[linuxnijmegen-ssh.git] / truuk.tex
1 \begin{frame}[fragile]
2 \frametitle{Public key authentication}
3 \pause
4 \begin{block}{Nut}
5 Mogelijk geen wachtwoord en veiliger
6 \end{block}
7 \pause
8 \begin{block}{Command line vlag}
9 \lstinline{ssh -i ~/.ssh/keyfile frobnicator@foobarbaz.com}
10 \end{block}
11 \pause
12 \begin{block}{Config file}
13 \lstinline{IdentityFile ~/.ssh/keyfile}
14 \end{block}
15 \end{frame}
17 \begin{frame}[fragile]
18 \frametitle{Public key authentication}
19 \framesubtitle{Genereren van een sleutelpaar}
20 \begin{block}{\$ ssh-keygen}
21 \begin{lstlisting}
22 Generating public/private rsa key pair.
23 Enter file in which to save the key (/home/frobnicator/.ssh/id_rsa):
24 /home/frobnicator/.ssh/github
25 Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
26 Enter same passphrase again:
27 Your identification has been saved in /home/frobnicator/.ssh/github.
28 Your public key has been saved in /home/frobnicator/.ssh/github.pub.
29 The key fingerprint is:
30 92:92:6e:b8:3f:d5:76:e8:1b:73:ed:97:c4:e5:87:ba frobnicator@foobarbaz
31 The key's randomart image is:
32 +--[ RSA 2048]----+
33 | |
34 | |
35 | |
36 | . . .|
37 | o o.S. . + |
38 | o ...+ .. + o|
39 | . o. oo.. .o ..|
40 | o. .+ .. o |
41 | .... .. Eo |
42 +-----------------+
43 \end{lstlisting}
44 \end{block}
45 \end{frame}
47 \begin{frame}[fragile]
48 \frametitle{Public key authentication}
49 \framesubtitle{Installeren van een sleutel}
50 \begin{block}{Publieke sleutel: \textasciitilde/.ssh/github.pub}
51 \begin{lstlisting}
52 ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDBrgcK05XzRRbtmPyXQner5ef8
53 suOAErDvInRDQbl2bjR0PGizL2t5lM9zE+mS0HHigteGLKma1NxVBBeam0CrodJN
54 BcW55x3LR/2fLSujUqcloQNwLUpD5da6eGg9yPo1fEaAOK1ssHGA30o6nmDEZEHy
55 PFgBtPwtDw5TPXPpzslaJx1u7CdeyzqpYsUycxzboy3GBcCsvG4nzD4C9vd0yk5o
56 jlDeECul4mwyg7NuEjltaY89RzrSa8NtqtURyg/JFQW2IVGe+oBXeTL/eQRuo1Nj
57 GhYyPm1VMVM+NvaYQZXxGfLpoDoP2V+deD+gP5DuC8WW4LSGnkHKhDEin0Yl foo
58 @foobarbaz
59 \end{lstlisting}
60 \end{block}
61 \pause
62 \begin{block}{Geheime sleutel: \textasciitilde/.ssh/github}
63 \begin{lstlisting}
65 9RnNnrD2DkJBqoX/Aph2wVZg1y/I8t27C7yPR66xUNyHWG4J+k+q7REhA/K4fvjl
66 NNvNtbc4EeNI+NxaaftH1qo6yBIF5yDwuEYKixeconLCeGl9/exdlyMyXbuuTrU9
67 d5DgKnWxgJPHnDjmwqTeX3A5S34m/qJKK67IF9WqedeHxeMKzMZYcZpcsFxdvHk/
68 ...
69 -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
70 \end{lstlisting}
71 \end{block}
72 \pause
73 \begin{block}{Installeren op de server}
74 De inhoud van het publieke bestand moet in
75 \lstinline{~/.ssh/authorized_keys} komen te staan
76 \end{block}
77 \end{frame}
79 \begin{frame}[fragile]
80 \frametitle{Public key authentication}
81 \begin{block}{\textasciitilde/.ssh/authorized\_keys}
82 \begin{lstlisting}
83 option1="option1value",option2="option2value"...optionn="optionnvalue" ssh-rsa\
84 AAAB4N.....
85 \end{lstlisting}
86 \end{block}
87 \begin{block}{Merk op}
88 alles in \textasciitilde/.ssh/ moet alleen leesbaar zijn voor de user.
89 \lstinline{chmod 600} dus
90 \end{block}
91 \end{frame}
93 \begin{frame}[fragile]
94 \frametitle{X forwarding}
95 \begin{block}{Nut}
96 Grafische programma's draaien op een machine die niet perse binnen
97 handbereik is.
98 \end{block}
99 \pause
100 \begin{block}{Command line vlag}
101 \lstinline{ssh -X frobnicator@foobarbaz.com}
102 \end{block}
103 \pause
104 \begin{block}{Config file}
105 \lstinline{ForwardX11 yes}
106 \end{block}
107 \pause
108 \begin{block}{Caveat}
109 Veiligheid
110 \end{block}
111 \end{frame}
113 \begin{frame}
114 \frametitle{Port forwarding}
115 \begin{block}{Nut}
116 Onversleutelde communicatie versleutelen
117 \end{block}
118 \pause
119 \begin{block}{Command line vlag}
120 \lstinline{ssh -L port:host:hostport frobnicator@foobarbaz.com}\\
121 \lstinline{ssh -R port:host:hostport frobnicator@foobarbaz.com}
122 \end{block}
123 \pause
124 \begin{block}{Config file}
125 \lstinline{LocalForward port host:hostport}\\
126 \lstinline{RemoteForward port host:hostport}
127 \end{block}
128 \end{frame}
130 \begin{frame}
131 \frametitle{Agent forwarding}
132 \begin{block}{Nut}
133 Je SSH cache meenemen naar een andere server
134 \end{block}
135 \pause
136 \begin{block}{Command line vlag}
137 \lstinline{ssh -A frobnicator@foobarbaz.com}
138 \end{block}
139 \pause
140 \begin{block}{Config file}
141 \lstinline{ForwardAgent yes}
142 \end{block}
143 \end{frame}
145 \begin{frame}
146 \frametitle{SOCKS proxy}
147 \begin{block}{Nut}
148 Al je internet verkeer via een \textit{vertrouwde} locatie laten lopen
149 \end{block}
150 \pause
151 \begin{block}{Command line vlag}
152 \lstinline{ssh -D port frobnicator@foobarbaz.com}
153 \end{block}
154 \pause
155 \begin{block}{Config file}
156 \lstinline{DynamicForward port}
157 \end{block}
158 \pause
159 \begin{block}{Instellen in Chromium}
160 \lstinline{chromium --proxy-server="socks5://host:8080" --host-resolver-rules="MAP * , EXCLUDE host"}
161 \end{block}
162 \end{frame}
164 \begin{frame}
165 \frametitle{Instellen in Firefox}
166 Edit - Preferences - Advanced - Network - Settings
167 \includegraphics[width=200px]{./img/firefox_socks.png}
168 \end{frame}
170 \begin{frame}[fragile]
171 \frametitle{Compression}
172 \begin{block}{Nut}
173 Snelheid
174 \end{block}
175 \pause
176 \begin{block}{Command line vlag}
177 \lstinline{ssh -C frobnicator@foobarbaz.com}
178 \end{block}
179 \pause
180 \begin{block}{Config file}
181 \lstinline{Compression yes}
182 \end{block}
183 \end{frame}