tn $ toString req) = undef
84 # (er, w) = doRequest req w
85 | isError er = (er, w)
86 # resp = fromOk er
87 | isMember resp.HTTPResponse.rsp_code [301, 302, 303, 307, 308]
88 = case lookup "Location" resp.HTTPResponse.rsp_headers of
89 Nothing = (Error $ "Redirect given but no Location header", w)
90 Just loc = case parseURI loc of
91 Nothing = (Error $ "Redirect URI couldn't be parsed", w)
92 Just uri = doRequestL {req
93 & server_name = maybe loc id uri.uriRegName
94 , server_port = maybe 80 id uri.uriPort
95 , req_path = uri.uriPath
96 , req_query = maybe "" ((+++) "?") uri.uriQuery
97 } (maxRedirects-1) w
98 = (er, w)
100 shorten :: String *World -> (String, *World)
101 shorten s w
102 # s = if (startsWith "http://" s) s (if (startsWith "https://" s) s ("http://" + s))
103 # data = "type=regular&url="+urlEncode s+"&token=a"
104 # (mer, w) = doRequest
105 { newHTTPRequest
106 & req_method = HTTP_POST
107 , req_path = "/"
108 , server_name = ""
109 , server_port = 80
110 , req_headers = 'DM'.fromList
111 [("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
112 ,("Content-Length", toString $ size data)
113 ,("Accept", "*/*")]
114 , req_data = data} w
115 | isError mer = ("request failed: " + fromError mer, w)
116 # resp = fromOk mer
117 = (resp.rsp_data, w)
119 cloogle :: String *World -> (String, *World)
120 cloogle data w
121 # (mer, w) = doRequestL
122 { newHTTPRequest
123 & req_path = "/api.php"
124 , req_query = "?str=" + urlEncode data
125 , server_name = ""
126 , server_port = 80} 10 w
127 | isError mer = ("request failed: " + fromError mer, w)
128 # resp = fromOk mer
129 = (resp.rsp_data, w)
131 send :: [String] TCP_DuplexChannel *World -> (TCP_DuplexChannel, *World)
132 send [] chan w = (chan, w)
133 send [msg:msgs] {sChannel,rChannel} w
134 # (rpt,i,sChannel,w) = send_MT TIMEOUT (toByteSeq msg) sChannel w
135 | rpt <> TR_Success = abort "Could not send request\n"
136 = send msgs {sChannel=sChannel,rChannel=rChannel} w
138 recv :: TCP_DuplexChannel *World -> (Maybe String, TCP_DuplexChannel, *World)
139 recv {sChannel,rChannel} w
140 # (rpt, resp, rChannel, w) = receive_MT TIMEOUT rChannel w
141 | rpt == TR_Expired = (Nothing, {sChannel=sChannel,rChannel=rChannel}, w)
142 | rpt == TR_NoSuccess || isNothing resp = abort "Halp?\n"
143 = (toString <$> resp, {sChannel=sChannel,rChannel=rChannel}, w)
145 msg :: (String -> IRCCommands)
146 msg = PRIVMSG "#cloogle"
148 process :: *File TCP_DuplexChannel *World -> (*File, TCP_DuplexChannel, *World)
149 process io chan w
150 # (mr, chan, w) = recv chan w
151 | isNothing mr = process io chan w
152 # resp = fromJust mr
153 #! io = io <<< ("Received: " +++ resp +++ "\n")
154 # ind = indexOf KEY resp
155 | ind >= 0
156 # cmd = split " " $ rtrim $ subString (ind + size KEY) (size resp) resp
157 #! io = io <<< ("Received command: " +++ printToString cmd +++ "\n")
158 # (w, toSend) = case cmd of
159 ["stop":_] = (w, Nothing)
160 ["ping":xs] = (w, Just [msg $ "pong " +++ join " " xs])
161 ["query":xs]
162 # (s, w) = cloogle (join " " xs) w
163 = (w, Just [msg s])
164 ["short"] = (w, Just [msg $ "short requires an url argument"])
165 ["short":xs]
166 # (s, w) = shorten (join " " xs) w
167 = (w, Just [msg s])
168 ["help"] = (w, Just
169 [msg "type !help cmd for command specific help"
170 ,msg "available commands: help, ping, query, short"])
171 ["help":c:_] = (w, case c of
172 "help" = Just [msg "help [CMD] - I will print general help or the help of CMD"]
173 "ping" = Just [msg "ping [TXT] - I will reply with pong and the optionar TXT"]
174 "query" = Just [msg "query QUERY - I will send QUERY to cloogle and post the results"]
175 "short" = Just [msg "short URL - I will give the url to shortening service and post back the result"]
176 _ = Just [msg "Unknown command"])
177 [c:_] = (w, Just [msg $ join " " ["unknown command: " , c, ", type !help to get help"]])
178 | isNothing toSend = (io, chan, w)
179 # (chan, w) = send (map toString $ fromJust toSend) chan w
180 = process io chan w
181 | indexOf "PING :" resp >= 0
182 # cmd = rtrim $ subString (indexOf "PING :" resp + size "PING :") (size resp) resp
183 #! io = io <<< (toString $ PONG cmd Nothing) <<< "\n"
184 # (chan, w) = send [toString $ PONG cmd Nothing] chan w
185 = process io chan w
186 = process io chan w
188 Start :: *World -> (String, *World)
189 Start w = cloogle "Monad" w
190 //Start :: *World -> *World
191 //Start w
192 //# (io, w) = stdio w
193 //# (ip, w) = lookupIPAddress SERVER w
194 //| isNothing ip = abort $ "DNS lookup for " +++ SERVER +++ " failed\n"
195 //# (Just ip) = ip
196 //# (rpt,chan,w) = connectTCP_MT TIMEOUT (ip, 6667) w
197 //| rpt == TR_Expired = abort $ "Connection to " +++ SERVER +++ " timed out\n"
198 //| rpt == TR_NoSuccess = abort $ "Could not connect to " +++ SERVER +++ "\n"
199 //# chan = fromJust chan
200 //# (chan, w) = send commands chan w
201 //# (io, chan, w) = process io chan w
202 //# ({sChannel,rChannel}, w) = send [toString $ QUIT Nothing] chan w
203 //# (_, w) = fclose io w
204 //= closeChannel sChannel (closeRChannel rChannel w)